CS 30: Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science
Winter 2017 | 10A hour (TTh 10:10-12:00, x-hr W 15:30-16:20) | LSC 200

This page will be updated frequently with current and upcoming topics.

Topics Day-by-Day

1Th Jan 5Sets and relationsSlides
2Tu Jan 10FunctionsSlides
3Th Jan 12Logic and quantifiersSlides
4Tu Jan 17Styles of proof; Counting: sum principleSlides
5Th Jan 19Product and division principles; SubsetsSlides
6Tu Jan 24Binomial coefficients; A taste of mathematical inductionSlides
7Th Jan 26Mathematical induction; Inclusion-Exclusion principleSlides
8Tu Jan 31Probability: sample spaces, eventsSlides
XW Feb 1(Review session for Midterm 1)
9Th Feb 2Conditioning, independenceSlides
10Tu Feb 7Random variables, expectation, linearitySlides
11Th Feb 9Probability distributions, varianceSlides
12Tu Feb 14DeviationsNotes
13Th Feb 16Graphs: (un)directed, degrees, walks, paths, cyclesSlides
14Tu Feb 21Graph connectivity, trees, and the tree theoremSlides, Notes
XW Feb 22 (Review session for Midterm 2)
15Th Feb 23Bipartite graphs, matchings, marriagesSlides
16Tu Feb 28Matchings: Hall's and König's theorems(last time's slides)
17Th Mar 2 Planarity and coloring, Euler's theoremSlides
18Tu Mar 7 The five-color theoremNotes

The syllabus is divided into 18 units, roughly corresponding to the 18 regular classes above. Although not shown in the above plan, X-hours may be used (perhaps frequently) to catch up, as needed.

The Structure of a Class

Each class, except for the 1st and the 18th, will have a three-part structure. The structure of class N is as follows:

  • (about 10 minutes) recap of material from unit N-1;
  • (about 40 minutes) class exercises for unit N-1;
  • (about an hour) lecture on unit N.

The most novel aspect of the course will be the class exercises. These will be homework-like problems, except that you have to present your solutions in class, to your TA. Students will be divided into groups of about 5 students each, and each group will have a TA. Each TA will work with 2 groups. The class exercises should be approached as follows.

  • Each group will be seated at their own station, which will have a large table, enough chairs, a whiteboard, and a TV display that you can connect to your computer. You will present solutions either on the whiteboard or the TV display.
  • There will usually be three problems assigned as class exercises. Begin by discussing solution approaches with the other students in your group. Seek help from your TA if you don't fully understand the exercise problems, or if you are stuck.
  • About 20 minutes in, write out solution sketches and check with your TA that you are on the right track.
  • Make corrections/changes as needed, and finalize your solutions over the next 20 minutes.
  • Your TA will grade your work on each problem as follows. All students in a group will get the same grade.
    • (2 points) You got it right or mostly right.
    • (1 point) You made a good effort but did not get it right.
    • (0 points) You either didn't solve it or made a poor effort.
  • If you are absent for a class, you get 0 points for all class exercise problems for that day.

Exceptions: class 1 will not have any graded class exercises, and unit 18 will not be represented in any class exercises.

Soon after class N, a set of practice problems for unit N will be made available on Canvas. The class exercises for unit N (to be solved during class N+1) will either be drawn from this set of practice problems or will be slight variants of problems from this set. Therefore, if you wish, you can prepare for each class by working on the practice problems in advance, either on your own, or in collaboration with your fellow students.

There is homework associated with every class. The homework for class N will consist of (1) reviewing material by reading the slides or notes posted for class N, and (2) reading related sections (indicated in the slides/notes) from one or both of the textbooks. This homework is due before class N+1. There is nothing to submit and no grade for this homework, but I assume that you will nevertheless do the homework. Accordingly, my lectures will not repeat certain definitions or basics from the textbook. Be warned that not doing the homework will make it very hard to follow along during class N+1.

There is also weekly written homework to be submitted every Monday night. This will consist of about three problems either drawn from or variants/extensions of the previous week's set of practice problems. Each individual student will receive their own grades for the weekly homework.