Papers with keyword 'wifi'
That is, papers related to Wi-Fi
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These papers relate to wireless networks, and (in most cases) to Wi-Fi networks.
Papers are listed in reverse-chronological order.
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- 2025:
- 2024:
Chixiang Wang, Weijia He, Timothy Pierson, and David Kotz.
Moat: Adaptive Inside/Outside Detection System for Smart Homes.
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), volume 8, number 4, article 157, 31 pages.
ACM, September 2024.
Ravindra Mangar, Timothy J. Pierson, and David Kotz.
A framework for evaluating the security and privacy of smart-home devices, and its application to common platforms.
IEEE Pervasive Computing, volume 23, number 3, pages 7–19.
IEEE, July 2024.
José Camacho, Katarzyna Wasielewska, Rasmus Bro, and David Kotz.
Interpretable Learning in Multivariate Big Data Analysis for Network Monitoring.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, volume 21, number 3, pages 2926–2943.
IEEE, June 2024.
Mounib Khanafer, Logan Kostick, Chixiang Wang, Wondimu Zegeye, Weijia He, Berkay Kaplan, Nurzaman Ahmed, Kevin Kornegay, David Kotz, and Timothy Pierson.
Device Discovery in the Smart Home Environment.
Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM Workshop on the Internet of Safe Things (SafeThings), pages 298–304.
IEEE, May 2024.
Timothy J. Pierson, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz.
Apparatuses, Methods, and Software For Secure Short-Range Wireless Communication.
U.S. Patent 11,894,920, February 6, 2024.
Priority date 2017-09-06; WO Filed 2018-09-06, US Filed 2020-02-26, Continuation of 11,153,026; Issued 2024-02-06.
Timothy J. Pierson, Ronald Peterson, and David F. Kotz.
System and method for proximity detection with single-antenna device.
U.S. Patent 11,871,233; International Patent Application WO2019210201A1, January 9, 2024.
Priority date 2018-04-27; Filed 2019-04-26; Published 2021-07-29, Issued 2024-01-09.
- 2023:
Beatrice Perez, Cesar Arguello, Timothy J. Pierson, Gregory Mazzaro, and David Kotz.
Evaluating the practical range of harmonic radar to detect smart electronics.
Proceedings of the IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), pages 528–535.
IEEE, October 2023.
Beatrice Perez, Timothy J. Pierson, Gregory Mazzaro, and David Kotz.
Identification and Classification of Electronic Devices Using Harmonic Radar.
Proceedings of the Distributed Computing in Smart Systems and the Internet of Things (DCOSS-IoT), pages 248–255.
IEEE, June 2023.
Timothy J. Pierson, Xiaohui Liang, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz.
Apparatus for securely configuring a target device.
U.S. Patent 11,683,071, June 20, 2023.
Continuation of U.S. Patent 10,574,298. Priority date 2015-06-23; Filed 2020-01-20; Allowed 2023-02-10; Issued 2023-06-20.
José Camacho, Rasmus Bro, and David Kotz.
Interpretable Learning in Multivariate Big Data Analysis for Network Monitoring.
Technical Report number 1907.02677, arXiv, April 2023.
- 2022:
Namya Malik.
SPLICEcube Architecture: An Extensible Wi-Fi Monitoring Architecture for Smart-Home Networks.
Master's thesis, Dartmouth Computer Science, Hanover, NH, May 2022.
Gregory Mazzaro, Kyle Gallagher, Kelly Sherbondy, Alex Bouvy, Beatrice Perez, Timothy Pierson, and David Kotz.
Harmonic response vs. target orientation: a preliminary study of the effect of polarization on nonlinear junction detection.
Proceedings of the SPIE Radar Sensor Technology XXVI, volume 12108, article 1210803, 21 pages.
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, May 27, 2022.
Beatrice Perez, Gregory Mazzaro, Timothy J. Pierson, and David Kotz.
Detecting the Presence of Electronic Devices in Smart Homes Using Harmonic Radar.
Remote Sensing, volume 14, number 2, article 327, 18 pages.
MDPI, January 2022.
Special issue on Nonlinear Junction Detection and Harmonic Radar.
- 2021:
Timothy J. Pierson, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz.
Apparatuses, Methods, and Software For Secure Short-Range Wireless Communication.
U.S. Patent 11,153,026, October 19, 2021.
Priority date 2017-09-06; WO Filed 2018-09-06, US Filed 2020-02-26, US amendment filed 2021-01-29; Issued 2021-10-19.
Eduardo Antonio Mañas-Martínez, Elena Cabrera, Katarzyna Wasielewska, David Kotz, and José Camacho.
Mining social interactions in connection traces of a campus Wi-Fi network.
Proceedings of the SIGCOMM Poster and Demo Sessions, 3 pages, pages 6–8.
ACM, August 2021.
Paul Gralla.
An inside vs. outside classification system for Wi-Fi IoT devices.
June 2021.
Undergraduate Thesis.
- 2020:
José Camacho, Rasmus Bro, and David Kotz.
Automatic Learning coupled with Interpretability: MBDA in Action.
Proceedings of the Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA).
IFIP, June 2020.
ISBN13: 978-3-903176-27-0.
José Camacho, Chris McDonald, Ron Peterson, Xia Zhou, and David Kotz.
Longitudinal analysis of a campus Wi-Fi network.
Computer Networks, volume 107, article 107103, 15 pages.
Elsevier, April 7, 2020.
ISSN: 1389-1286.
Timothy J. Pierson, Xiaohui Liang, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz.
Apparatus for Securely Configuring A Target Device and Associated Methods.
U.S. Patent 10,574,298, February 25, 2020.
Priority date 2015-06-23; Filed 2016-06-23; Issued 2020-02-25.
- 2019:
Timothy J. Pierson, Travis Peters, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz.
Proximity Detection with Single-Antenna IoT Devices.
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), article 21, 15 pages.
ACM, October 2019.
José Camacho, Rasmus Bro, and David Kotz.
Networkmetrics unraveled: MBDA in Action.
Technical Report number 1907.02677, arXiv, July 2019.
Timothy J. Pierson, Travis Peters, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz.
CloseTalker: secure, short-range ad hoc wireless communication.
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), pages 340–352.
ACM, June 2019.
- 2018:
- 2017:
- 2016:
Timothy J. Pierson, Xiaohui Liang, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz.
Demo: Wanda, securely introducing mobile devices.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), page 113.
ACM, June 2016.
Timothy J. Pierson, Xiaohui Liang, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz.
Wanda: securely introducing mobile devices.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), pages 1–9.
IEEE, April 2016.
Timothy J. Pierson, Xiaohui Liang, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz.
Wanda: securely introducing mobile devices -- Extended version.
Technical Report number TR2016-789, Dartmouth Computer Science, February 2016.
Expanded version of the INFOCOM 2016 paper by the same title.
- 2015:
- 2014:
Cory Cornelius, Ronald Peterson, Joseph Skinner, Ryan Halter, and David Kotz.
A wearable system that knows who wears it.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), pages 55–67.
ACM, June 2014.
Shrirang Mare, Jacob Sorber, Minho Shin, Cory Cornelius, and David Kotz.
Hide-n-Sense: preserving privacy efficiently in wireless mHealth.
Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), volume 19, number 3, pages 331–344.
Springer-Verlag, June 2014.
Special issue on Wireless Technology for Pervasive Healthcare.
Keren Tan, Chris McDonald, Bennet Vance, Chrisil Arackaparambil, Sergey Bratus, and David Kotz.
From MAP to DIST: the evolution of a large-scale WLAN monitoring system.
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, volume 13, number 1, pages 216–229.
IEEE, January 2014.
- 2012:
- 2011:
Libo Song and David F. Kotz.
Routing in Mobile Opportunistic Networks.
Mobile Opportunistic Networks, chapter 1, pages 1–24.
Edited by Mieso K. Denko.
Taylor & Francis, 2011.
ISBN13: 978-1-4200-8813-7.
Shrirang Mare, Jacob Sorber, Minho Shin, Cory Cornelius, and David Kotz.
Adapt-lite: Privacy-aware, secure, and efficient mHealth sensing.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES), pages 137–142.
ACM, October 2011.
Shrirang Mare, Jacob Sorber, Minho Shin, Cory Cornelius, and David Kotz.
Hide-n-Sense: Privacy-aware secure mHealth sensing.
Technical Report number TR2011-702, Dartmouth Computer Science, September 2011.
Shrirang Mare, Jacob Sorber, Minho Shin, Cory Cornelius, and David Kotz.
Adaptive security and privacy for mHealth sensing.
Proceedings of the USENIX Workshop on Health Security (HealthSec), 5 pages.
USENIX Association, August 2011.
Short paper.
Keren Tan.
Large-scale Wireless Local-area Network Measurement and Privacy Analysis.
PhD thesis, Dartmouth College Computer Science, Hanover, NH, August 2011.
Available as Dartmouth Computer Science Technical Report TR2011-703.
Phil Fazio, Keren Tan, Jihwang Yeo, and David Kotz.
Short Paper: The NetSANI Framework for Analysis and Fine-tuning of Network Trace Sanitization.
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (WiSec), pages 5–10.
ACM, June 2011.
Phillip A. Fazio.
Effects of network trace sampling methods on privacy and utility metrics.
Technical Report number TR2011-697, Dartmouth College, Computer Science, Hanover, NH, June 2011.
Senior Honors Thesis.
Keren Tan, Guanhua Yan, Jihwang Yeo, and David Kotz.
Privacy analysis of user association logs in a large-scale wireless LAN.
Proceedings of the Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (INFOCOM) mini-conference, pages 31–35.
IEEE, April 2011.
Minkyong Kim and David Kotz.
Identifying Unusual Days.
Journal of Computing Science and Engineering (JCSE), volume 5, number 1, pages 71–84.
Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, March 2011.
Soumendra Nanda and David Kotz.
Social Network Analysis Plugin (SNAP) for Mesh Networks.
Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), pages 725–730.
IEEE, March 2011.
Keren Tan, Guanhua Yan, Jihwang Yeo, and David Kotz.
Privacy Analysis of User Association Logs in a Large-scale Wireless LAN.
Technical Report number TR2011-679, Dartmouth Computer Science, January 2011.
Keren Tan, Jihwang Yeo, Michael E. Locasto, and David Kotz.
Catch, Clean, and Release: A Survey of Obstacles and Opportunities for Network Trace Sanitization.
Privacy-Aware Knowledge Discovery: Novel Applications and New Techniques, chapter 5, pages 111–141.
Edited by Francesco Bonchi and Elena Ferrari.
Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, January 2011.
ISBN13: 9781439803653.
- 2010:
Keren Tan, Guanhua Yan, Jihwang Yeo, and David Kotz.
A Correlation Attack Against User Mobility Privacy in a Large-scale WLAN network.
Proceedings of the ACM MobiCom S3 workshop, pages 33–35.
ACM, September 2010.
Keren Tan and David Kotz.
Saluki: a High-Performance Wi-Fi Sniffing Program.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Wireless Network Measurements (WiNMee), pages 591–596.
IEEE, May 2010.
Invited paper.
Chrisil Arackaparambil, Sergey Bratus, Anna Shubina, and David Kotz.
On the Reliability of Wireless Fingerprinting using Clock Skews.
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (WiSec), 6 pages, pages 169–174.
ACM, March 2010.
Chrisil Arackaparambil, Sergey Bratus, Anna Shubina, and David Kotz.
On the Reliability of Wireless Fingerprinting using Clock Skews.
Technical Report number TR2010-661, Dartmouth Computer Science, Hanover, NH, January 2010.
Shrirang Mare, David Kotz, and Anurag Kumar.
Experimental Validation of Analytical Performance Models for IEEE 802.11 Networks.
Proceedings of the Workshop on WIreless Systems: Advanced Research and Development (WISARD), pages 1–8.
IEEE, January 2010.
- 2009:
Jihwang Yeo, Keren Tan, and David Kotz.
User survey regarding the needs of network researchers in trace-anonymization tools.
Technical Report number TR2009-658, Dartmouth Computer Science, Hanover, NH, November 2009.
David Kotz, Tristan Henderson, Ilya Abyzov, and Jihwang Yeo.
CRAWDAD dataset dartmouth/campus (v. 2009-09-09).
Available for download on IEEE DataPort, September 2009.
Sergey Bratus, David Kotz, Keren Tan, William Taylor, Anna Shubina, Bennet Vance, and Michael E. Locasto.
Dartmouth Internet Security Testbed (DIST): building a campus-wide wireless testbed.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET), 6 pages.
USENIX Association, August 2009.
Soumendra Nanda, Zhenhui Jiang, and David Kotz.
A Combined Routing Method for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks.
Technical Report number TR2009-641, Dartmouth Computer Science, February 2009.
- 2008:
Tristan Henderson, David Kotz, and Ilya Abyzov.
The Changing Usage of a Mature Campus-wide Wireless Network.
Computer Networks, volume 52, number 14, pages 2690–2712.
Elsevier, October 2008.
Yong Sheng, Guanling Chen, Hongda Yin, Keren Tan, Udayan Deshpande, Bennet Vance, David Kotz, Andrew Campbell, Chris McDonald, Tristan Henderson, and Joshua Wright.
MAP: A scalable monitoring system for dependable 802.11 wireless networks.
IEEE Wireless Communications, volume 15, number 5, pages 10–18.
IEEE, October 2008.
Sergey Bratus, Joshua Brody, David Kotz, and Anna Shubina.
Streaming Estimation of Information-theoretic Metrics for Anomaly Detection (Extended Abstract).
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection--- Posters, volume 5230 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 412–414.
Springer-Verlag, Cambridge, MA, September 2008.
Soumendra Nanda and David Kotz.
Localized Bridging Centrality for Distributed Network Analysis.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), pages 1–6.
IEEE, August 2008.
Jihwang Yeo, David Kotz, and Tristan Henderson.
Workshop report --- CRAWDAD Workshop 2007.
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, volume 38, number 3, pages 79–82.
ACM, July 2008.
Soumendra Nanda and David Kotz.
Mesh-Mon: A Multi-Radio Mesh Monitoring and Management System.
Computer Communications, volume 31, number 8, pages 1588–1601.
Elsevier, May 2008.
Udayan Deshpande.
A Dynamically Refocusable Sampling Infrastructure for 802.11 Networks.
PhD thesis, Dartmouth College Computer Science, Hanover, NH, May 2008.
Available as Dartmouth Computer Science Technical Report TR2008-620.
Soumendra Nanda.
Mesh-Mon: a Monitoring and Management System for Wireless Mesh Networks.
PhD thesis, Dartmouth College Computer Science, Hanover, NH, May 2008.
Available as Dartmouth Computer Science Technical Report TR2008-619.
Udayan Deshpande, Chris McDonald, and David Kotz.
Refocusing in 802.11 Wireless Measurement.
Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM 2008), volume 4979 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 142–151.
Springer-Verlag, April 2008.
Yong Sheng, Keren Tan, Guanling Chen, David Kotz, and Andrew Campbell.
Detecting 802.11 MAC Layer Spoofing Using Received Signal Strength.
Proceedings of the Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (INFOCOM), pages 1768–1776.
IEEE, April 2008.
Sergey Bratus, Cory Cornelius, Daniel Peebles, and David Kotz.
Active Behavioral Fingerprinting of Wireless Devices.
Technical Report number TR2008-610, Dartmouth Computer Science, Hanover, NH, March 2008.
Sergey Bratus, Cory Cornelius, David Kotz, and Dan Peebles.
Active Behavioral Fingerprinting of Wireless Devices.
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (WiSec), pages 56–61.
ACM, March 2008.
Soumendra Nanda and David Kotz.
Localized Bridging Centrality for Distributed Network Analysis.
Technical Report number TR2008-612, Dartmouth Computer Science, January 2008.
Libo Song.
Evaluating Mobility Predictors in Wireless Networks for Improving Handoff and Opportunistic Routing.
PhD thesis, Dartmouth College Computer Science, Hanover, NH, January 2008.
Available as Dartmouth Computer Science Technical Report TR2008-611.
- 2007:
Udayan Deshpande, Chris McDonald, and David Kotz.
Coordinated Sampling to Improve the Efficiency of Wireless Network Monitoring.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON), pages 353–358.
IEEE, November 2007.
Calvin Newport, David Kotz, Yougu Yuan, Robert S. Gray, Jason Liu, and Chip Elliott.
Experimental Evaluation of Wireless Simulation Assumptions.
SIMULATION: Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation International, volume 83, number 9, pages 643–661.
SAGE Publications, September 2007.
Libo Song and David Kotz.
Evaluating Opportunistic Routing Protocols with Large Realistic Contact Traces.
Proceedings of the ACM MobiCom workshop on Challenged Networks (CHANTS 2007), pages 35–42.
ACM, September 2007.
Minkyong Kim and David Kotz.
Periodic properties of user mobility and access-point popularity.
Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, volume 11, number 6, pages 465–479.
Springer-Verlag, August 2007.
Invited paper; special issue of papers from LoCA 2005.
Soumendra Nanda, Zhenhui Jiang, and David Kotz.
A Combined Routing Method for Ad hoc Wireless Networks.
Technical Report number TR2007-588, Dartmouth Computer Science, June 2007.
Jihwang Yeo, Tristan Henderson, and David Kotz.
Workshop report — CRAWDAD Workshop 2006.
ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communication Review, volume 11, number 1, pages 67–69.
ACM, January 2007.
- 2006:
Tristan Henderson and David Kotz.
Measuring Wireless LANs.
Mobile, Wireless and Sensor Networks: Technology, Applications and Future Directions, chapter 1, pages 5–27.
Edited by Rajeev Shorey, Akkihebbal L. Ananda, Mun Choon Chan, and Wei Tsang Ooi.
John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 2006.
ISBN13: 9780471755593.
Libo Song, David Kotz, Ravi Jain, and Xiaoning He.
Evaluating next cell predictors with extensive Wi-Fi mobility data.
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, volume 5, number 12, pages 1633–1649.
IEEE, December 2006.
Libo Song, Udayan Deshpande, Ulaş C. Kozat, David Kotz, and Ravi Jain.
MobiCom Poster Abstract: Bandwidth Reservation using WLAN Handoff Prediction.
ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communication Review, volume 10, number 4, pages 22–23.
ACM, October 2006.
Poster presented at Mobicom 2005.
Minkyong Kim, Jeffrey J. Fielding, and David Kotz.
Risks of using AP locations discovered through war driving.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive), volume 3968 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 67–82.
Springer-Verlag, Dublin, Ireland, May 2006.
Udayan Deshpande, Tristan Henderson, and David Kotz.
Channel Sampling Strategies for Monitoring Wireless Networks.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Wireless Network Measurement (WiNMee), 7 pages.
IEEE, April 2006.
Minkyong Kim, David Kotz, and Songkuk Kim.
Extracting a mobility model from real user traces.
Proceedings of the Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (INFOCOM), pages 1–12.
IEEE, Barcelona, Spain, April 2006.
Libo Song, Udayan Deshpande, Ulaş C. Kozat, David Kotz, and Ravi Jain.
Predictability of WLAN Mobility and its Effects on Bandwidth Provisioning.
Proceedings of the Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (INFOCOM), pages 1–13.
IEEE, Barcelona, Spain, April 2006.
Jihwang Yeo, David Kotz, and Tristan Henderson.
CRAWDAD: A Community Resource for Archiving Wireless Data at Dartmouth.
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, volume 36, number 2, pages 21–22.
ACM, April 2006.
Project overview.
- 2005:
David Kotz, Tristan Henderson, and Chris McDonald.
CRAWDAD archive: a Community Resource for Archiving Wireless Data At Dartmouth.
Web site, 2005.
Zhenhui Jiang.
A Combined Routing Method for Ad hoc Wireless Networks.
Master's thesis, Dartmouth College Computer Science, Hanover, NH, December 2005.
Available as Dartmouth Computer Science Technical Report TR2005-566.
David Kotz and Tristan Henderson.
CRAWDAD: A Community Resource for Archiving Wireless Data at Dartmouth.
IEEE Pervasive Computing, volume 4, number 4, pages 12–14.
IEEE, October 2005.
Guanling Chen and David Kotz.
Structural Analysis of Social Networks with Wireless Users.
Technical Report number TR2005-549, Dartmouth Computer Science, July 2005.
David P. Blinn, Tristan Henderson, and David Kotz.
Analysis of a Wi-Fi Hotspot Network.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Wireless Traffic Measurements and Modeling (WiTMeMo), pages 1–6.
USENIX Association, June 2005.
Minkyong Kim and David Kotz.
Modeling users’ mobility among WiFi access points.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Wireless Traffic Measurements and Modeling (WiTMeMo), pages 19–24.
USENIX Association, June 2005.
Minkyong Kim and David Kotz.
Classifying the Mobility of Users and the Popularity of Access Points.
Technical Report number TR2005-540, Dartmouth Computer Science, May 2005.
Minkyong Kim and David Kotz.
Classifying the Mobility of Users and the Popularity of Access Points.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Location- and Context-Awareness (LoCA), volume 3479 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 198–209.
Edited by Thomas Strang and Claudia Linnhoff-Popien.
Springer-Verlag, Germany, May 2005.
Tristan Henderson, Denise Anthony, and David Kotz.
Measuring wireless network usage with the experience sampling method.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Wireless Network Measurements (WiNMee), 6 pages.
International Communications Sciences and Technology Association (ICST), April 2005.
ISBN: 0-9767294-0-7.
Jason Liu, Yougu Yuan, David M. Nicol, Robert S. Gray, Calvin C. Newport, David Kotz, and Luiz Felipe Perrone.
Empirical Validation of Wireless Models in Simulations of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols.
Simulation: Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation International, volume 81, number 4, pages 307–323.
Sage Publications, April 2005.
“Best of PADS 2004” special issue.
David Kotz and Kobby Essien.
Analysis of a Campus-wide Wireless Network.
Wireless Networks, volume 11, number 1--2, pages 115–133.
Springer, January 2005.
- 2004:
Kwang-Hyun Baek, Sean W. Smith, and David Kotz.
A Survey of WPA and 802.11i RSN Authentication Protocols.
Technical Report number TR2004-524, Dartmouth Computer Science, Hanover, NH, November 2004.
Robert S. Gray, David Kotz, Calvin Newport, Nikita Dubrovsky, Aaron Fiske, Jason Liu, Christopher Masone, Susan McGrath, and Yougu Yuan.
Outdoor Experimental Comparison of Four Ad Hoc Routing Algorithms.
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM), pages 220–229.
ACM, October 2004.
Finalist for Best Paper award.
David Kotz, Calvin Newport, Robert S. Gray, Jason Liu, Yougu Yuan, and Chip Elliott.
Experimental Evaluation of Wireless Simulation Assumptions.
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM), pages 78–82.
ACM, October 2004.
Tristan Henderson, David Kotz, and Ilya Abyzov.
The Changing Usage of a Mature Campus-wide Wireless Network.
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), pages 187–201.
ACM, September 2004.
Robert S. Gray, David Kotz, Calvin Newport, Nikita Dubrovsky, Aaron Fiske, Jason Liu, Christopher Masone, Susan McGrath, and Yougu Yuan.
Outdoor Experimental Comparison of Four Ad Hoc Routing Algorithms.
Technical Report number TR2004-511, Dartmouth Computer Science, June 2004.
David Kotz, Calvin Newport, Robert S. Gray, Jason Liu, Yougu Yuan, and Chip Elliott.
Experimental evaluation of wireless simulation assumptions.
Technical Report number TR2004-507, Dartmouth Computer Science, June 2004.
Calvin Newport.
Simulating mobile ad hoc networks: a quantitative evaluation of common MANET simulation models.
Technical Report number TR2004-504, Dartmouth Computer Science, Hanover, NH, June 2004.
Available as Dartmouth Computer Science Technical Report TR2004-504.
Senior Honors Thesis. Advisor: David Kotz.
Jason Liu, Yougu Yuan, David M. Nicol, Robert S. Gray, Calvin C. Newport, David Kotz, and Luiz Felipe Perrone.
Simulation Validation Using Direct Execution of Wireless Ad-Hoc Routing Protocols.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation (PADS), pages 7–16.
ACM, May 2004.
Nominated for Best Paper award.
Tristan Henderson, David Kotz, and Ilya Abyzov.
The Changing Usage of a Mature Campus-wide Wireless Network.
Technical Report number TR2004-496, Dartmouth Computer Science, March 2004.
Libo Song, David Kotz, Ravi Jain, and Xiaoning He.
Evaluating location predictors with extensive Wi-Fi mobility data.
Proceedings of the Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (INFOCOM), volume 2, pages 1414–1424.
IEEE, March 2004.
Guanling Chen and David Kotz.
A Case Study of Four Location Traces.
Technical Report number TR2004-490, Dartmouth Computer Science, February 2004.
Libo Song, David Kotz, Ravi Jain, and Xiaoning He.
Evaluating location predictors with extensive Wi-Fi mobility data.
Technical Report number TR2004-491, Dartmouth Computer Science, February 2004.
- 2003:
Tristan Henderson and David Kotz.
Problems with the Dartmouth wireless SNMP data collection.
Technical Report number TR2003-480, Dartmouth Computer Science, December 2003.
Libo Song, David Kotz, Ravi Jain, and Xiaoning He.
MobiCom Poster: Evaluating location predictors with extensive Wi-Fi mobility data.
ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communication Review, volume 7, number 4, pages 64–65.
ACM, October 2003.
David Kotz, Calvin Newport, and Chip Elliott.
The mistaken axioms of wireless-network research.
Technical Report number TR2003-467, Dartmouth Computer Science, July 2003.
Clara Lee.
Persistence and Prevalence in the Mobility of Dartmouth Wireless Network Users.
Technical Report number TR2003-455, Dartmouth Computer Science, Hanover, NH, May 2003.
The data in this paper is highly suspect; see TR2003-480. Available as Dartmouth Computer Science Technical Report TR2003-455.
Senior Honors Thesis. Advisor: David Kotz.
- 2002:
- 2001:
[Kotz research]