
Lecture topics are still subject to changes. The last two weeks are held for class project - there will be no lectures but invited talks, group code design and review.

Week 1: The Basics
Mar. 30 Kickoff; Computer networks in a nutshell Clark88,
Ch.1.1 - 1.5
Apr. 1 Socket programming Ch.2.7 Lab 1 out
Week 2: Applications
Apr. 6 HTTP, DNS, and Email Ch.2.1 - 2.5
Apr. 8 Peer-to-peer Cohen03
Lab 1 due
Lab 2 out
Week 3: Transport Layer
Apr. 13 Transport protocols: UDP and TCP
Ch.3.1 - 3.3
Apr. 15 TCP reliability and congestion control
Ch.3.4 - 3.7
Week 4: Network Layer
Apr. 20 Invited talk: Te-Yuan Huang (Netflix)
Lab 2 due
Lab 3 out
Apr. 22 IP Layer and Intra-domain Routing
Ch.4.1 - 4.4, Ch.4.6.3
Week 5: Network and Link Layer
Apr. 27 Inter-domain Routing; Routers
Ch.4.1 - 4.4, Ch.4.6.3
Apr. 29 Data link layer (wired)
Ch.5.1, 5.4
Week 6: Advanced Topics: Wireless & Security
May 4 Wireless physical layer and MAC protocols
Ch.6.2 - 6.4, Ch.6.3.2
Lab 3 due
Lab 4 out
May 6 Network security
Ch.8.1 - Ch.8.3, Ch.8.3 - Ch.8.6
Week 7: Advanced Topic & Project
May 11 Data center networks
The classic talk
May 13 Introduction of the project
Lab 4 due on May 16
Week 8 - 9: Project Weeks
May 18 Invited talk: Doug Madory (Kentikinc)
May 20 Invited talk: Soumendra Nanda (Parallel Wireless)
Code design, code review
Week 10: Demo Week
June 3 Project due
June 4 Project demo day