Dartmouth Internet Security Testbed (DIST): building a campus-wide wireless testbed
Sergey Bratus, David Kotz, Keren Tan, William Taylor, Anna Shubina, Bennet Vance, and Michael E. Locasto. Dartmouth Internet Security Testbed (DIST): building a campus-wide wireless testbed. Proceedings of the Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET), 6 pages. USENIX Association, August 2009. ©Copyright the authors.Abstract:
We describe our experiences in deploying a campus-wide wireless security testbed. The testbed gives us the capability to monitor security-related aspects of the 802.11 MAC layer in over 200 diverse campus locations. We describe both the technical and the social challenges of designing, building, and deploying such a system, which, to the best of our knowledge, is the largest such testbed in academia (with the UCSD’s Jigsaw infrastructure a close competitor). In this paper we focus on the testbed setup, rather than on the experimental data and results.
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