D’Agents: Applications and Performance of a Mobile-Agent System


Robert S. Gray, George Cybenko, David Kotz, Ronald A. Peterson, and Daniela Rus. D’Agents: Applications and Performance of a Mobile-Agent System. Software--- Practice and Experience, volume 32, number 6, pages 543–573. John Wiley & Sons, May 2002. doi:10.1002/spe.449. ©Copyright John Wiley & Sons. Invited paper.


D’Agents is a mobile-agent system that is used primarily for information-retrieval applications. In this paper, we first examine two such applications, where mobile agents greatly simplify the task of providing efficient but application-specific access to remote information resources. Then we describe the D’Agents system, which supports multiple languages, Tcl, Java and Scheme, and strong mobility for Tcl and Java. After considering the D’Agents implementation, we present some recent performance and scalability experiments that compare D’Agent mobile agents with traditional client/server approaches. The experiments show that mobile agents often outperform client/server solutions, but also demonstrate the deep interaction between environmental and application parameters. The mobile-agent performance space as a whole is complex, and significant additional experiments are needed to characterize it. Finally, after discussing current and future experiments, we explore the differences between D’Agents and other mobile-agent systems.

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