Indexer description | Requirements Spec | Design Spec

In this lab you’ll continue the Tiny Search Engine (TSE) by coding the Indexer and a test program that saves and loads index files, according to the specs in this directory:

You will write the Implementation Spec as part of this assignment.

Grading will focus on CS50 coding style - including consistent formatting, selection of identifier names, and use of meaningful comments - in addition to correctness, testing, and documentation.

Your C code must compile without producing any compiler warnings. You will lose points if the compiler produces warnings when using our CS50-standard compiler flags.

If your submitted code fails to compile, or triggers a segmentation fault, you will fail some or all of our correctness tests. Write defensive code: each function should check its pointer parameters for NULL, and take some appropriate (safe) action. Write solid unit tests, test drivers, and use regression testing as your development proceeds.

If your submitted version has known bugs, that is, cases where it fails your own test cases, and you describe those cases in your README file, we will halve the number of points you lose for those cases. In short, it is far better for you to demonstrate you know about the bug than to submit and hope we won’t find it.

Valgrind should report no memory errors or memory leaks, when crawler exits normally. You will lose points for memory errors and leaks reported by valgrind on our tests.


  1. Start with the same repository you used for Lab 4. Before you begin, make sure you submitted Lab 4 correctly, as instructed.
  2. Check to ensure your local repo is clean with make clean and everything looks correct according to git status. Do not proceed if you have uncommitted changes or unpushed commits. Seek help if you need to sort out your repo or GitHub.
  3. Ensure you are again working on the main branch and that the main branch is up to date if you made any changes on submit4 after branching off main.
  4. Review Section 4 in Searching the Web, the paper about search engines.


Design and code the second subsystem of the Tiny Search Engine, the Indexer. Your implementation must follow the Requirements Spec and Design Spec, and make good use of our abstract data structures.

In the top directory,

  1. Uncomment the commands for indexer, so make and make clean work to build (or clean) the libraries, crawler, and indexer.

In the indexer subdirectory,

  1. Add a file to provide the Implementation Spec for indexer (not for index tester) and the testing plan for indexer.
  2. Add a file to describe any assumptions you made while writing the indexer, any ways in which your implementation differs from the Specs, or any ways in which you know your implementation fails to work.
  3. Write a program indexer.c according to the Specs.
  4. Write a program indextest.c according to the Specs.
  5. Write a Makefile that will, by default, build the indexer and indextest executable programs.
  6. Add a make clean target that removes files produced by Make or your tests.
  7. Add a make test target that tests your indexer.
  8. Write a bash script that can be run by make test. This script must include good comments describing your tests. For best results, make test should run bash -v
  9. Save the output of your tests with make test &> testing.out.
  10. Add a .gitignore file telling Git to ignore the binary files (like indexer and indextest) and other unnecessary files in this directory.

In the common subdirectory,

  1. Extend a module pagedir.c (common to the Crawler, Indexer, and Querier) to support any new operations on pageDirectories.
  2. Add a module index.c (common between the Indexer, Querier, and indextest) to support saving and loading index files.
  3. Add a module word.c (common between the Indexer and Querier) that implements normalizeWord.
  4. Extend Makefile to include all three modules in common.a.


Add/commit all the code and ancillary files required to build and test your solution; at a minimum your indexer directory should include the following files: .gitignore Makefile indexer.c indextest.c testing.out and your common directory should contain the following files: Makefile index.h index.c pagedir.h pagedir.c word.h word.c

Do not commit any data files produced by the crawler or indexer, any binary/object files produced by the compiler, backup files, core dumps, etc.

If you finish Lab 5 early, we encourage you to begin work on Lab 6. Your Lab 5 submission may contain a partly-completed querier; the graders will ignore those files, but must be able to build your libraries and programs from the top-level directory without compilation errors and test your indexer without run-time errors. You might consider working on a separate git branch, but the graders will use submit5 branch.

To submit, read the Lab submission instructions.

Hints and tips

The Lab 4 description is still relevant to this assignment.


If your crawler never quite worked, never fear! You do not need a working crawler to write or test your indexer. Try your indexer on our crawler’s output, which we provide in /thayerfs/courses/22fall/cosc050/workspace/tse/tse-output. Our indexer’s output is in that same directory.

It can be tricky to compare two index files for equivalence - because the lines of an index file can be in any order, and the docIDs within a line can be in any order - so a simple run of diff won’t always be sufficient. Try using our indexcmp program; you can run it directly from the shared copy we installed:

$ /thayerfs/courses/22fall/cosc050/workspace/tse/indexcmp
usage: /thayerfs/courses/22fall/cosc050/workspace/tse/indexcmp indexFilenameA indexFilenameB

It takes two arguments, each a pathname to an index file; it will print out any apparent differences.


“How big should the hashtable be?”

In the indexer/querier, we use a hashtable to store an inverted index (words –> documents), and thus the hashtable is keyed by words. The answer to the above question, then, depends on how many words will be in the index.

When building the inverted index, it’s impossible to know in advance how many words you will find in all those pages encountered by the crawler. Pick a reasonable size, perhaps something in the range of 200..1,000 slots.

When loading an inverted index from a file, though, you can know how many words… because there is one word per line in the index file, and it’s easy to count the number of lines (see file.h). Once your code can obtain the number of words, think about how it can compute a good size for your hashtable.


The pageDirectory stores pages fetched and saved by the Crawler. In Lab 4 you wrote functions pagedir_init (to mark a directory as a Crawler directory) and pagedir_save (to save a page into a file in that directory). You may now need to write functions like pagedir_validate(dir) to verify whether dir is indeed a Crawler-produced directory, and pagedir_load to load a page from a file in that directory. Detail these (or other) functions in your Implementation spec.


We strongly recommend you add an index module to the common library – a module to implement an abstract index_t type that represents an index in memory, and supports functions like index_new(), index_delete(), index_save(), and so forth. Tip: much of it is a wrapper for a hashtable.

To write the index file, use the _iterate methods built into your data structures. (Indeed you may need to have iterators call iterators as we did in an in-class activity!) Do not use your _print methods for this purpose; those methods are meant for producing pretty human-readable output for debugging purposes.

To read each line of the index file, it works well to read the word, then loop calling fscanf with format "%d %d " to pull off one pair at a time, checking the return value of fscanf. The specs allow your code to be optimistic about index files being in the correct format.

The functions found in file.h should be helpful.


Your indexer/Makefile needs to build both indexer and indextest by default. We recommend you add a phony top-most target:

all: indexer indextest

so that make or make all will build both programs; if you want to build just one, run make indexer or make indextest.