Here is my list of concordances/cognates for Mertel. I may have sent you an earlier version, but I've now made lots of additions. I've also copied it to the lutenet - so if you, or anyone, have additions or corrections please let me know. I think Mertel is *the* great collection of preludes and fantasias with so many excellent pieces rather lost in the sheer volume of it - and it is even better to know composers names and concordances for as many of the pieces as is possible. Hortus Musicalis Novus, Fragrantissimis Lectissimisqve Floscvlis, Tum Patriis, Tum Exoticis, Testudine Carpendis Atque Delibandis, Consitus: In cuius hac Parte Prima continentur Praelvdia, Variis Ex Tonis, Plusquam Ducent: Phantasiae item & Fugae complures. In Gratiam Studiosorum, Omnivmque eorum, qui pulcherrimo huius artis exercitio sese oblectare solent, ex optimis quibusq authoribus Germanicis, Italicis, Gallicus, Anglicis, constructus, Opera & industria Eliae Mertelii, Argentoratensis, Academiae Quaestoris. Cum gratia & privilegio Sacrae Caes. Majestatis. Argentorati, Sumptibus ac Typis Authoris, per Antonium Bertramum, ejusdem Academiae Typographum. [Strasbourg] 1615 John H Robinson, February 1995] PRAELUDIA no. concordance/cognate 4 Prelude Perrichon Herbert f.61 i 11 Prelude Perrichon Herbert f.61 ii 19 Toccate J v d H 1614 Schele Ms. p.77 21 Toccata M.Galilei 1620 p.38 cf. Phantasiae et Fugae 1 Mertel 1615 p.131 28 Finale Alberti Dlugor Besard 1603 f.36 [?] Aegidius ff.78v-79 36 cf. 53 53 Prelude Francisque 1600 f.6 cf.36 54 Fantasia 2 Fuhrmann 1615 pp.12-3 58 Prelude a Napoli Schele f.6 71 Praeludia 125 Mertel 1615 p.59 73 Prael Laurenc Besard 1603 f.9 prelude Montbuysson ff.67v-68 78 Prael Bocq Besard 1603 f.6 Prelude Berlin 40143 ff.37v-38 [wta] Cosens f.32 A preludium Mathew 1652 pp.42-3 82 Prelude Basel F.IX.53 ff.27v-28 91 [bar 18 to end] Subplementum folii Fuhrmann 1615 p.10 93 [bars 1-3 only] Preamb Laur Besard 1603 f.7v Preludium Cozens Ms. f.28v-29 prelude Montbuysson Ms. ff.38v-39 99 Prael Laurenc Besard 1603 f.8 A Fancye Cozens Ms. f.31v praeludium Montbuysson Ms. ff.19v-20 104 cf. 132 110 Prael Jac Reys Besard 1603 f.10 125 Praeludia 71 Mertel 1615 p.31 130 Praeludium Mylius 1622 p.16 132 cf. 104 141 cf. Capricio Dolmetsch II.B.1 ff.208v-209 145 145 Praeludium Mylius 1622 p.6 152 [Passaggio] Schele Ms. p.1 ii 159 [bar 1-3] Praeludium Phalese 1545<3>/2 Praeludium Phalese 1547<7>/1 Fantasie Phalese 1549<8>/1 Fantasia [cittern] Kargel 1575<3>/1 166 Praeludium Mylius 1622 p.7 [bar 12 to end] Fantasia Qvinta [last 9 bars] Molinaro 15997/24 168 Passaggio Schele Ms. p.1 i P Berlin Ms.40032 f.52v 177 Passaggio Schele Ms. p.1 iii 194 cf. 200 200 cf. 194 205 Prelude Jacob Herbert Ms.f.2 212 Praeludium Mylius 1622 p.11 214 Praeludia 232 Mertel 1615 pp.127-128 218 Praeludia 231 Mertel 1615 pp.127 222 Praeludium aliud. Mylius 1622 p.15 234 Praeludium Mylius 1622 p.12 PHANTASIAE ET FUGAE 1 first 3 bars (whole piece in the style of M.Galilei) cf. Praeludia 21. Mertel 1615 pp.9-10 Toccata M.Galilei 1620 p.38 Toccada. Mylius 1622 p.24 9 11 Fantasia Basel Ms.F.IX.70 p.41 Recercar undecimo Da Crema 1546<10>/11 Fantasie Phalese 1549<8>/4 Das 6. Preambel Gerle 1552<1>/6 17 [wta] Hirsch Ms. f.13 [wta] [Bandora] CUL Dd.2.11 f.37v Fantasia Fantastria d'Inghilterra ma piena d'ogni soavita Berlin Ms.40032 f.75 Fantasia Herold f.13v-14 parody: Fantasia tertia Hove 1601 p.3v 19 Fantasia Montreal f.51/47v [bars 1-3 only] [untitled] Hirsch Ms. f.67v 23 Prelude Perrichon Herbert Ms. f.31v Fuga Raimondo Ms. f.15v-16 24 A fancy CUL Nn.6.36 f.30 Prelude Perrichon Herbert Ms. f.30 Corrente Francese Raimondo ff.22v-23 27 Fantasia de du Gast Herbert Ms. f.34v 38 [opening bars only] Fandasia Munich Ms.266 f.89 fantasia Nurnberg 33748 ff.78v/80-81 fantasia Thysius ff.156-156v Fantasia 3 Adriansen 1584<6>/3 49 Fantasia Herholder Ms. ff.10v-13 51 A Fancy CK Cosens Ms.f.39-40 cf. A Fancy [up a major 3rd] CUL Dd.2.11 ff. 79v-80 Recercar secundo M Neusidler 1566<3>/16 Fantasia 2 [Melchior] Phalese 1571<6>/26 Fantasia Fabricij Dentici Neapolitani Besard 1603 f.14v 52 VIII Fantasia M[elchior] N[eusidler] Basel Ms.F.IX.70 pp.44-6 55 Fantasia A.D[lugoraj]. 11 Leipzig Ms.II.16.5 p.68-9 56 [wta] Hirsch Ms. f.65 [Kanazawa L3 B2] fantazia Anth Holburn [bandora] CUL Dd.2.11 f.28 [wta] Trumbull Ms. f.1 59 Fantasia Berlin 40032 ff.77v-78/pp.208-9 Fantasia Laurencini Besard 1603 f.13v [Crawford 6] 61 Fantasia Jacob Herbert Ms. f.84 63 Phantasia Polonois Bautzen f.5 64 Fantasia de du Gast Herbert Ms. f.39 66 [model: Sussane un jour] 68 Fantasia di F.Milanese Milano/Perino 1547<2>/5 [Ness 33/App.4] [?] Milano 1562<1>/?, 1563<6>/?, 1566<1>/? FAntasia Francisco de Milan Phalese 1571<6>/14 Fantasia IIII Kargel 1586<5>/4 Phantasia et Fuga 68 Mertel 1615 pp.206-8 Fantasia Mylius 1622/39 pp.35-6 Ricercha di Francesco M. Siena ff.58v-59 .f. Dc.5.125 ff.27v-28v Ricercha Di Fr:/Dj Fo Da milano Cavalcanti ff.71v-72v Fantasia Gregory 8 Leipzig II.6.15 pp.62-3 Phantasia Diomedes Hainhofer Book III f.11v-12v Fantasia di Francesco Milanese Berlin 40032 f.82v cf. A Fancie Cozens ff.37v-38v [Ness App.4] cf. Tyrada Schele pp.100-1 69 A Fancy by Mr Dowlande Cozens Ms. ff.7v-8 [CLMJD 6] [wta] CUL Dd.9.33 ff.43v-44 [wta] CUL Nn.6.36 ff.32v-33 Fantasia 1 Mylius 1622 pp.30-1 Fantasi Lvov Ms.1400 ff.39v-41 70 forlorne Hope fancye Mr Dowland Bach of Musicke CUL Dd.9.33 ff.16v-17 [CLMJD 2] fantasia Lvov Ms.1400 ff.54v-56 Fantasia. Mylius 1622/40 pp.37-8 71 [ends with triple time section reminiscent of John Dowland] 72 [model: Assiste parata, Gombert] 77 A phantazie Board Ms. f.29v [North/Ferabosco L2,B2] [wta] CUL Dd.5.78.3 ff.58v-59 Fantasia Mylius 1622/41 pp.38-9 Alfonso his Fantasie [bandora] BL Add.31392 ff.40v-41 Fantaz Ri Ali [bandora] CUL Dd.2.11 f.28v 79 fantazia CUL Dd.2.11 f.18 ii [untitled] Hirsch f.65v cf. fantasia fran:de melan [up a tone] CUL Dd.2.11 f.16 i [Ness 83] 80 Fantasia CUL Dd.9.33 ff.84v-85 [Kan L2 B?] fantazia An holborne (G) Hirsch Ms. f.64 wta [bandora] CUL Dd.2.11 f.65 81 Fantasia 2 Raphael de Viola Leipzig Ms.II.16.5 83 [theme of Poulton/Dowland 1 and 74] 84 Fantasia Mylius 1622, p.40 85 Fantasia Mylius 1622, p.41 91 Fantasia bellisima Basel Ms.F.IX.70 pp.59-60 96 Fantasia Ortenzio Schele Ms.pp.36-37 104 AD[lugoraj] Fuga 7 Leipzig Ms.II.16.5 111 cf. Fantasia Lorenzino Herbert Ms. f.14v Fantasia Equitis Romani Besard 1603 f.27v Fantasie 2 Composed by the most famous, the Knight of the Lute R Dowland 1610 sig.F1v-F2 112 cf. Fantasia Edinthonij Besard 1603 ff.23v-24 113 Fantasia Diomedes Herbert Ms.f.13v 115 cf. Fantasia de Pollac. 4. Fuhrmann 1615 p.15-16 Fantasia 1 Composed by the most famous Diomedes of Venice: Lutenist to the high and mightie Sigismundus, 2o. King of Poland R Dowland 1610 sig.E2v-F1 /\\\ >- -< John | ~