Demo: Wanda, securely introducing mobile devices


Timothy J. Pierson, Xiaohui Liang, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz. Demo: Wanda, securely introducing mobile devices. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), page 113. ACM, June 2016. doi:10.1145/2938559.2938581. ©Copyright ACM.


Nearly every setting is increasingly populated with wireless and mobile devices -- whether appliances in a home, medical devices in a health clinic, sensors in an industrial setting, or devices in an office or school. There are three fundamental operations when bringing a new device into any of these settings: (1) to configure the device to join the wireless local-area network, (2) to partner the device with other nearby devices so they can work together, and (3) to configure the device so it connects to the relevant individual or organizational account in the cloud. The challenge is to accomplish all three goals simply, securely, and consistent with user intent. We developed Wanda -- a ‘magic wand’ that accomplishes all three of the above goals -- and will demonstrate a prototype implementation.

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