At each shade point, the spherical visibility function encodes occlusion from surrounding geometry, in all directions. Computing this function is difficult and point-sampling approaches, such as ray-tracing or hardware shadow mapping, are traditionally used to efficiently approximate it. We propose a semi-analytic solution to the problem where the spherical silhouette of the visibility is computed using a search over a 4D dual mesh of the scene. Once computed, we are able to semi-analytically integrate visibility-masked spherical functions along the visibility silhouette, instead of over the entire hemisphere. In this way, we avoid the artifacts that arise from using point-sampling strategies to integrate visibility, a function with unbounded frequency content. We demonstrate our approach on several applications, including direct illumination from realistic lighting and computation of PRT data. Additionally, we present a new frequency-space method for exactly computing all-frequency shadows on diffuse surfaces. Our results match ground truth computed using importance-sampled stratified Monte Carlo ray-tracing, with comparable performance on scenes with low-to-moderate geometric complexity.
@article{nowrouzezahrai14visibility, author = {Nowrouzezahrai, Derek and Baran, Ilya and Mitchell, Kenny and Jarosz, Wojciech}, title = {Visibility Silhouettes for Semi-Analytic Spherical Integration}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, volume = {33}, number = {1}, month = feb, year = {2014}, pages = {105--117}, doi = {10/f5t6tf}, keywords = {all-frequency shadowing, image-based rendering, spherical visibility} }