Crawler description | Requirements Spec | Design Spec | Implementation Spec

Design Specification

In this document we reference the Requirements Specification and focus on the implementation-independent design decisions. Here we focus on:

  • User interface
  • Inputs and outputs
  • Functional decomposition into modules
  • Pseudo code (plain English-like language) for logic/algorithmic flow
  • Major data structures
  • Testing plan

User interface

As described in the Requirements Spec, the crawler’s only interface with the user is on the command-line; it must always have three arguments.

$ crawler seedURL pageDirectory maxDepth

For example, to crawl one of the CS50 test sites, store the pages found in a subdirectory data/letters in the current directory, and to search only depths 0, 1, and 2, use this command line:

$ mkdir ../data/letters
$ ./crawler ../data/letters 2

Inputs and outputs

Input: there are no file inputs; there are command-line parameters described above.

Output: Per the Requirements spec, the crawler will save each explored webpage to a file, one webpage per file, using a unique documentID as the file name. For example, the top file of the website would have documentID 1, the next webpage access from a link on that top page would be documentID 2, and so on. Within each of these files, crawler writes:

  • the full page URL on the first line,
  • the depth of the page (where the seedURL is considered to be depth 0) on the second line,
  • the page contents (i.e., the HTML code), beginning on the third line.

Functional decomposition into modules

We anticipate the following modules or functions:

  1. main, which parses arguments and initializes other modules
  2. crawler, which loops over pages to explore, until the list is exhausted
  3. pagefetcher, which fetches a page from a URL
  4. pagescanner, which extracts URLs from a page and processes each one
  5. pagesaver, which outputs a page to the the appropriate file

And some helper modules that provide data structures:

  1. bag of pages we have yet to explore
  2. hashtable of URLs we’ve seen so far

Pseudo code for logic/algorithmic flow

The crawler will run as follows:

parse the command line, validate parameters, initialize other modules
add seedURL to the bag of webpages to crawl, marked with depth=0
add seedURL to the hashtable of URLs seen so far
while there are more webpages in the bag:
    extract a webpage (URL,depth) item from the bag
    pause for one second
    use pagefetcher to retrieve a webpage for that URL
    use pagesaver to write the webpage to the pageDirectory with a unique document ID
    if the webpage depth is < maxDepth, explore the webpage to find the links it contains:
      use pagescanner to parse the webpage to extract all its embedded URLs
      for each extracted URL:
        normalize the URL (per requirements spec)
        if that URL is internal (per requirements spec):
          try to insert that URL into the *hashtable* of URLs seen;
            if it was already in the table, do nothing;
            if it was added to the table:
               create a new webpage for that URL, marked with depth+1
               add that new webpage to the bag of webpages to be crawled

Notice that our pseudocode says nothing about the order in which it crawls webpages. Recall that our bag abstract data structure explicitly denies any promise about the order of items removed from a bag. That’s ok. The result may or may not be a Breadth-First Search, but for the crawler we don’t care about the order as long as we explore everything within the maxDepth neighborhood.

The crawler completes and exits when it has nothing left in its bag - no more pages to be crawled. The maxDepth parameter indirectly determines the number of pages that the crawler will retrieve.

Major data structures

Helper modules provide all the data structures we need:

  • bag of webpage (URL, depth) structures
  • hashtable of URLs
  • webpage contains all the data read for a given webpage, plus the URL and the depth at which it was fetched

Testing plan

We’ve established a ‘playground’ with three different sites for CS50 crawlers to explore. These sites are located at|toscrape|wikipedia):

Each site has several HTML files hosted on Dartmouth servers. We use these servers in case your code runs amok, it only affects those servers not the wider Internet!

A sampling of tests that should be run:

  1. Test the program with various forms of incorrect command-line arguments to ensure that its command-line parsing, and validation of those parameters, works correctly.

  2. Start by crawling a simple, closed set of cross-linked web pages like letters, at depths 0, 1, 2, or more. Verify that the files created match expectations.

  3. Repeat with a different seed page in that same site. If the site is indeed a graph, with cycles, there should be several interesting starting points.

  4. Point the crawler at one of our bigger playgrounds. Explore at depths 0, 1, 2, from various starting pages. (It takes a long time to run at depth 2 or higher!) Verify that the files created match expectations.

  5. When you are confident that your crawler runs well, test it with a greater depth - but be ready to kill it if it seems to be running amok.