CS 10: Winter 2015

Lecture 21, February 19


Sort Assignment 11 is due next Monday, February 22.

Lab Assignment 5 is due next Wednesday, February 24.

Code discussed in lecture


Sometimes instead of finding a single path or a single solution we want to find all solutions. A systematic way of doing this is called backtracking. It is a variant of depth-first search on an implicit graph. The typical approach uses recursion. At every choice point, loop through all the choices. For each choice, solve the problem recursively. Succeed if you find a solution; otherwise fail and backtrack to try an alternative.

The basic approach is:

procedure backtrack(partialSolution)

if partialSolution is a complete solution
  print partialSolution or add it to a list of solutions
  For all ways to extend partialSolution by one "step" 
    expand partialSolution by adding the next "step" to get partialSolution'
    if partialSolution' is valid
    if necessary restore partialSolution to the state it was in before you updated it


Let's consider the N-queens problem. The goal is to place N queens on an N × N chessboard such that no two queens can capture one another. (Two queens can capture one another if they are in the same row, column, or diagonal.)

A truly brutish brute-force solution technique would be to consider all possible ways of placing N queens on the board, and then checking each configuration. This technique is truly awful, because for an N × N board, there are N2 squares and hence N2 choose N possible configurations. For an 8 × 8 board, where N = 8, that comes to 4,426,165,368 configurations.

Another, less brutish, brute-force solution takes advantage of the property that we must have exactly one queen per column. So we can just try all combinations of queens, as long as there's one per column. There are N ways to put a queen in column 1, N ways to put a queen in column 2, and so on, for a total of NN configurations to check. When N = 8, we have reduced the number of configurations to 16,777,216.

We can make our brute-force solution a little better yet. Since no two queens can be in the same row, we can just try all permutations of 1 through N, saying that the first number is the row number for column 1, the second number is the row number for column 2, and so on. Now there are "only" N! configurations, which is 40,320 for N = 8. Of course, for a larger board, N! can be mighty large. In fact, once we get to N = 13, we get that N! equals 6,227,020,800, and so things are worse than the most brutish brute-force solution for N = 8.

So let's be a little smarter. Rather than just blasting out configurations, let's pay attention to what we've done. Start by placing a queen in column 1, row 1. Now we know that we cannot put a queen in column 2, row 1, because the two queens would be in the same row. We also cannot put a queen in column 2, row 2, because the queens would be on the same diagonal. So we place a queen in column 2, row 3. Now we move onto column 3. We cannot put the queen in any of rows 1–4 (think about why not), and so we put the queen in row 5. And so on.

This approach is called pruning. At the kth step, we try to extend the partial solution with k − 1 queens by adding a queen in the kth column in all possible positions. But "possible" now means positions that don't conflict with earlier queen placements. It may be that no choices are possible. In that case, the partial solution cannot be extended. In other words, it's infeasible. And so we backtrack, undoing some choices and trying others.

Why do we call this approach pruning? Because you can view the search as a tree in which the path from the root to any node in the tree represents a partial solution, making a particular choice at each step. When we reject an invalid partial solution, we are lopping off its node and the entire subtree that would go below it, so that we have "pruned" the search tree. Early pruning lops off large subtrees. Effort spent pruning usually (but not always) pays off in the end, because of the exponential growth in number of solutions considered each time a choice is made.

In terms of the pseudocode above, the "all ways to extend a partial solution" consist of all ways to put the queen in the next available column. The "partial solution' is valid" consists of verifying that the queen just placed does not conflict with a queen in an earlier column.

Go through the backtracking for N = 4:

Here is one solution for N = 8, taken from Wikipedia:

Subset Sum

We will now look at a program to solve subset sum. We are given a list of positive integers (with no repetitions) and a target number. The goal is to find all subsets of the integers that sum to the target.

So what is a "step"? It is to decide whether to add the next number in the list to the subset or not. So we will make two recursive calls, one where add the next number to the subset and one where we do not. A complete solution is one that sums to the target. A solution is still valid if the sum is at most the target. (Because the integers are all positive there is no way to extend a subset to get a solution if the sum is already too large.) The code for SubsetSum is:

public class SubsetSum {

	 * Finds all subsets of the numbers in List that add up to target.
	 * @param numbers  The list of positive integers (cannot have duplicates!)
	 * @param pos      The current position in numbers to be considered
	 * @param subset   The current subset
	 * @param sum      The sum of the integers in subset
	 * @param target   The goal number that the sum should equal
	public static void findSubsets(List numbers, int pos, 
			Set subset, int sum, int target) {
		if(sum == target)
			System.out.println("Subset: " + subset);
		else if(sum < target && pos < numbers.size()) {  // Do nothing if sum too large
			Integer m = numbers.get(pos);
			findSubsets(numbers, pos+1, subset, sum+m, target); // Include pos
			findSubsets(numbers, pos+1, subset, sum, target);  // Don't include pos

Instant Insanity

We consider the puzzle called Instant Insanity. It came out well before Rubic's Cube and other really difficult puzzles. The puzzle has four cubes. For each cube each of its six sides is colored red, blue, green, or white. (Show the puzzle.) The puzzle is to make a tower of the cubes by stacking them one on top of another in a way that each side of the tower has each color appearing once.

We use an object-oriented approach to the puzzle. We want an object type Cube to hold an individual cube. It holds the colors of the six faces in instance variables, and allows us to rotate the cube, tip it 90 degrees around the front-back axis so that the top becomes the left face, and to flip it around the same axis so that the top becomes the bottm.

Much of the work is done in the class CubeTower. This object contains all four cubes. It supplies methods to rotate, flip, and tip particular cubes and a validity test to see if there are any conflicts.

The program Insane1 is a really stupid, brute-force way to solve the puzzle. It is clever enough to note that flipping each piece simultaneously will give another solution and that rotating the tower, starting with either the original solution or the flipped solution, will give four solutions each. Therefore it only places the bottom cube in three positions, one for each top-bottom pair.

The other cubes are each placed in 24 positions. (4 rotations, flip, 4 rotations, flip back, rotate and tip. Repeat three times. This actually gets you back to where you started.) There is no pruning. Only when all 4 cubes are placed do we check for validity. This results in 43,276 calls to placeCube. Not bad for a computer, but slow by hand. (Thirty years ago it took a while even on a computer).

Insane2 has the sense to check for validity of the first k placements before proceeding to placement k+1. This improves things a whole lot. It results in 1347 validity tests and 58 calls to placeCube. This is not unreasonable to do by hand, and takes virtually no time on a computer.

Insane3 adds additional pruning. The idea is that there are partial solutions that have no conflicts on their sides that still cannot be extended to a complete solution. We would like to prune these, also. Whenever we place a cube we "bury" its top color and its bottom color, in the sense that they are no longer available to appear on the sides. If we bury enough occurrances of a color there will not be 4 copies of that color to appear on all four sides of the tower, so the partial solution cannot be extended to a complete solution. Insane3 uses the object BuriedCount to keep track of how many of each color have been buried and whether a solution might still be possible. It allows us to bury and unbury particular colors. CubeTower has methods to bury and unbury the top and bottom faces of a cube and to ask BuriedCount whether a solution is still possible. This reduces the number of validity tests to 379 and the number of calls to placeCube to 37. For 36 of these calls we bury, unbury, and test whether we have buried too much three times. This is practical to do by hand.

Note - The idea of this backtracking is simple, but the details of how the cubes are placed and rotated gets complicated. The N-queens backtracking is much simpler. You should not be creating new classes or using data structures beyond an ArrayList and some arrays.

Applications with GUIs

The Maze program is an application, but it has a GUI. So far only applets have used GUIs. It also uses radio buttons, a concept that we have not seen yet. We will now see how to create applications with GUIs as well, and will look at a few more of the dozens of specialized components that are in Swing. Fortunately they all use the same basic way of communicating with your program (listeners), so once you have seen a few it is not hard to pick up new ones as you need them.

In a GUI for an application instead of an Applet window we use a frame. A frame has title bar (including a close box, which we will deal with, and the usual collection of other control boxes, which we will let Java deal with), and a content pane. (It also has other things that we don't need to worry about.)

The first task is to get the frame displayed, and to get it to go away when we click the "close" box. The main program creates the frame, but even after the main program is done the frame continues to run. That's because when we open a frame window, the program starts a new thread of execution that displays the GUI. When the main method completes, its main thread is done, but the thread for the GUI is still running. Therefore, we need a way to stop the program when the close box is clicked.

We stop the program as in Fahrenheit.java and FahrenheitGUI.java. We have seen most of the GUI components—JPanel, JLabel, and JTextField—before. What's new is the JFrame. In this example, the FahrenheitGUI object creates a new JFrame and sets the instance variable frame to reference it. The constructor includes the string Temperature Conversion that is displayed in the frame's title bar.

The way that we indicate that the program gets stopped is with the line

frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); The setDefaultCloseOperation says what should happen when the frame's close button is clicked. Here, we specify that the program should exit, or terminate.

In this example, the display method of FahrenheitGUI calls frame.pack and frame.setVisible(true). The pack method sizes the frame to fit the components that have been added into it, and the setVisible method with a parameter of true tells the frame to actually display itself on the screen. You should call pack on a JFrame if the setSize method has not been called on the JFrame to set its size. In this example, we have called setPreferredSize on a JPanel that is added to the JFrame, but we have not called setSize on the JFrame itself. The pack method of JFrame has the JFrame set its size to fit around the GUI components within the frame.

More about frames

It is considered bad form to draw directly on the frame, because the frame is used to lay out buttons, text fields, etc., and if you draw directly on the frame, the Swing methods won't know to avoid the areas where you have placed other GUI components. Recall that the same holds for applets. With applications, we will again use the JPanel both for drawing and as a container for grouping buttons, check boxes, or other components together. We will add JPanel objects to a frame or to another container. You can build a whole hierarchy of components by assembling JPanels, getting a lot of control over the layout. When components are added to a JPanel they use a Flow Layout by default. We'll see later how to use a different layout manager for a JPanel.

As with the JApplet objects we saw earlier, we do not add components directly to a JFrame. A frame has a number of panes, one of which is the content pane. Therefore when adding components to a frame, we write

Container contentPane = getContentPane(); and then add components to the contentPane. Or, as in the constructor for FahrenheitGUI, we don't bother storing the result of getContentPane in a variable.

The content pane of an application uses a different layout scheme called Border Layout. We saw this before in PS-3, although we did not require you to program with it. The pane is partitioned into five regions: North, South, East, West, and Center. They appear in the pane as follows:

You can add at most one component to any one of these regions. Regions with no component are taken over by the Center region, which expands to fill the leftover area. We'll see that the North and South regions expand horizontally in ways that are sometimes a bit strange.

We can arrange the layout of a GUI using the content pane and as many JPanels as we like.


Let's look at an application that uses multiple JPanel objects: the program ButtonTest.java. When running it, we can see that it has four buttons across the bottom and a large content pane where a rectangle can be moved via button clicks. Try it out. We will see how to set up this GUI.

First, consider the main program. It is similar to the frame example we looked at earlier. The only differences are that it uses frame.setTitle to set the title here rather than doing it in the frame's constructor, and we call setSize on the frame, thus obviating the need to call pack.

The real work of setting up the GUI is in ButtonFrame.java. The ButtonFrame class has five private instance variables:

In the constructor for ButtonFrame, we make sure that the program will stop when the window is closed by calling setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE).

The ButtonFrameconstructor then assigns the instance variable rectPanel to a new RectanglePanel. It also creates the JPanel buttonPanel to group the buttons together. This variable is local, because we do not need it after the constructor is done. The buttons themselves are needed after the constructor finishes, but the panel that groups them is not.

All four buttons are created, with labels Up, Down, Left, and Right. Unlike the GUI in Lab Assignment 3, all four buttons are assigned the same listener object. We will see later how we can do different things in the method, depending on which button was pushed.

All we have done so far is create some objects. We have yet to place them into the frame. That's what happens next. The program gets the contentPane from the frame and adds rectPanel, the drawing area, to the center region of the contentPane using the builtin constant BorderLayout.CENTER. (Alternatively, you can instead use the string "Center" as the second parameter to add.)

We want all four buttons in the South area of the frame. With the variable layoutStyle set to the value flowLayout (from the enumerated type LayoutType), we first add all four to the JFrame buttonPanel (using Flow Layout) and then add buttonPanel to the south part of the contentPane.

The method actionPerformed in DirectionListener responds to the button clicks. The ActionEvent event has within it a reference to the object that is the source of the event. A call to event.getSource returns this reference. By comparing references we can decide which button was clicked in a series of if-else statements. Then each of them moves the rectangle in the rectPanel in a different direction by calling the moveRectangle method of RectanglePanel with the appropriate parameter values. After moving the rectangle, actionPerformed has the RectanglePanel draw itself.

What remains is the RectanglePanel class in RectanglePanel.java. This is the panel for the drawing area. Therefore it has the methods to deal with drawing on the panel (paintComponent) and the information about what is to be drawn there.

It has a private instance variable theRect, which references the Rect object to be drawn. We've seen the Rect class, in Rect.java, before. The rectangle is initialized in the constructor to be at the upper left-hand corner of the panel. Each panel has its own coordinate system.

To draw we call paintComponent. Important note: the first line of paintComponent should always be a call to super.paintComponent. Doing so gives the superclass method a chance to do what it needs to do with the panel. Then it can do what we normally want. In this case, it draws theRect and then draws a grid of light grey lines in multiples of the rectangle size. The calls to getWidth and getHeight are actually calling methods inherited from JPanel; these calls return the width and height of the panel, so that we draw the grey lines at the correct lengths.

Another method is moveRectangle. It simply shifts the rectangle by dx rectangle widths in the x direction and dy rectangle heights in the y direction. Remember that the actionPerformed method called it to move the rectangle in response to button pushes.

The last method in RectanglePanel is draw, which just calls repaint. Strictly speaking, we didn't need to define draw in RectanglePanel. Instead, we could have replaced the call rectPanel.draw() in the actionPerformed method of ButtonFrame by the call rectPanel.repaint(). I chose to define and call the draw method because it is cleaner to hide that rectPanel has a repaint method from the classes that use it. In fact, just calling repaint here would also work.

Using a Border Layout manager in a JPanel

The flow layout of the buttons doesn't really match the way I'd like the buttons to be placed. I'd like to have the Up button on the top, the Left button on the left, the Right button on the right, and the Down button on the bottom. Setting the variable layoutStyle to wideBorderLayout gets us closer.

Now our button layout is accomplished by the lines

buttonPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); buttonPanel.add(upButton, BorderLayout.NORTH); buttonPanel.add(downButton, BorderLayout.SOUTH); buttonPanel.add(leftButton, BorderLayout.WEST); buttonPanel.add(rightButton, BorderLayout.EAST); That gives a more intuitive button layout, with the Up button on the North side, the Down button on the South side, the Left button on the West side, and the Right button on the East side. The only aesthetic problem is that with Border Layout, the North and South borders stretch the entire horizontal span of the panel, so that the Up and Down buttons appear much, much wider than the Left and Right buttons.

We can solve that problem, too. If we set variable layoutStyle to niceBorderLayout, we run the lines

buttonPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JPanel northPanel = new JPanel(); northPanel.add(upButton); JPanel southPanel = new JPanel(); southPanel.add(downButton); buttonPanel.add(northPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); buttonPanel.add(southPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); buttonPanel.add(leftButton, BorderLayout.WEST); buttonPanel.add(rightButton, BorderLayout.EAST); Here, we create two more JPanel objects, referenced by northPanel and southPanel, each holding just one JButton. By putting upButton and downButton each in its own little JPanel, we prevent these buttons from being stretched horizontally in a Border Layout.

Text fields, check boxes, radio buttons, and combo boxes

The program ChoiceTest.java demonstrates four other Swing components used to make choices: This program displays a sample of text, where the user gets to choose a font (Times, a font with serifs; Helvetica, a sans-serif font; or Courier, a monospaced font), a size (small, medium, or large), and a style (plain, italic, bold, or bold italic). The user may also decide whether the text itself is editable and, if it is, may edit it.

At this point, many of the features of this program are probably self-explanatory. Some are not. We'll go through a few of them here.

The heavy lifting is done in ChoiceFrame.java. The ChoiceFrame constructor builds the GUI. As usual, we attach a listener to each button or combo box. As in the ButtonFrame class in ButtonFrame.java, we use one listener for all choice components. This listener's actionPerformed method calls the method setSampleFont, which gets the value of each choice component and then displays the sample text according to these values.

When constructing the JTextField referenced by sampleField, we specify a text string to display. We also set the editability of this text field to false, so that the user cannot edit it. The editability can be changed, however, as we shall see.

All check boxes, from the Swing class JCheckBox, may be turned on and off individually. We use them for independent choices. Here, we have three check boxes:

To determine whether a check box is checked, we use the isSelected method. The setSampleFont method makes calls such as editableCheckBox.isSelected() and italicCheckBox.isSelected().

A combo box lets the user pick one of a list of items. Here, the items are font names. When one is chosen, an action event occurs, which is handled by the listener we attach to the combo box. Because we set the combo box to be editable, the user can type in other font names, too.

We use radio buttons to select the font size: small, medium, or large. Radio buttons allow the user to make exactly one choice out of a set of choices. The way we indicate each set of choices is with ButtonGroup objects. We create a new ButtonGroup for each set of choices, and we add the buttons to the ButtonGroup. A ButtonGroup has nothing to do with the layout of the buttons on the screen; it makes it so that when the user clicks one button of a set, Swing knows which other buttons have to become unselected. (It takes care of unselecting them.) We choose to start out with one radio button being selected - if we did not none would be selected. Here, we choose the one for the large text size.

We can also add tool tips to our check boxes and radio buttons. By calling the setToolTipText method on a GUI component, we give text that will appear when the cursor is held over the component. This method applies to pretty much any GUI component, including combo boxes.

That takes care of setting up the objects. Next is the physical layout. We make a JPanel named sampleFrame, with Border Layout, to hold editableCheckBox and sampleField, with the check box above the text field. By adding sampleField to the center region of the Border Layout, we make it so that when the window is resized, the sample text's panel grows and shrinks to fit the window. We then make a panel for the font name combo box. Next, a panel for the size radio buttons. We put the title "Size" and an etched border around this panel. Similarly, we make a panel for the style check boxes, with the title "Style" and an etched border.

The latter three panels—for the font name combo box, size radio buttons, and style radio buttons—are aligned vertically using a new layout manager: the Box Layout manager. A Box Layout allows us to align components either vertically or horizontally. Unlike the other layout managers, a BoxLayout constructor takes as a parameter a reference to the component that it is laying out. I don't know why. But it means that if you were using a Box Layout to lay out more than one component, you would have to create a new BoxLayout object for each one. Here, the component that the Box Layout manager is working on is southPanel.

The two panels that we have yet to place into a container—sampleFrame and southPanel—are put into the content pane. Recall that in an application, the content panel by default uses Border Layout. Again, by putting the panel containing the sample text in the center region, the sample text's panel will grow and shrink as the window is resized.

Finally, the ChoiceFrame constructor calls setSampleFont to get the values of all the GUI components and redisplay the sample text. The setSampleFont method asks whether each check box and radio button is selected, doing the appropriate thing for each component that is selected. The call fontnameCombo.getSelectedItem() returns what appears in the combo box. Here, we cast it to a String, which is what we'll be using.

The style is an integer that we set according to the check boxes. It starts as a 0, indicating "plain," and we add into it according to other styles that we want. Font.ITALIC and Font.BOLD are constants that indicate the styles used here. We set the font size according to which of the radio buttons is selected.

Once we have the font name, style, and size, we call the setFont method on sampleField with the font name, style, and size. This call changes some of the text field's display characteristics. A call to sampleField.repaint causes the text field to actually redisplay.

The Maze Program Layout and Operation

Given this we can see how the maze program is laid out. The top level MazeSolver.java simply creates the maze frame, sets its size and title, and makes it visible.

The work is done in MazeFrame.java. This sets up the frame and the buttons. Note that the stepButton, clearButton, and readButton are local variables. That is because once they are registered with a listener nothing more needs to be done with them. The solveButton has to change its text (alternates between "Solve" and "Pause") and the radio buttons need to be tested to see which is selected. Therefore they are instance variables. The button layouts are very similar to ones we have seen before, so I will let you read them on your own.

The listeners are worth looking at. The StepListener does the work of actually performing a step in the maze. It is used by both the Timer and the stepButton. If the maze is solved it turns off the timer and sets the label on the solveButton to Solve. If not, it calls maze.stepMaze() to do one more step in solving the maze.

The SolveListener is used to handle the solveButton. It toggles the label on the button and the state of the timer (if on, then turns it off, and vise versa). The ReadListener reads a new maze and creates it. The RadioListener creates a new maze, with createMaze looking at the radio buttons. Creating a new maze is what we want to do when we clear the maze, so this works for the clearButton also.

The createMaze method sets up a new maze. It creates the correct type of sequencer. (Remember a sequencer is basically an abstract queue - it can add items and get the next item.) It makes a maze from the text representation that has been read in (or does nothing if no text has been read or it has an error). It passes this maze on to the mazeCanvas and repaints.

The mazeCanvas holds a MazePanel.java, which basically draws the current maze. The code for display figures out the square size and the position of the upper left hand corner, and it draws each square in the appropriate color.

Maze.java both initializes the maze in its constructor and performs a step of solving the maze in stepMaze. Method stepMaze is where the virutal graph is explored. It calls the current sequencer to get the next maze square to be processed. If the square to be processed is the target it traces back the path, marking each square as on the final path. If not, and the square was not explored, it tries to add each of its four potential neighbors to the sequencer (if they exist and are either empty or the target) and marks the current square as explored. This will prevent it from being explored again later.

The actual code for solving the maze would have been simpler if we were not creating an interactive GUI. The GUI requires spreading the solution out, separating out the code for taking a step and making it act on the current "state" of the maze. This step code would normally be part of a loop. But here the loop is provided by the GUI, either via the Step button or repeated calls from the Timer after clicking Solve.