NOTE: The Center for Mobile Computing is no longer active, and this web site represents a historical view of its activities from 1996-2008. Although there is still mobile-computing research underway at Dartmouth, we no longer update this web site. Please contact David Kotz with any inquiries about the CMC.

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CMC Faculty

These faculty were involved as of 2007. This information is now outdated.

photo Professor Denise Anthony, Sociology Department, Dartmouth College
Denise Anthony is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at Dartmouth College, and Adjunctt Assistant Professor in the Department of Community and Family Medicine at Dartmouth Medical School. Dr. Anthony's research interests include collective action processes, economic sociology, organizational behavior and the sociology of health care. She studies mechanisms for producing cooperation, trust, and social capital among low-income entrepreneurs in micro-credit borrowing groups. She is now beginning to explore how trust affects communication and security in the digital environment of the Internet. She works with the PKI-Lab and the Center for Mobile Computing to explore the development and use of technology and institutional infrastructure for secure communication within and across wired and wireless computer networks. She is also studying inter-organizational communication between industry and government organizations during the national cyber-exercise, Livewire, sponsored by the Institute for Security and Technology Studies at Dartmouth. In health care, she has studied how organizational incentives and communication networks affect physician.s referral behavior and career satisfaction. In addition, she is exploring institutional change in the health care industry by studying variation in managed care practices across the industry, and variation in hospital utilization norms across regions with differing levels of health care intensity. Prior to her appointment at Dartmouth, Denise was a Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Post-doctoral Scholar at the University of Michigan from 1997-1999. She has a PhD in Sociology (1997) from the University of Connecticut.

photo Professor Andrew Campbell, Computer Science, Dartmouth College
Andrew T. Campbell is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Dartmouth College, having joined Dartmouth in 2005 after several years in the COMET group at Columbia University. Andrew is working on emerging architectures and programmability for wireless networks. He received his PhD in Computer Science in 1996, and the NSF CAREER Award for his research in programmable mobile networking in 1999.

photo Professor George Cybenko, Thayer School of Engineering
George is the Dorothy and Walter Gramm Professor of Engineering at Dartmouth College. He joined Dartmouth's Thayer School of Engineering in the fall of 1992. Prior to joining Dartmouth, he held positions at Tufts University and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Cybenko received the B.Sc. degree in Mathematics from the University of Toronto and the M.Sc. and Ph.D degrees in the Applied Mathematics of Electrical and Computer Engineering from Princeton University in 1978. Cybenko was the Kloosterman Distinguished Visiting Professor at Leiden University, the Netherlands in 1996. He is the founding Editor-in-Chief of IEEE/AIP Computing in Science and Engineering. Cybenko has pioneered research in several areas: signal processing, parallel computing, neurocomputing and mobile agent systems. His current research interest is distributed information systems.

photo Professor David Kotz, Department of Computer Science
David Kotz is the coordinator of CMC activities.
David Kotz is a Professor of Computer Science at Dartmouth College in Hanover NH. After receiving his A.B. in Computer Science and Physics from Dartmouth in 1986, he completed his Ph.D in Computer Science from Duke University in 1991. He returned to Dartmouth to join the faculty in 1991, where he is now Professor of Computer Science, Director of the Center for Mobile Computing, and Executive Director of the Institute for Security Technology Studies. His research interests include context-aware mobile computing, pervasive computing, wireless networks, and intrusion detection. He is a member of the ACM, IEEE Computer Society, and USENIX associations, and of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility.

photo Professor Sean Smith, Department of Computer Science
Associate Professor Smith has been working in information security---attacks and defenses, for industry and government---for over a decade. In graduate school, he worked with the US Postal Inspection Service on postal meter fraud; as a post-doc and staff member at Los Alamos National Laboratory, he performed security reviews, designs, analyses, and briefings for a wide variety of public-sector clients; at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, he designed the security architecture for (and helped code and test) the IBM 4758 secure coprocessor, and then led the formal modeling and verification work that earned it the world's first FIPS 140-1 Level 4 security validation. Dr. Smith has published numerous refereed papers; given numerous invited talks; and been granted nine patents. His security architecture is used in thousands of financial, e-commerce, and rights managements installations world-wide.

In July 2000, Sean left IBM for Dartmouth since he was convinced that the academic education and research environment is a better venue for changing the world. His current work, as PI of the Dartmouth PKI Lab, investigates how to build trustable systems in the real world.

Sean was educated at Princeton (B.A., Mathematics) and CMU (M.S., Ph.D., Computer Science).

CMC Staff

Here are some of the staff and postdocs involved in CMC projects as of June 2007. This information is now outdated.

photo Apu Kapadia Apu Kapadia received his PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and was the recipient of a four-year High-Performance Computer Science Fellowship from the Department of Energy. His doctoral research focused on trustworthy communication and models for privacy in pervasive environments. In October 2005, Apu joined ISTS as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow and is working with Profs. David Kotz and Sean Smith on topics related to location privacy, mobile computing, trust-worthy platforms, and public-key infrastructures.

photo Yong Sheng Yong Sheng received the B.S. degree in Computer Engineering (1992, from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), Beijing, China), and the M.S. degree in Computer Engineering (1996, from BUPT). He finished his Ph.D in Computer Engineering in August 2006, working with George Cybenko at Dartmouth College, with a dissertation entitled ``The Theory of Trackability and Robustness for Process Detection''. Yong is currently a postdoc research associate in the MAP team, a project of the Institute for Security Technology Studies and the Center of Mobile Computing at Dartmouth College. Yong's research interests include stochastic modeling, detection and estimation theory, time series pattern analysis, computer and network security, autonomic computing, and collaborative signal processing for distributed sensor networks, and data fusion.

photo Bennet Vance Bennet Vance was a public school student in Hanover when computing arrived at Dartmouth in the 1960s. Bennet soon acquired the habit of heading over to the computation center after school to try out his latest BASIC programs. His subsequent career as a software developer has included stints at AT&T Bell Laboratories in New Jersey; at True BASIC, the compiler company cofounded by Dartmouth computing pioneers John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz; and at the IBM Almaden Research Center in Silicon Valley, where he helped extend IBM's DB2 database system. Returning to Hanover in 2001, Bennet worked in Dartmouth's Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences before taking his current position with the CMC. He holds a bachelor's degree in math from Yale and graduate degrees in computer science from Stanford and from the OGI School of Science & Engineering.

photo Jihwang Yeo Jihwang Yeo is a programmer and administrator for CRAWDAD project, working with Professors David Kotz and Tristan Henderson. His current work is focused on providing the research community with a large wireless network resource archive, e.g., data sets and tools. He was a research assistant in MIND (Maryland Information and Network Dynamics) lab at University of Maryland, where his primary contribution was the development of a wireless monitoring technique for the analysis and modeling of wireless traffic. His professional career also includes developing XML/SOAP-database gateway when he worked at the IBM Almaden Research Center in summer 2001. He received a master's degree in Computer Science from University of Maryland, College Park MD. He also holds a bachelor's degree and another master's degree in Computer Engineering from Seoul National University,Seoul, Korea.

Vijay Bhuse, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, ISTS, 2007 photo Vijay received his B. Tech. in Computer Engineering from Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, India in 2000. He received his Ph. D. in Computer Science from Western Michigan University in 2007. He designed lightweight intrusion detection techniques for wireless sensor networks as part of his Ph. D. dissertation. He joined ISTS as a post-doctoral fellow in February 2007 and is working with Prof. David Kotz and Prof. Andrew Campbell. He has 12 publications and 3 posters in the areas of intrusion detection for wireless sensor networks, localization, security and privacy. He was an honorable mention at a student research poster competition held at 7th Annual Information Security Symposium (by CERIAS at Purdue University). He was an honorable mention for an excellence in research award at the Department of Computer Science, Western Michigan University for two years 2004-2005 and 2005-2006. He did internships at ABN Amro (Mumbai), Crompton Greaves (Mumbai) and Manatron (Portage, MI). He is a member of UPE and served as a vice president of the local chapter at Western Michigan University in 2003-2004.

Vincent Berk, lecturer and research scientist at the Thayer School of Engineering

Ron Peterson, Senior Programmer

Cory Cornelius '07 Metrosense

Dan Peebles '07 Metrosense

Nikos Triandopoulos Postdoc

photo Tristan Henderson was a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH. He holds an M.A. in Economics from the University of Cambridge, and an M.Sc and Ph.D in Computer Science from University College London. His research interests include wireless networks, measurement, network economics, and networked multimedia, with a particular interest in distributed computer games. He is a member of the ACM, IEE, IEEE and the Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers, and serves on the Steering Committee for the International Workshop on Network and System Support for Games.

Minkyong Kim, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, ISTS.
photo Minkyong Kim, a post-doc with Professor David Kotz. Her research interests include wireless networks, mobile computing, and distributed systems. For her Ph.D. degree, she worked on designing a file system for mobile clients and estimating network capacity for adaptive systems. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Michigan. She got her B.S. and M.S. in Computer Engineering from Seoul National University.

Kazuhiro Minami, Ph.D in Computer Science
photo Kazuhiro Minami recently completed his Ph.D. thesis "Secure Context-sensitive Authorization", in which he built and evaluated a distributed authorization system that protects confidential policies and context information in each administrative domain. Kazuhiro is now a postdoctoral research associate at Institute for Security Technology Studies at Dartmouth College, and will be a I3P Fellow at the Information Trust Institute at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for the 2006-2007 academic year.

Dr. Zack Butler, PostDoc with Daniela Rus and a PostDoctoral Fellow at the ISTS Dr. Zack Butler, a postdoc with Daniela Rus and then an Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute for Security Technology Studies, spent his time at Dartmouth focused on reconfigurable robotic systems and on sensor networks. Indeed, he was involved with the cows project described in the cover story. He is now an assistant professor of computer science at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT).

Guanling Chen, Ph.D in Computer Science Guanling Chen completed his Ph.D thesis in 2004, "Solar: Building A Context Fusion Network for Pervasive Computing", in which he built and evaluated a middleware framework to support context-aware applications in pervasive computing. Solar is flexible and allows applications to select distributed data sources and compose them with customized data-fusion operators into a directed acyclic information flow graph. Guanling was an I3P Fellow at the Institute for Security Technology Studies at Dartmouth College, and joined the University of Massachusetts (Lowell) beginning Fall 2005.

Dr Geoff(Guofei) Jiang, PostDoc and Researcher Currently working at NEC Research.

Dr. Geoff (Guofei) Jiang spent several years as a postdoc and then senior research scientist at Dartmouth, working on many topics in mobile computing and computer security. He recently joined NEC Research in Princeton, where he leads the Robust and Secure System Group.

Graduate Students

This information is now outdated.

Udayan Deshpande

Ming Li

Soumendra Nanda

Libo Song

Keren Tan

Glenn Nofsinger (Cybenko)

Zhenhui Jiang, M.S. in Computer Science. Currently at SYSTRA Consulting in Lebanon, NH.

Zhenhui Jiang completed his M.S. thesis on "A Combined Routing Method for Ad hoc Wireless Networks", in which he proposes a way for a MANET to switch routing protocols on the fly (while continuing to route packets). He recently began work as a programmer at SYSTRA Consulting in Lebanon, NH.

Qun Li, Ph.D in Computer Science Currently an Assistant Professor at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg,VA.

Qun Li completed his Ph.D thesis in 2004, "Mobility and Communication in Sensor Networks", and is now an assistant professor of computer science at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA. His thesis considered the duality between two important issues in sensor network research: communication and mobility. It builds on the infrastructure of power-aware communication and global clock synchronization and shows the duality between communication and mobility can be achieved to enhance each other's quality and efficiency.

Soumendra Nanda, M.S in Computer Science Currently a Ph.D candidate at Dartmouth College.

Soumendra completed his M.S thesis in 2004, "Spatial Multipath Location Aided Routing" under Dr. Robert S Gray, and is now working on his PhD thesis under Dr. David Kotz. His thesis considered the use of three dimensional space and multipath/ alternate path routing strategies for mobile ad hoc networks.

Jue Wang, M.S in Computer Science Currently an Assistant Professor at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg,VA.

Jue Wang completed her M.S. thesis in 2004, "Performance Evaluation of a Resource Discovery Service", in which she evaluated the scalability and performance of the naming system in Solar. Solar is Guanling Chen's middleware that supports context-aware applications.

Daniel Bilar, Ph.D in Engineering Science, Thayer School of Engineering Now on the computer science faculty at Oberlin College, Ohio. Daniel is a graduate of Brown University (BA 1995, Computer Science), Cornell University (MEng 1997, Operations Research and Industrial Engineering) and Dartmouth College (PhD 2003, Engineering Sciences). Dartmouth College filed a provisional patent for his PhD thesis work ("Quantitative Risk Analysis of Computer Networks", Prof. G. Cybenko advisor) which addresses the problem of risk opacity of software on wired and wireless computer networks. His approach has used a novel combination of statistical risk analysis, vulnerability assessment and automated analysis of vulnerability databases. He is a SANS GIAC Systems and Network Auditor Advisory Board member.

Jon Bredin, Ph.D headed for Colorado College.
Market-based Control of Mobile-agent Systemis

photoJon used ideas from economics to develop a market-based approach to the allocation of resources in a distributed system. In his approach, computations are mobile agents that need to jump from host to host to reach the resources they need. They must pay for the computation time they use at each host. The resulting market is an efficient mechanism for fair, distributed allocation of computational resources. In the fall Jon will be a professor in the Mathematics and Computer Science department at Colorado College.

Michael Corr, M.S. Now at SRI International.

photo Michael designed and built a collection of small sensor modules, each with a small processor and RF network link. When turned on, his modules quickly identify their neighbors in the ad-hoc wireless network and use a novel GPS-based routing algorithm to communicate their sensor readings to a central collection point.

Jon Howell, Ph.D in Computer Science. Now at Consystant Technologies.
Naming and sharing resources across administrative boundaries.

Jon developed a new infrastructure for secure distributed authorization, in a system he calls Snowflake. As computers become more ubiquitous and mobile, it will be increasingly necessary for them to access remote resources, whether on servers or on other mobile devices. It is important for the system to ensure that only authorized access is permitted. The idea is to allow users to share resources in a secure way. Alice can delegate authority over some of her resources to Bob, but only regarding certain forms of access. Furthermore, Bob can delegate some of that authority to Charlie, perhaps placing additional restrictions. This transitive restricted delegation is fully auditable, which means that the resource owner can later see who is trying to use the resource, and through what chain of people they obtained the authority.The system avoids any central authorization servers, and does not require all delegators to be present to verify each access, so the system fits well in the fluid networks so common in mobile computing.

Brian Brewington, Ph.D. in Engineering. Now at Photonex.
Monitoring Information Sources under Low-Bandwidth Conditions.

A person must often maintain current knowledge of some changing information source. For example, a saleswoman in the field must see all new orders and memos relating to her area of operation. If the information source does not provide change notifications, she must keep repeating the same queries. Unfortunately, since she is using a mobile computer and wireless network, she might have extremely limited computational resources with which to make these queries. Bandwidth, in particular, might prohibit her from making fixed-interval queries to all the information sources that she might like.

What is needed is an algorithm that will automatically schedule the queries according to some estimate of (1) the importance of each information source and (2) how fast each information source is changing. Brian developed several such algorithms. Although he considered the problem of a search engine trying to maintain an up-to-date index of the Web, his algorithms are generally applicable to any bandwidth-constrained information-monitoring application, and should work well in a mobile-computing domain. Brian devised a formal framework for what it means for an observer to be "up-to-date" with respect to a particular information source, gathered empirical data about the speed with which the World Wide Web changes, and developed several algorithms for efficiently monitoring the Web. At Dartmouth, we hope to apply these same algorithms to the task of monitoring a distributed set of wireless sensors during a military operation.

photo Dr. Bob Gray, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Department of Computer Science
Bob Gray, now a senior engineer at BAE Systems' Advanced Information Technology Division in Arlington, Virginia, was until 2004 a research engineer at the Institute for Security Technology Studies at Dartmouth College. His research interests include mobile agents and other forms of mobile code, information-retrieval tools for law-enforcement personnel, honeypots and other deception technologies, and mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). His current work at BAE Systems focuses on defending MANETs against purposeful attack. Bob received a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Vermont in 1993 and a Ph.D in Computer Science from Dartmouth College in 1997.

Undergraduate Students

This information is now outdated.

Jeff Fielding '08 (Kotz)

Ruslan Dimov '08 (Kotz)

Dana Malajian '10 (Kotz)

Jack Zhang '10 (Kotz)

Ilya Abyzov '05

Nikita Dubrovsky, A.B in Computer Science Currently working at Appian Corportation,VA. Nikita Dubrovsky graduated in 2004 with an honors A.B. degree in computer science, based on his senior thesis, "Mobile Agents Simulation with DaSSF", which presents a simple mobile-agent simulation that can provide quick information on the performance and scalability of a generic information retrieval (IR) mobile-agent system under different network configurations.

Calvin Newport, A.B in Computer Science Currently a Graduate Student in CS at MIT.

Cal Newport graduated in 2004 with an honors A.B. degree in computer science, based on his senior thesis, "Simulating mobile ad hoc networks: a quantitative evaluation of common MANET simulation models". His work, which explored the relationship between simulation and experimental results in ad hoc wireless networks, provided the basis for two papers recently presented at MSWiM. Cal is now a graduate student in computer science at MIT.

Alexander V. Barsamian, B.A in Computer Science Currently working as a Software Programmer for Medical Media Systems in West Lebanon,NH.

Alexander worked with Sean Smith on an analysis of the trust and privacy issues surrounding software attestation and a prototype of a solution that addresses those issues using NSA Security-Enhanced Linux and the Trusted Computing Group's Trusted Platform Module. His senior thesis was titled "Software Compartmentalization and Attestation Using SELinux and the TPM/TCPA".

Michael DeRosa, Computer Science, Now a Graduate Student in CS at CMU Mike worked with Bob Gray on ad-hoc routing algorithms for wireless sensor networks, for his senior honors thesis project Power Conservation in the Network Stack of Wireless Sensors . Much attention has been given to the construction of power-conserving protocols and techniques, as battery life is the one factor that prevents successful wide-scale deployment of such networks. These techniques concentrate on the optimization of network behavior, as the wireless transmission of data is the most expensive operation performed by a sensor node. Very little work has been published on the integration of such techniques, and their suitability to various application domains. His thesis presents an exhaustive power consumption analysis of network stacks constructed with common algorithms, to determine the interactions between such algorithms and the suitability of the resulting network stack for various applications. Mike also worked as a Research Associate at ISTS for a year after graduation before joing the graduate program at CMU

Amanda Eubanks, B.A. Headed for a firm in Florida.
Amanda started work with the CMC in her first year, developing mobile agent applications with Debbie Chyi. She did an internship at Handspring. In her senior year she worked with the Solar project.

Clara Lee, Computer Science Now at Google. Clara's senior honors thesis analyzed data collected over three months of 2002 to measure the persistence and prevalence of users of the Dartmouth wireless network. For her honors thesis Persistence and Prevalence in the Mobility of Dartmouth Wireless Network Users, she studied patterns of wireless-user mobility. She found that most of the users of Dartmouth's network have short association times and a high rate of mobility. This observation fits with the predominantly student population of Dartmouth College, because students do not have a fixed workplace and are moving to and from classes all day.

Kobby Essien, B.A. headed for UPenn.

photo Kobby helped to deploy all of the hardware and software necessary to trace the activity of the wireless network over the fall term, and then to write the software necessary to crunch the data. He went on to complete a senior thesis in computational biology, and Fall 2002 he begins a Ph.D program in bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania.

Chris Masone, B.A. headed for CS Ph.D program at Dartmouth.

photo Chris was awarded High Honors for his work in the Solar project, in which he developed a small language and run-time system that can define "roles" in terms of the changing context. A role is a set of users who should be granted certain access rights associated with that role. For example, one might define a role called "room213" whose membership should be defined to be any user currently located in room 213. Then services, such as the projector, the room lights, and the sound system, might grant access only to users in role "room213".

Abe White, B.A., founder of SolarMetric

photo Abe was awarded High Honors for his work in the Solar project, in which he studied the fundamental performance of Solar's event-distribution mechanism, and added an extensible framework to allow events to be distributed in a variety of formats, particularly XML. Abe has founded his own company to develop and market his Java persistence software tools.

Ammar Khalid, B.A. Now at Morgan-Stanley. photo Ammar developed a secure, scalable directory service for mobile users, and applied it to the mobile voice-over-IP application developed by Ayorkor. Chief among its goals was protecting the privacy of mobile users, so that a stalker cannot track the IP address (and thus the location) of a moving user. For his work, Ammar was awarded High Honors and shared the Kemeny Prize for Computing

Ayorkor Mills-Tettey, B.A. now in the Thayer M.E. program. photo Ayorkor extended the H.323 telephony protocols so that a voice-over-IP conversation can continue even as the mobile user's computer roams from access point to access point, and from IP subnet to IP subnet, changing IP addresses. For her work, Ayorkor was awarded High Honors and shared the Kemeny Prize for Computing.

Arun Mathias, B.A. Now at Handspring, Inc. photo Arun implemented the first application for Guanling Chen's Solar system. His SmartReminder application reminds its user of upcoming appointments depending on the current location and the location of the next appointment. For his work, Arun was awarded High Honors and shared the Kemeny Prize for Computing.

Pablo Stern, B.A. Now at Microsoft. photo Pablo used SNMP and an IP sniffer to trace the activity of the new campus wireless network, to characterize the way that people use the network. For his work, Pablo was awarded High Honors.

group photoSome of the 2001 graduates and their research advisor. From left to right, Ammar Khalid, Arun Mathias, Ayorkor Mills-Tettey, Professor Dave Kotz, and Pablo Stern

Jay Artz, B.A. Now at Vignette Corporation.

Jay's senior honors thesis aimed to create a personal radio. The goal was to develop a prototype of a next-generation digital radio, that receives audio content over a wireless digital network, caches it in the player device, and plays the content that the user wants, when she wants it. The user chooses when to listen to news, weather, or music, can skip stories or songs that are uninteresting, and can provide feedback that allows the system to learn the user's tastes.

Debbie Chyi, B.A. Now at Handspring, Inc.

Debbie's senior honors thesis project was on Windows CE, using equipment donated by Microsoft Research. Her goal was to create a personal mobile agent that would live on a wired computer and act as a proxy between a person using a wireless hand-held device, and the rest of the Internet. The agent would move from host to host in the wired network to remain close to the owner. It would act as an extended cache, retaining information too large to fit in the hand-held device, and as a filter, discarding or delaying incoming messages that are not appropriate for the users' current situation (as determined by the time and their calendar).

Flora Wan, B.A.

Flora developed a low-cost bit-error-rate measurement device for commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) Amplitude Shift Keyed (ASK) transceivers. The pseudo-random-number generator, synchronization and bit-calculation routines written in assembly code reside in two 8-bit microprocessors, one for the transmitter and one for the receiver, respectively. The COTS processors cost about $5 a piece.