Course description
This is an advanced research topic course for students that have already taken COSC 78/178, Deep Learning. This class is designed to help students develop a better understanding of the state of the art in deep learning. Students will explore new research directions and applications of deep learning by reading, presenting and discussing recently published papers in this area. In addition, students will be required to propose and complete a term project in the area of deep learning.
Administrative information
- Instructor
- Lorenzo Torresani | 109 Sudikoff | office hour: by appointment
- Lectures
- Tue&Th 10:10am-12pm | x-hour (used occasionally to make up cancelled classes) W 3:30pm-4:20pm
Location: Sudikoff 213
Grading and policies
Academic integrity
In order to encourage independent critiquing and to foster in-class discussion, you will NOT be permitted to talk about the assigned papers with your classmates before the lecture: I am interested in hearing your own personal views of the articles and not consensus opinions emerged from group discussions held before the lecture.
You are allowed to use external software for portions of your project. However, you should clearly report the use of external code and include pointers to such software in your project write-up. The project grade will be based on the novelty of your solution/application but also on the amount of new code written by you to implement the idea. So keep this in mind when considering to use software written by someone else.
These rules will be strictly enforced and any violation will be treated seriously