Stereo from shading

1ETH Zürich 2Disney Research Zürich 3Disney Research Los Angeles

In Proceedings of EGSR (Experimental Ideas & Implementations), 2015

Stereo from Shading: the anaglyph image on the right is assembled from a single view (center) with no parallax disparity, but with different shading (left), producing a 3D impression. The inset represents the difference between eye renders, with a neutral color showing no difference.


We present a new method for creating and enhancing the stereoscopic 3D (S3D) sensation without using the parallax disparity between an image pair. S3D relies on a combination of cues to generate a feeling of depth, but only a few of these cues can easily be modified within a rendering pipeline without significantly changing the content. We explore one such cue—shading stereopsis—which to date has not been exploited for 3D rendering. By changing only the shading of objects between the left and right eye renders, we generate a noticeable increase in perceived depth. This effect can be used to create depth when applied to flat images, and to enhance depth when applied to shallow depth S3D images. Our method modifies the shading normals of objects or materials, such that it can be flexibly and selectively applied in complex scenes with arbitrary numbers and types of lights and indirect illumination. Our results show examples of rendered stills and video, as well as live action footage.



Video (full-quality)


Alexandre Chapiro, Carol O'Sullivan, Wojciech Jarosz, Markus Gross, Aljoscha Smolic. Stereo from shading. Proceedings of EGSR (Experimental Ideas & Implementations), June 2015.
    author    = {Chapiro, Alexandre and O'Sullivan, Carol and Jarosz, Wojciech and Gross, Markus and Smolic, Aljoscha},
    title     = {Stereo from Shading},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of EGSR (Experimental Ideas \\& Implementations)},
    month     = jun,
    year      = {2015},
    doi       = {10/gf6rzk}
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