NOTE: The Center for Mobile Computing is no longer active, and this web site represents a historical view of its activities from 1996-2008. Although there is still mobile-computing research underway at Dartmouth, we no longer update this web site. Please contact David Kotz with any inquiries about the CMC.
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The goal of the Center for Mobile Computing at Dartmouth College is to realize the potential for ubiquitous mobile devices and wireless communications to improve the way we live, the way we work, and the way we learn.
We have the opportunity to leverage Dartmouth's campus-wide wireless network, its group of experienced researchers, its residential campus with an innovative and creative student culture, its long tradition of pervasive deployment of cutting-edge technology and of technology in the classroom, and its local institutes for Security Technology (ISTS) and Infrastructure Protection (I3P). This combination makes Dartmouth College a unique environment for understanding the future, in which mobile computing becomes ubiquitous on university campuses, corporate campuses, and the consumer world.
The CMC is comprised of researchers from the Department of Computer Science and from the Thayer School of Engineering, including faculty, post-doctoral researchers, M.E. and Ph.D. students, and undergraduate students, and of staff from Dartmouth's Computing Services department. Participating faculty members have extensive experience in wireless networks, sensor networks, mobile agents, parallel and distributed computing, operating systems, information retrieval, robotics, signal processing, and advanced algorithm design.
The Center's projects receive funding from the CMC industrial Partners, and federal funding from the Department of Homeland Security (through ISTS), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Office of Naval Research, and a Department of Defense Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) administered by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.
Center research facilities include campus-wide wired and wireless networks as well as a heterogeneous collection of computing systems. In effect, Dartmouth College is an extensive testbed with several thousand networked computers and active users.