Homework Problem Sets
Homework will be given out each Friday. You must submit your solutions electronically, via file upload on canvas.
Sample solutions will (usually) be posted on Mondays. Where appropriate, we will summarize "common mistakes" found in students' submissions. Our solutions may be quite different from yours and may point out useful insights. For these reasons, please treat all sample solutions as required reading, even if you solved all the homework problems correctly.
- Here is HW1 and here are some sample solutions to it.
- Here is HW2. Here are sample solutions.
- Here is HW3 and some sample solutions.
- Here is HW4 and some sample solutions.
- Here is HW5 and some sample solutions.
- Here is HW6 and sample solutions. From here on, homework sets are accompanied by challenge problems. We will not be providing solutions to these challenge problems.
- Here is HW7 and some sample solutions.
- Finally here is HW8, and sample solutions for it.