Below you can find interactive versions of the result comparisons for the seven scenes of the paper "Beyond Points and Beams: Higher-Dimensional Photon Samples for Volumetric Light Transport". We compare our new photon planes estimators (both 1D blurred and unblurred variants) to photon beams. All images are rendered at equal time.
Note that the LDR full-transport images were tonemapped with a "filmic" tonemap operator to avoid over-exposure. The original linear, high-dynamic range EXR images are available in the supplemental zip, found on the project page.
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Full transport input:
Comparison of photon planes (ours) to photon beams (prior work):
Full transport input:
Comparison of photon planes (ours) to photon beams (prior work):
Full transport input:
Comparison of photon planes (ours) to photon beams (prior work):
Full transport input:
Comparison of photon planes (ours) to photon beams (prior work):
Full transport input:
Comparison of photon planes (ours) to photon beams (prior work):
Full transport input:
Comparison of photon planes (ours) to photon beams (prior work):
Full transport input:
Comparison of photon planes (ours) to photon beams (prior work):