Crawler description | Requirements Spec | Design Spec | Implementation Spec

Requirements Specification

In a requirements spec, shall do means must do.

The TSE crawler is a standalone program that crawls the web and retrieves webpages starting from a “seed” URL. It parses the seed webpage, extracts any embedded URLs, then retrieves each of those pages, recursively, but limiting its exploration to a given “depth”.

The crawler shall:

  1. execute from a command line with usage syntax ./crawler seedURL pageDirectory maxDepth
    • where seedURL is an ‘internal’ directory, to be used as the initial URL,
    • where pageDirectory is the (existing) directory in which to write downloaded webpages, and
    • where maxDepth is an integer in range [0..10] indicating the maximum crawl depth.
  2. mark the pageDirectory as a ‘directory produced by the Crawler’ by creating a file named .crawler in that directory.
  3. crawl all “internal” pages reachable from seedURL, following links to a maximum depth of maxDepth; where maxDepth=0 means that crawler only explores the page at seedURL, and maxDepth=1 means that crawler only explores the page at seedURL and those pages to which seedURL links, and so forth inductively. It shall not crawl “external” pages.
  4. print nothing to stdout, other than logging its progress; see an example format in the crawler Implementation Spec. Write each explored page to the pageDirectory with a unique document ID, wherein
    • the document id starts at 1 and increments by 1 for each new page,
    • and the filename is of form pageDirectory/id,
    • and the first line of the file is the URL,
    • and the second line of the file is the depth,
    • and the rest of the file is the page content (the HTML, unchanged).
  5. exit zero if successful; exit with an error message to stderr and non-zero exit status if it encounters an unrecoverable error, including
    • out of memory
    • invalid number of command-line arguments
    • seedURL is invalid or not internal
    • maxDepth is invalid or out of range
    • unable to create a file of form pageDirectory/.crawler
    • unable to create or write to a file of form pageDirectory/id

Definition: A normalized URL is the result of passing a URL through normalizeURL(); see the documentation of that function in tse/libcs50/webpage.h. An Internal URL is a URL that, when normalized, begins with

One example: Http:// becomes

Assumption: The pageDirectory does not already contain any files whose name is an integer (i.e., 1, 2, …).

Limitation: The Crawler shall pause at least one second between page fetches, and shall ignore non-internal and non-normalizable URLs. (The purpose is to avoid overloading our web server and to avoid causing trouble on any web servers other than the CS50 test server.)