
Jasper at 11 weeks 10 months

10 months

Jasper is no longer with us. He was killed by a car on September 1, 2000. He pulled a flexi lead out of my hand and ran under the wheels. Beware of a loose grip on your handle, my friends, and never underestimate the determination and chase instincts of a terrier. I have devised a belt loop for the flexi handle so that if I ever drop Annie's leash, she is still tethered to me.

Below is a painting I did as a tribute to Jasper. I hope it shows some of his bright spirit.

Farewell to JasperFarewell to Jasper

Click on the words for a bigger version.

My poem for Jasper


My 11-year-old daughter's poem for Jasper


Some more favorites of Jasper

Looking out the back of my car.

I'll always see this picture as Jasper looking towards the "beyond" where he was soon to go. He liked to sit on the table looking out
the patio doors.

here to see some earlier pictures of Jasper and his little "sister" Annie

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is owned by cindy@cs.dartmouth.edu.

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