D'Agents project: Dartmouth system for mobile agents (1994-2003)


The D'Agents project was at the core of the "ActComm" project and a key member of DARPA's CoABS project. This project is no longer active; this page is no longer updated. Site last updated on October 25, 2002; reformatted May 2020. The D'Agents Project ended in approximately 2003. The software, and this web site, is no longer maintained.

Related keywords: [agents], [context-aware], [markets], [privacy], [security], [sensors], [survey]


Mobile agents are software programs that can move from host to host at times and to places of their own choosing. They are a form of active mobile code that open up new possibilities in distributed computing. Our team created Agent Tcl, one of the first comprehensive mobile-agent software platforms in the research community. In a five-year DARPA-funded effort we transformed Agent Tcl into D'Agents, which supported Java and Scheme as well as the Tcl programming languages, and which enabled our research on performance aspects of mobile code, the security challenges in mobile code, and market-based control of mobile agents and distributed systems.

Why mobile agents? Read our position paper or David Kotz's MA2002 keynote presentation.

To read more:


See here to download D'Agents software Release 2.1.


A partial list of people involved in D'Agents includes: Jay Aslam, Joyce Barton, Tamer Başar, Jeffrey Bradshaw, Jonathan L. Bredin, Maggie Breedy, Brian Brewington, Marco Carvalho, Daria A. Chacön, Sumit Chawla, Debbie Chyi, Thomas Cowin, Marco Cremonini, George Cybenko, Chris Garrett, Peter Gerken, Robert S. Gray, Arne Grimstrup, Ken Harker, James Hendler, Greg Hill, Melissa Hirschl, Martin O. Hofmann, Çagri Imer, Renia Jeffers, Guofei Jiang, Keith D. Kotay, David Kotz, Rajiv T. Maheswaran, Katsuhiro Moizumi, Saurab Nog, Ronald A. Peterson, Daniela Rus, Niranjan Suri, Kenneth R. Whitebread.

Old: Team members as of Winter 1999.


The investigators graciously acknowledge the support of our sponsors:

Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR contract F49620-93-10266)
Air Force Rome Laboratories (Rome Labs contract F30602-98-C-0006)
Office of Naval Research (ONR contract N00014-95-1-1204)
DoD MURI (AFOSR contract F49620-97-1-03821)
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Information Systems Office (DARPA contract F30602-98-2-0107)
The Center for Mobile Computing at Dartmouth

The views and conclusions contained on this site and in its documents are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official position or policies, either expressed or implied, of the sponsor(s). Any mention of specific companies or products does not imply any endorsement by the authors or by the sponsor(s).

D'Agents papers (other)

The last update to this paper list (other than reformatting) was on 21 Jul 2007. For D'Agents papers authored by David Kotz or his students, see the list below.

D'Agents papers (Kotz)

[Also available in BibTeX]

The following papers are co-authored by David Kotz or his students. For other D'Agents papers, see the list above.

Papers are listed in reverse-chronological order. Follow updates with RSS.


[Kotz research]