measure numbering
- you can turn on automatic measure numbering in tab.
- -c prints measure numbers at the beginning of a line
- -C numbers every 5th measure
- -CC numbers every measure
- The program counts every bar line ( b ) as the beginning of a new measure.
It tries to be smart about double barlines and combinations of dots and
If you follow a bar line with an X ( bX ) that barline won't be counted.
- Normally the first bar is numbered 1, but you can change that with the
command $first_bar=5 (where 5 is the number you want for the first bar.)
- The bar numbers are printed with font 1 by default but you can use a different font for the bar lines. 5 is a smaller italic font. $barnumberfont=5
If you do this and want a still smaller font you can make font 5 an 8 point font with the command $alttextsize=8
- the -count_dots option makes dots ( . ) count in the bar count, unless followed by an X ( .X ). Again, the program tries to be smart and just counts dots standing away from barlines.
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