Light factorization for mixed-frequency shadows in augmented reality

1Disney Research Zürich 2ETH Zürich 3Black Rock Studios

In 10th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (Proceedings of ISMAR 2011), 2011

Our light factorization allows for consistent lighting between virtual and real objects: note the consistent shading, from environmental light bounces, and shadows from captured light sources.


Integrating animated virtual objects with their surroundings for high-quality augmented reality requires both geometric and radiometric consistency. We focus on the latter of these problems and present an approach that captures and factorizes external lighting in a manner that allows for realistic relighting of both animated and static virtual objects. Our factorization facilitates a combination of hard and soft shadows, with high-performance, in a manner that is consistent with the surrounding scene lighting.



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Derek Nowrouzezahrai, Stefan Geiger, Kenny Mitchell, Robert Sumner, Wojciech Jarosz, Markus Gross. Light factorization for mixed-frequency shadows in augmented reality. 10th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (Proceedings of ISMAR 2011), October 2011.
    author    = {Nowrouzezahrai, Derek and Geiger, Stefan and Mitchell, Kenny and Sumner, Robert and Jarosz, Wojciech
                 and Gross, Markus},
    title     = {Light Factorization for Mixed-Frequency Shadows in Augmented Reality},
    booktitle = {10th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (Proceedings of ISMAR 2011)},
    month     = oct,
    year      = {2011},
    doi       = {10/ccdrz4}