NetSANI (network trace sanitization) project (2009-2012)
This project is no longer active; this page is no longer updated.
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The NetSANI (Network Trace Sanitization and ANonymization
Infrastructure) project aimed to increase network-trace sharing by
making it safer and easier to sanitize network traces (remove
sensitive information). Sanitization always involves a challenging
trade-off between sanitization effectiveness (providing anonymity for
network users and secrecy for network operational information) and
research usefulness (since only the information retained can be used
by the researcher).
To this end, the NetSANI goal was to be a flexible
and extensible suite of software tools for sanitizing network traces,
based on user-specified sanitization goals and user-specified research
goals. We never quite achieved that goal, but we conducted some
anonymization (and de-anonymization) research.
Keren Tan, Chris McDonald, Jihwang Yeo, Phil Fazio, Guanhua Yan,
and David Kotz.
Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF)
Cyber Trust Award CNS-0831409.
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Papers (tagged 'netsani')
[Also available in BibTeX]
Papers are listed in reverse-chronological order.
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- 2012:
- 2011:
Keren Tan.
Large-scale Wireless Local-area Network Measurement and Privacy Analysis.
PhD thesis, Dartmouth College Computer Science, Hanover, NH, August 2011.
Available as Dartmouth Computer Science Technical Report TR2011-703.
Phil Fazio, Keren Tan, Jihwang Yeo, and David Kotz.
Short Paper: The NetSANI Framework for Analysis and Fine-tuning of Network Trace Sanitization.
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (WiSec), pages 5–10.
ACM, June 2011.
Phillip A. Fazio.
Effects of network trace sampling methods on privacy and utility metrics.
Technical Report number TR2011-697, Dartmouth College, Computer Science, Hanover, NH, June 2011.
Senior Honors Thesis.
Keren Tan, Guanhua Yan, Jihwang Yeo, and David Kotz.
Privacy analysis of user association logs in a large-scale wireless LAN.
Proceedings of the Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (INFOCOM) mini-conference, pages 31–35.
IEEE, April 2011.
Keren Tan, Guanhua Yan, Jihwang Yeo, and David Kotz.
Privacy Analysis of User Association Logs in a Large-scale Wireless LAN.
Technical Report number TR2011-679, Dartmouth Computer Science, January 2011.
Keren Tan, Jihwang Yeo, Michael E. Locasto, and David Kotz.
Catch, Clean, and Release: A Survey of Obstacles and Opportunities for Network Trace Sanitization.
Privacy-Aware Knowledge Discovery: Novel Applications and New Techniques, chapter 5, pages 111–141.
Edited by Francesco Bonchi and Elena Ferrari.
Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, January 2011.
ISBN13: 9781439803653.
- 2010:
- 2009:
[Kotz research]