Evaluation of Concurrent Pools
David Kotz and Carla Ellis. Evaluation of Concurrent Pools. Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computer Systems (ICDCS), pages 378–385. IEEE, June 1989. doi:10.1109/ICDCS.1989.37968. ©Copyright IEEE. Revision of kotz:poolstr.Abstract:
The assignment of resources or tasks to processors in a distributed or parallel system needs to be done in a fashion that helps to balance the load and scales to large configurations. In an architectural model that distinguishes between local and remote data access, it is important to base these allocation functions on a mechanism that preserves locality and avoids high-latency remote references. This paper explores performance considerations affecting the design of such a mechanism, the Concurrent Pools data structure. We evaluate the effectiveness of three different implementations of concurrent pools under a variety of stressful workloads. Our experiments expose several interesting effects with strong implications for practical concurrent pool algorithms.
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The published version of this paper included an error: the labels on the curves in Figure 7, page 384, were reversed. The corrected Figure is provided in this pdf.
The presentation slides are available as pdf and also with original audio track as mov. This was my first conference presentation!