Utility Driven Mobile-Agent Scheduling


Jonathan Bredin, David Kotz, and Daniela Rus. Utility Driven Mobile-Agent Scheduling. Technical Report number PCS-TR98-331, Dartmouth Computer Science, May 1998. ©Copyright the authors. Revised October 3, 1998.


Mobile agents are programs capable of migrating from one host machine to another. We propose that mobile agents purchase resource access rights from host machines thereby establishing a market for computational resources and giving agents a metric to evenly distribute themselves throughout the network. Market participation requires quantitative information about resource consumption to define demand and calculate utility.

We create a formal utility model to derive user-demand functions, allowing agents to efficiently plan expenditure and deal with price fluctuations. By quantifying demand and utility, resource owners can precisely set a value for a good. We simulate our model in a mobile agent scheduling environment and show how mobile agents may use server prices to distribute themselves evenly throughout a network.

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[Kotz research]