Related website: []
Related projects: [DIST], [MAP], [MeshMon], [Mobility-models], [NetSANI], [Wi-Fi-measurement]
Related keywords: [data], [iot], [wearable], [wifi]
These papers relate to the "CRAWDAD" project (Community Resource for Archiving Wireless Data At Dartmouth), a repository of data and tools collected by the mobile-computing and wireless-networking community, which we organize and host here at Dartmouth. As of May 2019 it housed 125 datasets and 22 tools, and had 14,141 registered users from 126 countries. At the time, at least 2,869 papers had used CRAWDAD datasets or mentioned CRAWDAD. See the project web page.
Steve Gaughan, Tristan Henderson, David Kotz, Chris McDonald, Tina Pavlovich, Patrick Proctor, Nathan Schneider, Anna Shubina, Jihwang Yeo, and several undergraduate students.
Funded by many generous gifts from ACM SIGMOBILE. Initially funded by the National Science Foundation (CISE) through CRI Award 0454062, with gifts from Aruba Networks and Intel Corporation, and financial support from ACM SIGCOMM.
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