Mobile Voice Over IP (MVOIP): An Application-level Protocol
G. Ayorkor Mills-Tettey. Mobile Voice Over IP (MVOIP): An Application-level Protocol. Technical Report number TR2001-390, Dartmouth Computer Science, Hanover, NH, June 2001. ©Copyright the author. Available as Dartmouth Computer Science Technical Report TR2001-390. Senior Honors Thesis. Advisor: David Kotz.Abstract:
Current Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) protocols require participating hosts to have fixed IP addresses for the duration of a VOIP call. When using a wireless-enabled host, such as a tablet computer on an 802.11 wireless network, it is possible for a participant in a VOIP call to roam around the network, moving from one subnet to another and needing to change IP addresses. This address change creates the need for mobility support in VOIP applications.
We present the design of Mobile Voice over IP (MVOIP), an application-level protocol that enables such mobility in a VOIP application based on the ITU H.323 protocol stack. An MVOIP application uses hints from the surrounding network to determine that it has switched subnets. It then initiates a hand-off procedure that comprises pausing its current calls, obtaining a valid IP address for the current subnet, and reconnecting to the remote party with whom it was in a call. Testing the system shows that on a Windows 2000 platform there is a perceivable delay in the hand-off process, most of which is spent in the Windows API for obtaining DHCP addresses. Despite this bottleneck, MVOIP works well on a wireless network.
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