Dispersion-based color projection using masked prisms

1Disney Research Zürich 2Dartmouth College

In Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Pacific Graphics), 2015
Pacific Graphics 2015 Best Paper Award!

Our approach is able to project a full color image (Input) using a device which contains no colored components—consisting only of two masks (2nd, hidden), and one or two prisms. (The central panel shows the effect of displaying the Input image on an LCD display for comparison)


We present a method for projecting arbitrary color images using a white light source and an optical device with no colored components—consisting solely of one or two prisms and two transparent masks. When illuminated, the first mask creates structured white light that is then dispersed in the prism and attenuated by the second mask to create the color projection. We derive analytical expressions for the mask parameters from the physical components and validate our approach both in simulation and also demonstrate it on a wide variety of images using two different physical setups (one consisting of two inexpensive triangular prisms, and the other using a single rhombic prism). Furthermore, we show that optimizing the masks simultaneously enables obfuscating the image content, and provides a tradeoff between increased light throughput (by up to a factor of three) and maximum color saturation.



Rafael Hostettler, Ralf Habel, Markus Gross, Wojciech Jarosz. Dispersion-based color projection using masked prisms. Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Pacific Graphics), 34(7), October 2015.
    author  = {Hostettler, Rafael and Habel, Ralf and Gross, Markus and Jarosz, Wojciech},
    title   = {Dispersion-based Color Projection using Masked Prisms},
    journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Pacific Graphics)},
    volume  = {34},
    number  = {7},
    month   = oct,
    year    = {2015},
    doi     = {10/f7v22b}
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