Poster: Practical Trusted Computing for mHealth Sensing


Jacob Sorber, Minho Shin, Ron Peterson, and David Kotz. Poster: Practical Trusted Computing for mHealth Sensing. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), pages 405–406. ACM, June 2011. doi:10.1145/1999995.2000058. ©Copyright ACM.


Mobile sensing technologies present exciting opportunities for healthcare. Wireless sensors can automatically provide sensor data to care providers, dramatically improving their ability to diagnose, monitor, and manage a wide range of medical conditions. Using mobile phones to provide connectivity between sensors and providers is essential to keeping costs low and deployments simple. Unfortunately, software-based attacks against phones, which can have significant consequences for patients, are also on the rise.

This poster describes a simple, flexible, and novel approach to protecting both the confidentiality and integrity medical sensing and data processing on vulnerable mobile phones, using plug-in smart cards---even a phone compromised by malware. We describe our design, implementation, and initial experimental results using real smart cards and Android smartphones.

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[Kotz research]