Identifying Unusual Days


Minkyong Kim and David Kotz. Identifying Unusual Days. Journal of Computing Science and Engineering (JCSE), volume 5, number 1, pages 71–84. Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, March 2011. doi:10.5626/JCSE.2011.5.1.071. ©Copyright KIISE.


Pervasive applications such as digital memories or patient monitors collect a vast amount of data. One key challenge in these systems is how to extract interesting or unusual information. Because users cannot anticipate their future interests in the data when the data is stored, it is hard to provide appropriate indexes. As location-tracking technologies, such as global positioning system, have become ubiquitous, digital cameras or other pervasive systems record location information along with the data. In this paper, we present an automatic approach to identify unusual data using location information. Given the location information, our system identifies unusual days, that is, days with unusual mobility patterns. We evaluated our detection system using a real wireless trace, collected at wireless access points, and demonstrated its capabilities. Using our system, we were able to identify days when mobility patterns changed and differentiate days when a user followed a regular pattern from the rest. We also discovered general mobility characteristics. For example, most users had one or more repeating mobility patterns, and repeating mobility patterns did not depend on certain days of the week, except that weekends were different from weekdays.

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