Transportable Information Agents


Daniela Rus, Robert Gray, and David Kotz. Transportable Information Agents. Readings in Agents, chapter 3.3, pages 283–291. Edited by Michael Huhns and Munindar Singh. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, October 1997. doi:10.5555/284860.284912. ISBN13: 978-1-55860-495-7. ©Copyright Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. Identical to rus:autonomous3.


Transportable agents are autonomous programs. They can move through a heterogeneous network of computers under their own control, migrating from host to host. They can sense the state of the network, monitor software conditions, and interact with other agents or resources. The network-sensing tools allow our agents to adapt to the network configuration and to navigate under the control of reactive plans. In this paper we describe the design and implementation of the navigation system that gives our agents autonomy. We also discuss the intelligent and adaptive behavior of autonomous agents in distributed information-gathering tasks.

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