- abali:ibm370:
Bülent Abali, Bruce D. Gavril, Richard W. Hadsell, Linh Lam, and Brion
Many/370: A parallel computer prototype for I/O intensive
In Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Distributed-Memory Computer
Conference, pages 728-730, 1991.
- abawajy:scheduling:
J. H. Abawajy.
Performance analysis of parallel I/O scheduling approaches on
cluster computing systems.
In Workshop on Parallel I/O in Cluster Computing and Computational
Grids, pages 724-729, Tokyo, May 2003. Carleton University, IEEE
Computer Society Press.
Organized at the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the
Grid 2003.
- abello:dimacs:
James Abello and Jeffrey Scott Vitter, editors.
External Memory Algorithms and Visualization.
DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science.
American Mathematical Society Press, Providence, RI, 1999.
- abello:graph:
James Abello, Adam L. Buchsbaum, and Jeffrey R. Westbrook.
A functional approach to external memory graph
In Proceedings of the 6th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms,
volume 1461 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 332-343,
Venice, Italy, August 1998. Springer-Verlag.
- abu-safah:speedup:
Walid Abu-Safah, Harlan Husmann, and David Kuck.
On Input/Output speed-up in tightly-coupled multiprocessors.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, pages 520-530, 1986.
- acharya:tuning:
Anurag Acharya, Mustafa Uysal, Robert Bennett, Assaf Mendelson, Michael Beynon,
Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth, Joel Saltz, and Alan Sussman.
Tuning the performance of I/O intensive parallel applications.
In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 15-27, Philadelphia, May 1996. ACM
- aggarwal:sorting:
Alok Aggarwal and Jeffrey Scott Vitter.
The input/output complexity of sorting and related problems.
Communications of the ACM, 31(9):1116-1127, September 1988.
- agrawal:asynch:
Gagan Agrawal, Anurag Acharya, and Joel Saltz.
An interprocedural framework for placement of asynchronous I/O
In Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on
Supercomputing, pages 358-365, Philadelphia, PA, May 1996. ACM
- aguilar:graph:
Jose Aguilar.
A graph theoretical model for scheduling simultaneous I/O operations on
parallel and distributed environments.
Parallel Processing Letters, 12(1):113-126, March 2002.
- ali:enhancing:
Zeyad Ali and Qutaibah Malluhi.
Enhancing data-intensive applications performance by tuning the
distributed storage policies.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed
Processing Techniques and Applications, PDPTA'04, volume 3, pages
1515-1522, Las Vegas, NV, June 2004.
- allcock:grid:
Bill Allcock, Joe Bester, John Bresnahan, Ann L. Chervenak, Ian Foster, Carl
Kesselman, Sam Meder, Veronika Nefedova, Darcy Quesnel, and Steven Tuecke.
Data management and transfer in high-performance computational grid
Parallel Computing, 28(5):749-771, May 2002.
- allen:cactus:
Gabrielle Allen, Tom Goodale, Joan Massó, and Edward Seidel.
The cactus computational toolkit and using distributed computing to collide
neutron stars.
In Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Symposium on High
Performance Distributed Computing, pages 57-61, Redondo Beach, CA,
August 1999. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- alvarez:failures:
Guillermo A. Alvarez, Walter A. Burkhard, and Flaviu Cristian.
Tolerating multiple failures in RAID architectures with optimal storage and uniform
In Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Symposium on Computer
Architecture, pages 62-72. IEEE Computer Society Press, May 1997.
See also later version alvarez:bfailures.
- alvarez:jminerva:
Guillermo A. Alvarez, Elizabeth Borowsky, Susie Go, Theodore H. Romer, Ralph
Becker-Szendy, Richard Golding, Arif Merchant, Mirjana Spasojevic, Alistair
Veitch, and John Wilkes.
Minerva: An
automated resource provisioning tool for large-scale storage
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 19(4):483-518, November
- alverson:tera:
Robert Alverson, David Callahan, Daniel Cummings, Brian Koblenz, Allan
Porterfield, and Burton Smith.
The Tera computer system.
In Proceedings of the 1990 ACM International Conference on
Supercomputing, pages 1-6, 1990.
- anderson:bserverless:
Thomas E. Anderson, Michael D. Dahlin, Jeanna M. Neefe Matthews, David A.
Patterson, Drew S. Roselli, and Randolph Y. Wang.
Serverless network file
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 24, pages 364-385. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version anderson:serverless.
- anderson:buttress:
Eric Anderson, Mahesh Kallahalla, Mustafa Uysal, and Ram Swaminathan.
Buttress: A toolkit for flexible and high fidelity I/O benchmarking.
In Proceedings of the USENIX FAST '04 Conference on File and Storage
Technologies, pages 45-58, San Francisco, CA, March 2004.
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, USENIX Association.
- anderson:raid:
Eric Anderson, Ram Swaminathan, Alistair Veitch, Guillermo A. Alvarez, and John
Selecting RAID levels for disk arrays.
In Proceedings of the USENIX FAST '02 Conference on File and Storage
Technologies, pages 189-202, Monterey, CA, January 2002. USENIX
- anderson:serverless:
Thomas E. Anderson, Michael D. Dahlin, Jeanna M. Neefe, David A. Patterson,
Drew S. Roselli, and Randolph Y. Wang.
Serverless network file systems.
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 14(1):41-79, February 1996.
See also later version anderson:bserverless.
- ap:enwrich:
Apratim Purakayastha, Carla Schlatter Ellis, and David Kotz.
ENWRICH: a compute-processor write caching scheme for parallel file
In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 55-68, Philadelphia, May 1996. ACM
See also earlier version ap:enwrich-tr.
- ap:enwrich-tr:
Apratim Purakayastha, Carla Schlatter Ellis, and David Kotz.
ENWRICH: a compute-processor write caching scheme for parallel file
Technical Report CS-1995-22, Dept. of Computer Science, Duke University,
October 1995.
See also later version ap:enwrich.
- ap:thesis:
Apratim Purakayastha.
Characterizing and Optimizing Parallel File Systems.
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, Duke University, Durham, NC, June 1996.
Also available as technical report CS-1996-10.
- ap:workload:
Apratim Purakayastha, Carla Schlatter Ellis, David Kotz, Nils Nieuwejaar, and
Michael Best.
Characterizing parallel file-access patterns on a large-scale
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Parallel Processing
Symposium, pages 165-172. IEEE Computer Society Press, April 1995.
See also earlier version ap:workload-tr.
See also later version nieuwejaar:workload-tr.
- ap:workload-tr:
Apratim Purakayastha, Carla Schlatter Ellis, David Kotz, Nils Nieuwejaar, and
Michael Best.
Characterizing parallel file-access patterns on a large-scale
Technical Report CS-1994-33, Dept. of Computer Science, Duke University,
October 1994.
See also later version ap:workload.
- arendt:genome:
James W. Arendt.
Parallel genome sequence comparison using a concurrent file
Technical Report UIUCDCS-R-91-1674, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
- arge:GIS:
Lars Arge.
External-memory algorithms with applications in GIS.
In Marc van Kreveld, Jurg Nievergelt, Thomas Roos, and Peter Widmayer, editors,
Algorithmic foundations of geographic information systems, volume
1340 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 213-254.
Springer-Verlag, 1997.
- arge:jsegments:
Lars Arge, Darren Erik Vengroff, and Jeffrey Scott Vitter.
External-memory algorithms for processing line segments in geographic information
Algorithmica, 1998.
To appear.
See also earlier version arge:segments.
- arge:lower:
Lars Arge and Peter Bro Miltersen.
On showing lower bounds for external-memory computational geometry
In Abello and Vitter [abello:dimacs], pages
- arge:segments:
Lars Arge, Darren Erik Vengroff, and Jeffrey Scott Vitter.
External-memory algorithms for processing line segments in geographic information
In Proceedings of the Third European Symposium on Algorithms, volume
979 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 295-310, Corfu,
Greece, September 1995. Springer-Verlag.
See also later version arge:jsegments.
- arge:sorting:
Lars Arge, Paolo Ferragina, Roberto Grossi, and Jeffrey Scott Vitter.
Sequence sorting in secondary storage.
In Proceedings of Compression and Complexity of Sequences, pages
329-346, Salerno, Italy, June 1998. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- arge:sorting-strings:
Lars Arge, Paolo Ferragina, Roberto Grossi, and Jeffrey Scott Vitter.
On sorting strings in external memory.
In Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of
Computing, pages 540-548, El Paso, May 1997. ACM Press.
- armen:disk-model:
Chris Armen.
Bounds on the separation of two parallel disk models.
In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 122-127, Philadelphia, May 1996. ACM
- arpaci-dusseau:jriver:
H. Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi.
Run-time adaptation in River.
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 21(1):36-86, February
- arpaci-dusseau:river:
Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau, Eric Anderson, Noah Treuhaft, David E. Culler, Joseph
M. Hellerstein, David Patterson, and Kathy Yelick.
Cluster I/O
with River: Making the fast case common.
In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 10-22, Atlanta, GA, May 1999. ACM
- arunachalam:prefetch:
Meenakshi Arunachalam, Alok Choudhary, and Brad Rullman.
A prefetching prototype for the parallel file system on the
In Proceedings of the 1995 ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and
Modeling of Computer Systems, pages 321-323, May 1995.
Extended Abstract.
- arunachalam:prefetch2:
Meenkashi Arunachalam, Alok Choudhary, and Brad Rullman.
and evaluation of prefetching in the Intel Paragon Parallel File
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Parallel Processing
Symposium, pages 554-559, April 1996.
- asami:bself:
Satoshi Asami, Nisha Talagala, and David A. Patterson.
Designing a
self-maintaining storage system.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 30, pages 453-463. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version asami:self.
- asami:self:
Satoshi Asami, Nisha Talagala, and David A. Patterson.
Designing a self-maintaining storage system.
In Proceedings of the Sixteenth IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage
Systems, pages 222-233. IEEE Computer Society Press, March 1999.
See also later version asami:bself.
- asbury:fortranio:
Raymond K. Asbury and David S. Scott.
FORTRAN I/O on the iPSC/2: Is there read after write?.
In Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers
and Applications, pages 129-132, Monterey, CA, 1989. Golden Gate
Enterprises, Los Altos, CA.
- asthana:active:
Abhaya Asthana, Mark Cravatts, and Paul Krzyzanowski.
An experimental active memory based I/O subsystem.
In Proceedings of the IPPS '94 Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel
Computer Systems, pages 73-84. AT&T Bell Labs, April 1994.
Also appeared in Computer Architecture News 22(4).
See also later version asthana:active-book.
- asthana:active-book:
Abhaya Asthana, Mark Cravatts, and Paul Krzyzanowski.
An experimental memory-based I/O subsystem.
In Jain et al. [iopads-book], chapter 17,
pages 373-390.
See also earlier version asthana:active.
- avalani:channels:
Bhavan Avalani, Alok Choudhary, Ian Foster, and Rakesh Kirshnaiyer.
Integrating task and data parallelism using parallel I/O
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Parallel Processing,
Bangalore, India, December 1994.
- baer:grid-io:
Troy Baer and Pete Wyckoff.
A parallel I/O mechanism for distributed systems..
In Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Cluster
Computing, pages 63-69, San Diego, CA, September 2004. IEEE Computer
Society Press.
- bagrodia:sio-character:
Rajive Bagrodia, Andrew Chien, Yarsun Hsu, and Daniel Reed.
Input/output: Instrumentation, characterization, modeling and management
Technical Report CCSF-41, Scalable I/O Initiative, Caltech Concurrent
Supercomputing Facilities, Caltech, 1994.
- bairavasundaram:x-ray:
Lakshmi N. Bairavasundaram, Muthian Sivathanu, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, and
Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau.
X-RAY: A non-invasive exclusive caching mechanism for RAIDs.
In Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Symposium on Computer
Architecture, pages 176-187, Munich, Germany, June 2004. IEEE Computer
Society Press.
- baird:disa:
R. Baird, S. Karamooz, and H. Vazire.
Distributed information storage architecture.
In Proceedings of the Twelfth IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems,
pages 145-155, 1993.
- bakker:semantic:
J.A. Bakker.
partitioning as a basis for parallel I/O in database management
Parallel Computing, 26(11):1491-1513, October 2000.
- baldwin:hyperfs:
C. H. Baldwin and W. C. Nestlerode.
A large scale file processing application on a hypercube.
In Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Distributed-Memory Computer
Conference, pages 1400-1404, 1990.
- baptist:fft:
Lauren M. Baptist.
Two algorithms
for performing multidimensional, multiprocessor, out-of-core
Technical Report PCS-TR99-350, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
Hanover, NH, June 1999.
- barak:hfs:
Amnon Barak, Bernard A. Galler, and Yaron Farber.
A holographic file system for a multicomputer with many disk
Technical Report 88-6, Dept. of Computer Science, Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, May 1988.
- barve:bus:
Rakesh Barve, Elizabeth Shriver, Phillip B. Gibbons, Bruce K. Hillyer, Yossi
Matias, and Jeffrey Scott Vitter.
Modeling and optimizing I/O throughput of multiple disks on a bus
In Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Measurement and
Modeling of Computer Systems, pages 264-265. ACM Press, June 1998.
See also later version barve:bus2.
- barve:bus2:
Rakesh Barve, Jeffrey Vitter, Elizabeth Shriver, Phillip Gibbons, Bruce
Hillyer, and Yossi Matias.
Modeling and optimizing I/O throughput of multiple disks on a
In Proceedings of the 1999 ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and
Modeling of Computer Systems, pages 83-92. ACM Press, June 1999.
See also earlier version barve:bus.
- barve:competitive2:
Rakesh Barve, Mahesh Kallahalla, Peter J. Varman, and Jeffrey Scott Vitter.
Competitive parallel
disk prefetching and buffer management.
In Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 47-56, San Jose, CA, November 1997. ACM
- barve:jmergesort:
Rakesh D. Barve, Edward F. Grove, and Jeffrey S. Vitter.
Simple randomized mergesort on parallel disks.
Parallel Computing, 23(4):601-631, June 1997.
See also earlier version barve:mergesort.
- barve:mergesort:
Rakesh D. Barve, Edward F. Grove, and Jeffrey S. Vitter.
Simple randomized mergesort on parallel disks.
In Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and
Architectures, pages 109-118, Padua, Italy, June 1996. ACM Press.
See also later version barve:jmergesort.
- barve:round:
Rakesh Barve, Phillip B. Gibbons, Bruce K. Hillyer, Yossi Matias, Elizabeth
Shriver, and Jeffrey Scott Vitter.
Round-like behavior in multiple disks on a bus.
In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 1-9, Atlanta, GA, May 1999. ACM Press.
- batcher:staran:
K. E. Batcher.
STARAN parallel processor system hardware.
AFIPS Conference Proceedings, pages 405-410, 1974.
- baylor:methodology:
Sandra Johnson Baylor, Caroline Benveniste, and Leo J. Beolhouwer.
A methodology for evaluating parallel I/O performance for massively
parallel processors.
In Proceedings of the 27th Annual Simulation Symposium, pages 31-40,
April 1994.
- baylor:perfeval:
Sandra Johnson Baylor, Caroline B. Benveniste, and Yarsun Hsu.
Performance evaluation of a parallel I/O architecture.
In Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on
Supercomputing, pages 404-413, Barcelona, July 1995. ACM Press.
See also earlier version baylor:perfeval-tr.
- baylor:perfeval-tr:
Sandra Johnson Baylor, Caroline B. Benveniste, and Yarsun Hsu.
Performance evaluation of a parallel I/O architecture.
Technical Report RC 20049, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, May 1995.
See also later version baylor:perfeval.
- baylor:vulcan-perf:
Sandra Johnson Baylor, Caroline Benveniste, and Yarsun Hsu.
Performance evaluation of a massively parallel I/O subsystem.
In Proceedings of the IPPS '94 Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel
Computer Systems, pages 1-15. IBM Watson Research Center, 1994.
Also appeared in Computer Architecture News 22(4).
See also later version baylor:vulcan-perf-book.
- baylor:vulcan-perf-book:
Sandra Johnson Baylor, Caroline Benveniste, and Yarsun Hsu.
Performance evaluation of a massively parallel I/O subsystem.
In Jain et al. [iopads-book], chapter 13,
pages 293-311.
See also earlier version baylor:vulcan-perf.
- baylor:workload:
Sandra Johnson Baylor and C. Eric Wu.
Parallel I/O workload characteristics using Vesta.
In Proceedings of the IPPS '95 Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 16-29, April 1995.
See also later version baylor:workload-book.
- baylor:workload-book:
Sandra Johnson Baylor and C. Eric Wu.
Parallel I/O workload characteristics using Vesta.
In Jain et al. [iopads-book], chapter 7,
pages 167-185.
See also earlier version baylor:workload.
- bbn:admin:
BBN Advanced Computers Inc.
TC2000 System Administration Guide, revision 3.0 edition,
April 1991.
- becher:ooc-solver:
Jonathan D. Becher and John F. Porter.
Out of core dense solvers for the MasPar parallel computer.
Technical Report MP/IP/SP-37.94, MasPar Computer Corporation, 1994.
- bell:physics:
Jean L. Bell.
A specialized data management system for parallel execution of particle
physics codes.
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of
Data, pages 277-285, Chicago, IL, 1988. ACM Press.
- benner:pargraphics:
Robert E. Benner.
Parallel graphics algorithms on a 1024-processor hypercube.
In Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers
and Applications, pages 133-140, Monterey, CA, 1989. Golden Gate
Enterprises, Los Altos, CA.
- bennett:jovian:
Robert Bennett, Kelvin Bryant, Alan Sussman, Raja Das, and Joel Saltz.
Jovian: A
framework for optimizing parallel I/O.
In Proceedings of the Scalable Parallel Libraries Conference, pages
10-20, Mississippi State, MS, October 1994. IEEE Computer Society
- berdahl:transport:
Lawrence Berdahl.
Parallel transport protocol proposal.
Lawrence Livermore National Labs, January 3, 1995.
See also earlier version berdahl:woodenman.
- berdahl:woodenman:
Lawrence Berdahl.
Parallel data exchange.
Lawrence Livermore National Labs, January 28, 1994.
WoodenMan Proposal.
See also later version berdahl:transport.
- berrendorf:paragon:
R. Berrendorf, H. Burg, and U. Detert.
Performance characteristics of parallel computers: Intel Paragon case
{IT+TI} Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik, 37(2):37-45,
April 1995.
(In German).
- berry:nasa:
Michael R. Berry and Tarek A. El-Ghazawi.
Parallel input/output characteristics of NASA science applications.
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Parallel Processing
Symposium, pages 741-747, Honolulu, April 1996. IEEE Computer Society
- bershad:sio-os:
Brian Bershad, David Black, David DeWitt, Garth Gibson, Kai Li, Larry Peterson,
and Marc Snir.
system support for high-performance parallel I/O systems.
Technical Report CCSF-40, Scalable I/O Initiative, Caltech Concurrent
Supercomputing Facilities, Caltech, 1994.
- berson:multimedia:
Steven Berson, Leana Golubchik, and Richard R. Muntz.
Fault tolerant design of multimedia servers.
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of
Data, pages 364-375. ACM Press, 1995.
- best:cmmdio:
Michael L. Best, Adam Greenberg, Craig Stanfill, and Lewis W. Tucker.
CMMD I/O: A parallel Unix I/O.
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Parallel Processing
Symposium, pages 489-495, Newport Beach, CA, 1993. IEEE Computer
Society Press.
- bestavros:raid:
Azer Bestavros.
IDA-based redundant arrays of inexpensive disks.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Information Systems, pages 2-9, December 1991.
- bester:gass:
Joseph Bester, Ian Foster, Carl Kesselman, Jean Tedesco, and Steven Tuecke.
data movement and access service for wide area computing
In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 78-88, Atlanta, GA, May 1999. ACM
- beynon:datacutter:
Michael D. Beynon, Renato Ferreira, Tahsin Kurc, Alan Sussman, and Joel Saltz.
DataCutter: Middleware for filtering very large scientific datasets on
archival storage systems.
In Proceedings of the 2000 Mass Storage Systems Conference, pages
119-133, College Park, MD, March 2000. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- bitton:schedule:
Dina Bitton.
Arm scheduling in shadowed disks.
In Proceedings of IEEE Compcon, pages 132-136, Spring 1989.
- bitton:shadow:
D. Bitton and J. Gray.
Disk shadowing.
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Very Large Data
Bases, pages 331-338, 1988.
- bjorstad:structure:
P. E. Bj\orstad and J. Cook.
scale structural analysis on massively parallel computers.
In Linear Algebra for Large Scale and Real-Time Applications, pages
3-11. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993.
ftp from ftp.ii.uib.no in \verb+pub/tech_reports/mpp_sestra.ps.Z+.
- blaum:evenodd:
Mario Blaum, Jim Brady, Jehoshua Bruck, Jai Menon, and Alexander Vardy.
The EVENODD code and its
generalization: An efficient scheme for tolerating multiple disk failures in
RAID architectures.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 14, pages 187-208. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
- bonachea:java-io:
Dan Bonachea, Phillip Dickens, and Rajeev Thakur.
High-performance file I/O in Java: Existing approaches and bulk I/O
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience,
13(8-9):713-736, 2001.
See also earlier version bonachea:java-io-tr.
- bonachea:java-io-tr:
Dan Bonachea, Phillip Dickens, and Rajeev Thakur.
High-performance file I/O in Java: Existing approaches and bulk I/O
Technical Report ANL/MCS-P840-0800, Mathematics and Computer Science Division,
Argonne National Laboratory, August 2000.
See also later version bonachea:java-io.
- boral:bubba:
Haran Boral, William Alexander, Larry Clay, George Copeland, Scott Danforth,
Michael Franklin, Brian Hart, Marc Smith, and Patrick Valduriez.
Prototyping Bubba, a highly parallel database system.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2(1), March
- boral:critique:
H. Boral and D. DeWitt.
Database machines: an idea whose time has passed?.
In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Database
Machines, pages 166-187. Springer-Verlag, 1983.
- bordawekar:collective:
Rajesh Bordawekar.
of collective I/O in the Intel Paragon parallel file system: Initial
In Proceedings of the 11th ACM International Conference on
Supercomputing, pages 20-27. ACM Press, July 1997.
See also earlier version bordawekar:collective-tr.
- bordawekar:collective-tr:
Rajesh Bordawekar.
Implementation and evaluation of collective I/O in the Intel Paragon Parallel File
Technical Report CACR TR-128, Center of Advanced Computing Research, California
Insititute of Technology, November 1996.
See also later version bordawekar:collective.
- bordawekar:comm:
Rajesh Bordawekar and Alok Choudhary.
Communication strategies for out-of-core programs on distributed memory
In Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on
Supercomputing, pages 395-403, Barcelona, July 1995. ACM Press.
See also earlier version bordawekar:comm-tr.
- bordawekar:comm-tr:
Rajesh Bordawekar and Alok Choudhary.
Communication strategies for out-of-core programs on distributed
memory machines.
Technical Report SCCS-667, NPAC, Syracuse University, 1994.
See also later version bordawekar:comm.
- bordawekar:commstrat:
Rajesh Bordawekar and Alok Choudhary.
Communication strategies for out-of-core programs on distributed memory
In Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on High Performance
Computing, pages 130-135, New Delhi, India, December 1995.
See also earlier version bordawekar:comm.
- bordawekar:compcomm:
Rajesh Bordawekar, Alok Choudhary, and J. Ramanujam.
Compilation and communication strategies for out-of-core programs on
distributed-memory machines.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 38(2):277-288,
November 1996.
See also earlier version bordawekar:compcomm-tr.
- bordawekar:compcomm-tr:
Rajesh Bordawekar, Alok Choudhary, and J. Ramanujam.
Compilation and
communication strategies for out-of-core programs on distributed memory
Technical Report CACR-113, Scalable I/O Initiative, Center of Advanced
Computing Research, California Insititute of Technology, November 1995.
See also later version bordawekar:compcomm.
- bordawekar:compiling:
Rajesh Bordawekar and Alok Choudhary.
Issues in compiling I/O intensive problems.
In Jain et al. [iopads-book], chapter 3,
pages 69-96.
- bordawekar:compositional:
Rajesh Bordawekar.
A case
for compositional file systems (extended abstract).
Technical Report CACR TR-161, Center of Advanced Computing Research, California
Insititute of Technology, March 1998.
- bordawekar:delta-fs:
Rajesh Bordawekar, Alok Choudhary, and Juan Miguel Del Rosario.
experimental performance evaluation of Touchstone Delta Concurrent File
In Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on
Supercomputing, pages 367-376. ACM Press, 1993.
See also earlier version bordawekar:delta-fs-TR.
- bordawekar:delta-fs-TR:
Rajesh Bordawekar, Alok Choudhary, and Juan Miguel Del Rosario.
An experimental performance evaluation of Touchstone Delta Concurrent
File System.
Technical Report SCCS-420, NPAC, Syracuse University, 1992.
See also later version bordawekar:delta-fs.
- bordawekar:efficient:
Rajesh Bordawekar, Rajeev Thakur, and Alok Choudhary.
Efficient compilation of out-of-core data parallel programs.
Technical Report SCCS-622, NPAC, April 1994.
See also later version bordawekar:reorganize.
- bordawekar:exemplar:
Rajesh Bordawekar, Steven Landherr, Don Capps, and Mark Davis.
evaluation of the Hewlett-Packard Exemplar file system.
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 25(3):21-28, December
See also earlier version bordawekar:exemplar-tr2.
See also later version bordawekar:jexemplar.
- bordawekar:exemplar-tr2:
Rajesh Bordawekar.
Quantitative characterization and analysis of the I/O behavior of a commercial
distributed-shared-memory machine.
Technical Report CACR 157, Center of Advanced Computing Research, California
Insititute of Technology, March 1998.
See also later version bordawekar:exemplar.
- bordawekar:framework:
Rajesh Bordawekar and Alok Choudhary.
framework for representing data parallel programs and its application in
program reordering.
Technical Report SCCS-698, NPAC, Syracuse University, March 1995.
- bordawekar:hpf:
Rajesh Bordawekar and Alok Choudhary.
HPF with parallel I/O extensions.
Technical Report SCCS-613, NPAC, Syracuse University, 1993.
- bordawekar:hpfio:
Rajesh Bordawekar and Alok Choudhary.
Extending I/O capabilities of High Performance Fortran: Initial
Technical Report CACR-115, Scalable I/O Initiative, Center of Advanced
Computing Research, California Insititute of Technology, December 1995.
- bordawekar:jexemplar:
Rajesh Bordawekar.
characterization and analysis of the I/O behavior of a commercial
distributed-shared-memory machine.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 11(5):509-526,
May 2000.
See also earlier version bordawekar:exemplar.
- bordawekar:model:
Rajesh Bordawekar, Alok Choudhary, Ken Kennedy, Charles Koelbel, and Michael
model and compilation strategy for out-of-core data parallel
In Proceedings of the Fifth ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and
Practice of Parallel Programming, pages 1-10, Santa Barbara, CA, July
1995. ACM Press.
Also available as the following technical reports: NPAC Technical Report
SCCS-0696, CRPC Technical Report CRPC-TR94507-S, SIO Technical Report CACR
See also earlier version bordawekar:model-tr.
- bordawekar:model-tr:
Rajesh Bordawekar, Alok Choudhary, Ken Kennedy, Charles Koebel, and Mike
A model and compilation strategy for out-of-core data parallel
Technical Report CRPC-TR94507-S, CRPC, December 1994.
See also later version bordawekar:model.
- bordawekar:msthesis:
Rajesh R. Bordawekar.
Issues in software support for parallel I/O.
Master's thesis, Syracuse University, May 1993.
- bordawekar:placement:
Rajesh Bordawekar, Alok Choudhary, and J. Ramanujam.
framework for integrated communication and I/O placement.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Euro-Par'96, Parallel
Processing, volume 1124 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 541-552. Springer-Verlag, August 1996.
See also earlier version bordawekar:placement-tr.
- bordawekar:placement-tr:
Rajesh Bordawekar, Alok Choudhary, and J. Ramanujam.
A framework
for integrated communication and I/O placement.
Technical Report CACR-117, Scalable I/O Initiative, Center of Advanced
Computing Research, California Insititute of Technology, February 1996.
See also later version bordawekar:placement.
- bordawekar:primitives:
Rajesh Bordawekar, Juan Miguel del Rosario, and Alok Choudhary.
and evaluation of primitives for parallel I/O.
In Proceedings of Supercomputing '93, pages 452-461, Portland, OR,
1993. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- bordawekar:reorganize:
Rajesh Bordawekar, Alok Choudhary, and Rajeev Thakur.
Data access reorganizations in compiling out-of-core data parallel programs
on distributed memory machines.
Technical Report SCCS-622, NPAC, Syracuse, NY 13244, September 1994.
See also earlier version bordawekar:efficient.
- bordawekar:stencil:
Rajesh Bordawekar, Alok Choudhary, and J. Ramanujam.
optimization of communication in compiling out-of-core stencil
In Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on
Supercomputing, pages 366-373, Philadelphia, PA, May 1996. ACM
See also earlier version bordawekar:stencil-tr.
- bordawekar:stencil-tr:
Rajesh Bordawekar, Alok Choudhary, and J. Ramanujam.
Automatic optimization of communication in out-of-core stencil
Technical Report CACR-114, Scalable I/O Initiative, Center of Advanced
Computing Research, California Insititute of Technology, November 1995.
See also later version bordawekar:stencil.
- bordawekar:support:
Rajesh Bordawekar and Alok Choudhary.
Compiler and runtime support for parallel I/O.
In Proceedings of IFIP Working Conference (WG10.3) on Programming
Environments for Massively Parallel Distributed Systems, Monte Verita,
Ascona, Switzerland, April 1994. Birkhaeuser Verlag AG, Basel,
- bordawekar:thesis:
Rajesh Bordawekar.
Techniques for
Compiling I/O Intensive Parallel Programs.
PhD thesis, Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept., Syracuse University,
April 1996.
Also available as Caltech technical report CACR-118.
- bornstein:reshuffle:
C. Bornstein and P. Steenkiste.
Data reshuffling in support of fast I/O for distributed-memory
In Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Symposium on High
Performance Distributed Computing, pages 227-235, August 1994.
- braam:lustre-arch:
Peter J. Braam.
The lustre storage
Cluster File Systems Inc. Architecture, design, and manual for Lustre, November
- bradley:ipsc2io:
David K. Bradley and Daniel A. Reed.
Performance of the Intel iPSC/2 input/output system.
In Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers
and Applications, pages 141-144, Monterey, CA, 1989. Golden Gate
Enterprises, Los Altos, CA.
- brandwijn:dasd:
Alexandre Brandwajn.
Performance benefits of parallelism in cached DASD
Technical Report UCSC-CRL-88-30, Computer Research Laboratory, UC Santa Cruz,
November 1988.
- brezany:HPF:
Peter Brezany, Michael Gernt, Piyush Mehotra, and Hans Zima.
Concurrent file operations in a High Performance FORTRAN.
In Proceedings of Supercomputing '92, pages 230-237, 1992.
- brezany:HPF2:
Peter Brezany, Jonghyun Lee, and Marianne Winslett.
Parallel I/O support for hpf on computational grids.
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on High Performance
Computing, volume 2327 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 539-550. Springer-Verlag, May 2002.
- brezany:architecture:
Peter Brezany, Thomas A. Mueck, and Erich Schikuta.
A software architecture for massively parallel
In Third International Workshop PARA'96 (Applied Parallel Computing -
Industrial Computation and Optimization), volume 1186 of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, pages 85-96, Lyngby, Denmark, August 1996.
Also available as Technical Report of the Inst. f. Angewandte Informatik u.
Informationssysteme, University of Vienna, TR 96202.
- brezany:compiling:
Peter Brezany, Thomas A. Mueck, and Erich Schikuta.
Mass storage support for a parallelizing compilation
In International Conference Eurosim'96- HPCN challenges in Telecomp and
Telecom: Parallel Simulation of Complex Systems and Large Scale
Applications, pages 63-70, Delft, The Netherlands, June 1996.
North-Holland, Elsevier Science.
- brezany:io-support:
Peter Brezany, Thomas A. Mueck, and Erich Schikuta.
Language, compiler and parallel database support for I/O intensive
In Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance
Computing and Networking, volume 919 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 14-20, Milan, Italy, May 1995. Springer-Verlag.
also available as Technical Report of the Inst. f. Software Technology and
Parallel Systems, University of Vienna, TR95-8, 1995.
- brezany:irregular:
P. Brezany, A. Choudhary, and M. Dang.
Parallelization of irregular out-of-core applications for
distributed-memory systems.
High-Performance Computing and Networking, 1225:811-820, 1997.
See also earlier version brezany:irregular-tr.
- brezany:irregular-tr:
P. Brezany and A. Choudhary.
Techniques and optimizations for developing irregular
out-of-core applications on distributed-memory systems.
Technical Report 96-4, Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems,
University of Vienna, November 1996.
- brezany:technology:
Peter Brezany, Marianne Winslett, Denis A. Nicole, and Toni Cortes.
Parallel I/O and storage technology.
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Euro-Par Conference,
volume 2150 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 887-888,
Manchester, UK, August 2001. Springer-Verlag.
- broom:acacia:
Bradley M. Broom.
A synchronous file server for distributed file systems.
In Proceedings of the 16th Australian Computer Science Conference,
See also earlier version broom:acacia-tr.
- broom:acacia-tr:
Bradley M. Broom.
A synchronous file server for distributed file systems.
Technical Report TR-CS-92-12, Dept. of Computer Science, Australian National
University, August 1992.
See also later version broom:acacia.
- broom:cap:
Bradley M. Broom and Robert Cohen.
Acacia: A distributed, parallel file system for the CAP-II.
In Proceedings of the First Fujitsu-ANU CAP Workshop, November
- broom:impl:
Bradley M. Broom.
Implementation and performance of the Acacia file system.
In Proceedings of the Second Fujitsu-ANU CAP Workshop, November
- broom:kelpio:
Bradley Broom, Rob Fowler, and Ken Kennedy.
KelpIO: A telescope-ready domain-specific I/O library for irregular
block-structured applications.
In Proceedings of the First IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster
Computing and the Grid, pages 148-155, Brisbane, Australia, May 2001.
IEEE Computer Society Press.
- broom:perf:
Bradley M. Broom.
Performance measurement of the Acacia parallel file system for the
AP1000 multicomputer.
In Proc. Second Parallel Computing Workshop, pages {P1-F-1} to
{P1-F-11}, Kawasaki, Japan, November 1993. Fujitsu Parallel Computing
Research Facilities, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.
- brown:benchmarks:
Aaron Brown and David A. Patterson.
Towards availability benchmarks: A case study of
software RAID system.
In Proceedings of the 2000 USENIX Technical Conference, pages
263-276. USENIX Association, 2000.
- browne:io-arch:
J. C. Browne, A. G. Dale, C. Leung, and R. Jenevein.
A parallel multi-stage I/O architecture with self-managing disk cache
for database management applications.
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Database
Machines. Springer-Verlag, March 1985.
- bruce:chimp:
R. A. A. Bruce, S. R. Chapple, N. B. MacDonald, and A. S. Trew.
and PUL: Support for portable parallel programming.
Technical Report EPCC-TR93-07, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Center, March
- brunet:factor:
Jean-Philippe Brunet, Palle Pedersen, and S. Lennart Johnsson.
Load-balanced LU and QR factor and solve routines for scalable processors with
scalable I/O.
In Proceedings of the 17th IMACS World Congress, Atlanta, GA, July
Also available as Harvard University Computer Science Technical Report
- cabrera:pario:
Luis-Felipe Cabrera and Darrell D. E. Long.
Swift: Using distributed disk striping to provide high I/O data
Computing Systems, 4(4):405-436, Fall 1991.
See also earlier version cabrera:pariotr.
- cabrera:pariotr:
Luis-Felipe Cabrera and Darrell D. E. Long.
Using distributed disk striping to provide high I/O data rates.
Technical Report CRL-91-46, UC Santa Cruz, 1991.
See also later version cabrera:pario.
- cabrera:stripe:
Luis-Felipe Cabrera and Darell D. E. Long.
Using data striping in a local area network.
Technical Report UCSC-CRL-92-09, Univ. California at Santa Cruz, March
- cabrera:swift:
Luis-Felipe Cabrera and Darrell D. E. Long.
Swift: A
storage architecture fo large objects.
Technical Report UCSC-CRL-89-04, U.C. Santa Cruz, 1990.
See also later version cabrera:swift2.
- cabrera:swift2:
Luis-Felipe Cabrera and Darell D. E. Long.
Exploiting multiple I/O streams to provide high data-rates.
In Proceedings of the 1991 Summer USENIX Technical Conference, pages
31-48, 1991.
See also earlier version cabrera:swift.
- calderon:implement:
Alejandro Calderón, Félix Garc\'\ia, Jesús Carretero, Jose M. Pérez,
and Javier Fernández.
An implementation of MPI-IO on Expand: A parallel file system based
on NFS servers.
In Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing
Interface, volume 2474 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 306-313. Springer-Verlag, 2002.
- cannataro:data-intensive:
Mario Cannataro, Domenico Talia, and Pradip K. Srimani.
Parallel data intensive computing in scientific and commercial
Parallel Computing, 28(5):673-704, May 2002.
- cao:jtickertaip:
Pei Cao, Swee Boon Lim, Shivakumar Venkataraman, and John Wilkes.
The TickerTAIP parallel RAID architecture.
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 12(3):236-269, August 1994.
See also earlier version cao:tickertaip.
- cao:tickertaip:
Pei Cao, Swee Boon Lim, Shivakumar Venkataraman, and John Wilkes.
The TickerTAIP parallel RAID architecture.
In Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Symposium on Computer
Architecture, pages 52-63, 1993.
See also earlier version cao:tickertaip-tr2.
See also later version cao:jtickertaip.
- cao:tickertaip-tr:
Pei Cao, Swee Boon Lim, Shivakumar Venkataraman, and John Wilkes.
The TickerTAIP parallel RAID architecture.
Technical Report HPL-92-151, HP Labs, December 1992.
See also later version cao:tickertaip-tr2.
- cao:tickertaip-tr2:
Pei Cao, Swee Boon Lim, Shivakumar Venkataraman, and John Wilkes.
The TickerTAIP parallel RAID architecture.
Technical Report HPL-93-25, HP Labs, April 1993.
See also earlier version cao:tickertaip-tr.
See also later version cao:tickertaip.
- carballeira:adaptive:
Felix Garcia-Carballeira, Jesus Carretero, Alejandro Calderon, Jose M. Perez,
and Jose D. Garcia.
An adaptive cache coherence protocol specification for parallel input/output
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 15(6):533-545,
June 2004.
- carey:shore:
Michael J. Carey, David J. DeWitt, Michael J. Franklin, Nancy E. Hall, Mark L.
McAuliffe, Jeffrey F. Naughton, Daniel T. Schuh, Marvin H. Solomon, C. K.
Tan, Odysseas G. Tsatalos, Seth J. White, and Michael J. Zwilling.
Shoring up persistent applications.
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of
Data, pages 383-394. ACM Press, 1994.
- carns:pvfs:
Philip H. Carns, Walter B. Ligon III, Robert B. Ross, and Rajeev Thakur.
parallel file system for linux clusters.
In Proceedings of the 4th Annual Linux Showcase and Conference, pages
317-327, Atlanta, GA, October 2000. USENIX Association.
- carretero:case:
J. Carretero, F. Pérez, P. de Miguel, F. Garc\'\ia, and L. Alonso.
Implementation of a parallel file system: CCFS a case of study.
Technical Report FIM/84.1/DATSI/94, Universidad Politecnic Madrid, Madrid,
Spain, 1994.
- carretero:compassion:
J. Carretero, J. No, S.-S. Park, A. Choudhary, and P. Chen.
Compassion: a parallel I/O runtime system including chunking and
compression for irregular applications.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on High-Performance
Computing and Networking, pages 668-677, April 1998.
See also later version carretero:compassion2.
- carretero:compassion2:
J. Carretero, Jaechun No, A. Choudhary, and Pang Chen.
COMPASSION: a parallel I/O runtime system including chunking and
compression for irregular applications.
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Solving Irregularly
Structured Problems in Parallel (IRREGULAR'98), pages 262-273, August
See also earlier version carretero:compassion.
- carretero:concepts:
J. Carretero, F. Pérez, P. de Miguel, F. Garc\'\ia, and L. Alonso.
Multicomputer parallel file systems design concepts: CCFS a case of
Technical Report FIM/79.1/DATSI/94, Universidad Politecnic Madrid, Madrid,
Spain, 1994.
- carretero:evaluation:
J. Carretero, F. Pérez, P. de Miguel, F. Garc\'\ia, and L. Alonso.
A multiprocessor parallel disk system evaluation.
Decentralized and Distributed Systems, September 1993.
IFIP Transactions A-39.
- carretero:lfs:
J. Carretero, F. Pérez, P. de Miguel, F. Garc\'\ia, and L. Alonso.
LFS design: A parallel file server for multicomputers.
Technical Report FIM/81.1/DATSI/94, Universidad Politecnic Madrid, Madrid,
Spain, 1994.
- carretero:mapping:
J. Carretero, F. Pérez, P. de Miguel, F. Garc\'\ia, and L. Alonso.
I/O data mapping in \em ParFiSys: support for high-performance I/O in
parallel and distributed systems.
In Euro-Par '96, volume 1123 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 522-526. Springer-Verlag, August 1996.
- carretero:parfisys:
J. Carretero, F. Pérez, P. de Miguel, F. Garc\'\ia, and L. Alonso.
ParFiSys: A parallel file system for MPP.
ACM Operating Systems Review, 30(2):74-80, April 1996.
- carretero:performance:
J. Carretero, F. Pérez, P. de Miguel, F. García, and L. Alonso.
Performance increase mechanisms for parallel and distributed file
Parallel Computing, 23(4):525-542, June 1997.
- carretero:posix:
J. Carretero, F. Pérez, P. de Miguel, F. Garc\'\ia, and L. Alonso.
Prototype POSIX-style parallel file server and report for the
Technical Report D1.7/1, Universidad Politecnic Madrid, Madrid, Spain,
- carretero:posix-final:
J. Carretero, F. Pérez, P. de Miguel, F. Garc\'\ia, and L. Alonso.
POSIX-style parallel file server for the GPMIMD: Final
Technical Report D1.7/2, Universidad Politecnic Madrid, Madrid, Spain,
- carretero:subsystem:
J. Carretero, F. Pérez, P. de Miguel, F. Garc\'\ia, and L. Alonso.
A massively parallel and distributed I/O subsystem.
Computer Architecture News, 24(3):1-8, June 1996.
- carter:benchmark:
Russell Carter, Bob Ciotti, Sam Fineberg, and Bill Nitzberg.
NHT-1 I/O benchmarks.
Technical Report RND-92-016, NAS Systems Division, NASA Ames, November
- carter:vesta:
Matthew P. Carter and David Kotz.
implementation of the Vesta parallel file system API on the Galley parallel
file system.
Technical Report PCS-TR98-329, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
April 1998.
- catania:array:
v. Catania, A. Puliafito, S. Riccobene, and L. Vita.
Performance evaluation of a partial dynamic declustering disk array
In Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Symposium on High
Performance Distributed Computing, pages 244-252, August 1994.
- catania:disk-array:
V. Catania, A. Puliafito, S. Riccobene, and L. Vita.
Design and performance analysis of a disk array system.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 44(10):1236-1247, October 1995.
- catania:mass:
V. Catania, A. Puliafito, S. Riccobene, and L. Vita.
An I/O subsystem supporting mass storage functions in parallel
Computer standards & interfaces, 18(2):117-138, 1996.
- cecchet:raidb:
Emmanuel Cecchet, Julie Marguerite, and Willy Zwaenepoel.
Partial replication: Achieving scalability in redundant arrays of
inexpensive databases.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3144:58-70, July 2004.
- cerin:sorting:
Christophe Cérin, Hazem Fkaier, and Mohamed Jemni.
A synthesis of parallel out-of-core sorting programs on
heterogeneous clusters.
In Proceedings of the Third IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster
Computing and the Grid, pages 78-85, Tokyo, Japan, May 2003. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- ceron:dna:
C. Ceron, J. Dopazo, E. L. Zapata, J.M. Carazo, and O. Trelles.
implementation of DNAml program on message-passing
Parallel Computing, 24(5-6):701-716, June 1997.
- cfs:lustre:
Lustre: A scalable,
high-performance file system.
Cluster File Systems Inc. white paper, version 1.0, November 2002.
- cha:subgroup:
Kwangho Cha, Taeyoung Hong, and Jeongwoo Hong.
The subgroup method for collective
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3320:301-304, December 2004.
- chandy:array:
John A. Chandy and Prithviraj Benerjee.
Reliability evaluation of disk array architectures.
In Proceedings of the 1993 International Conference on Parallel
Processing, pages I-263-267, St. Charles, IL, 1993. CRC Press.
- chang:reuse:
Tai-Sheng Chang, Sangyup Shim, and David H. C. Du.
The scalability of
spatial reuse based serial storage interfaces.
In Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 93-101, San Jose, CA, November 1997. ACM
- chang:titan:
Chialin Chang, Bongki Moon, Anurag Acharya, Carter Shock, Alan Sussman, and
Joel Saltz.
Titan: a
high-performance remote-sensing database.
In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Data
Engineering, Birmingham, U.K., April 1997.
- chao:datamesh:
Chia Chao, Robert English, David Jacobson, Bart Sears, Alexander Stepanov, and
John Wilkes.
DataMesh architecture 1.0.
Technical Report HPL-92-153, HP Labs, December 1992.
See also earlier version wilkes:datamesh.
- chapple:pario:
S. R. Chapple and R. A. Fletcher.
Parallel I/O Concepts.
Edinburgh Parallel Computing Center, February 1993.
- chapple:pulgf:
S. R. Chapple and S. M. Trewin.
Prototype User Guide.
Edinburgh Parallel Computing Center, February 1993.
- chapple:pulgf-adv:
S. R. Chapple.
Prototype Advanced User Guide.
Edinburgh Parallel Computing Center, January 1993.
- chapple:pulpf:
S. R. Chapple.
Reference Manual.
Edinburgh Parallel Computing Center, January 1994.
- chaudhry:relaxing:
Geeta Chaudhry and Thomas H. Cormen.
Relaxing the
problem-size bound for out-of-core columnsort.
Technical Report TR2003-445, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
Hanover, NH, April 2003.
- chaudhry:thesis:
Geeta Chaudhry.
Parallel Out-of-Core Sorting: The Third Way.
PhD thesis, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, September 2004.
Available as Dartmouth Technical Report TR2004-517.
- chaudhry:tricks:
Geeta Chaudhry, Elizabeth A. Hamon, and Thomas H. Cormen.
columnsort tricks.
Technical Report TR2003-444, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
Hanover, NH, April 2003.
- chehadeh:oodb:
Y. C. Chehadeh, A. R. Hurson, L. L. Miller, S. Pakzad, and B. N. Jamoussi.
Application for parallel disks for efficient handling of
object-oriented databases.
In Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed
Processing, pages 184-191. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1993.
- chen:automatic:
Ying Chen, Marianne Winslett, Y. Cho, and S. Kuo.
Automatic parallel I/O performance optimization using genetic
In Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Symposium on High
Performance Distributed Computing, pages 155-162. IEEE Computer Society
Press, July 1998.
- chen:collective:
Ying Chen, Ian Foster, Jarek Nieplocha, and Marianne Winslett.
Optimizing collective I/O performance on parallel
computers: A multisystem study.
In Proceedings of the 11th ACM International Conference on
Supercomputing, pages 28-35. ACM Press, July 1997.
- chen:eval:
Peter Chen, Garth Gibson, Randy Katz, and David Patterson.
An evaluation of redundant arrays of disks using an Amdahl
In Proceedings of the 1990 ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and
Modeling of Computer Systems, pages 74-85, May 1990.
- chen:maxraid:
Peter M. Chen and David A. Patterson.
Maximizing performance in a striped disk array.
In Proceedings of the 17th Annual International Symposium on Computer
Architecture, pages 322-331, 1990.
- chen:panda:
Y. Chen, M. Winslett, K. E. Seamons, S. Kuo, Y. Cho, and M. Subramaniam.
Scalable message passing in Panda.
In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 109-121, Philadelphia, May 1996. ACM
- chen:panda-automatic:
Y. Chen, M. Winslett, Y. Cho, and S. Kuo.
Automatic parallel
I/O performance optimization in Panda.
In Proceedings of the Eleventh Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and
Architectures, pages 108-118, 1998.
- chen:panda-model:
Y. Chen, M. Winslett, S. Kuo, Y. Cho, M. Subramaniam, and K. E. Seamons.
Performance modeling for the Panda array I/O library.
In Proceedings of Supercomputing '96. ACM Press and IEEE Computer
Society Press, November 1996.
- chen:raid:
Peter Chen, Garth Gibson, Randy Katz, David Patterson, and Martin Schulze.
Two papers on
Technical Report UCB/CSD 88/479, UC Berkeley, December 1988.
See also later version schulze:raid2.
- chen:raid-perf:
S. Chen and D. Towsley.
A performance
evaluation of RAID architectures.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 45(10):1116-1130, October 1996.
- chen:raid-survey:
Peter M. Chen, Edward K. Lee, Garth A. Gibson, Randy H. Katz, and David A.
RAID: high-performance, reliable secondary storage.
ACM Computing Surveys, 26(2):145-185, June 1994.
- chen:raid2:
Peter M. Chen, Edward K. Lee, Ann L. Drapeau, Ken Lutz, Ethan L. Miller,
Srinivasan Seshan, Ken Shirriff, David A. Patterson, and Randy H. Katz.
Performance and design evaluation of the RAID-II storage
In Proceedings of the IPPS '93 Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel
Computer Systems, pages 110-120, Newport Beach, CA, 1993.
See also later version drapeau:raid-ii.
- chen:raid5stripe:
Peter Chen and Edward K. Lee.
Striping in a RAID level 5 disk array.
In Proceedings of the 1995 ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and
Modeling of Computer Systems, pages 136-145, May 1995.
- chen:tuning:
Ying Chen and Marianne Winslett.
Automated tuning of parallel I/O systems: An approach to portable I/O
performance for scientific applications.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 26(4):362-383, April
- chervenak:raid:
Ann L. Chervenak and Randy H. Katz.
Performance of a disk array prototype.
In Proceedings of the 1991 ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and
Modeling of Computer Systems, pages 188-197, 1991.
- chervenak:raid-ii:
Ann L. Chervenak, Ken Shirriff, John H. Hartman, Ethan L. Miller, Srinivasan
Seshan, Randy H. Katz, Ken Lutz, David A. Patterson, Edward K. Lee, Peter M.
Chen, and Garth A.Gibson.
RAID-II: A high-bandwidth
network file server.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 26, pages 408-419. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version drapeau:raid-ii.
- chervenak:tertiary:
Ann L. Chervenak.
for tertiary storage in multimedia servers.
Parallel Computing, 24(1):157-176, January 1998.
- chiang:graph:
Yi-Jen Chiang, , Michael T. Goodrich, Edward F. Grove, Roberto Tamassia, Darren
Erik Vengroff, and Jeffrey Scott Vitter.
External-memory graph algorithms (extended abstract).
In Proceedings of the ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
(SODA '95), pages 139-149, January 1995.
- ching:efficient:
Avery Ching, Alok Choudhary, Wei keng Liao, Robert Ross, and William Gropp.
Efficient structured data access in parallel file
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Cluster
Computing, pages 326-335, Hong Kong, China, December 2003. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- ching:noncontiguous:
Avery Ching, Alok Choudhary, Kenin Coloma, Wei keng Liao, Robert Ross, and
William Gropp.
Noncontiguous I/O accesses through MPI-IO.
In Proceedings of the Third IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster
Computing and the Grid, pages 104-111, Tokyo, Japan, May 2003. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- chiu:smart-disks:
Steve C. Chiu, Wei keng Liao, Alok N. Choudhary, and Malmut T. Kandemir.
Processor-embedded distributed smart disks for I/O-intensive workloads: architectures,
performance models and evaluation..
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 64(3):427-445, March
- chiueh:tapes:
Tzi-cker Chiueh.
Performance optimization for parallel tape arrays.
In Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on
Supercomputing, pages 375-384, Barcelona, July 1995. ACM Press.
- chiung-san:xdac:
Lee Chiung-San, Parng Tai-Ming, Lee Jew-Chin, Tsai Cheng-Nan, and Farn
Performance analysis of the XDAC disk array system.
In Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed
Processing, pages 620-627. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1994.
- cho:fine-grained:
Yong Cho, Marianne Winslett, Ying Chen, and Szu wen Kuo.
Parallel I/O performance of fine grained data distributions.
In Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Symposium on High
Performance Distributed Computing, pages 163-170. IEEE Computer Society
Press, July 1998.
- cho:local:
Yong Cho, Marianne Winslett, Mahesh Subramaniam, Ying Chen, Szu wen Kuo, and
Kent E. Seamons.
Exploiting local
data in parallel array I/O on a practical network of
In Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 1-13, San Jose, CA, November 1997. ACM
- choudhary:jmanagement:
A. Choudhary, M. Kandemir, J. No, G. Memik, X. Shen, W. Liao, H. Nagesh, S.
More, V. Taylor, R. Thakur, , and R. Stevens.
Data management for large-scale scientific computations in high performance
distributed systems.
Cluster Computing, 3(1):45-60, 2000.
See also earlier version choudhary:management.
- choudhary:management:
A. Choudhary, M. Kandemir, H. Nagesh, J. No, X. Shen, V. Taylor, S. More, and
R. Thakur.
Data management for large-scale scientific computations in high performance
distributed systems.
In Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Symposium on High
Performance Distributed Computing, pages 263-272, Redondo Beach, CA,
August 1999. IEEE Computer Society Press.
See also later version choudhary:jmanagement.
- choudhary:passion:
Alok Choudhary, Rajesh Bordawekar, Michael Harry, Rakesh Krishnaiyer, Ravi
Ponnusamy, Tarvinder Singh, and Rajeev Thakur.
PASSION: parallel and scalable software for input-output.
Technical Report SCCS-636, ECE Dept., NPAC and CASE Center, Syracuse
University, September 1994.
See also later version thakur:jpassion.
- choudhary:passion-paragon:
Alok Choudhary, Rajesh Bordawekar, Sachin More, K. Sivaram, and Rajeev Thakur.
PASSION runtime library for the Intel Paragon.
In Proceedings of the Intel Supercomputer User's Group Conference,
June 1995.
See also later version thakur:jpassion.
- choudhary:sdcr:
Alok Choudhary and David Kotz.
Large-scale file
systems with the flexibility of databases.
ACM Computing Surveys, 28A(4), December 1996.
Position paper for the Working Group on Storage I/O for Large-Scale Computing,
ACM Workshop on Strategic Directions in Computing Research. Available on-line
only, at http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/242224.242488.
- choudhary:sio-language:
Alok Choudhary, Ian Foster, Geoffrey Fox, Ken Kennedy, Carl Kesselman, Charles
Koelbel, Joel Saltz, and Marc Snir.
compilers, and runtime systems support for parallel
Technical Report CCSF-39, Scalable I/O Initiative, Caltech Concurrent
Supercomputing Facilities, Caltech, 1994.
- chung-sheng:arrays:
Li Chung-Sheng, Chen Ming-Syan, P. S. Yu, and Hsiao Hui-I.
Combining replication and parity approaches for fault-tolerant disk
In Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed
Processing, pages 360-367. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1994.
- clark:molecular:
Terry W. Clark, L. Ridgway Scott, Stanislaw Wlodek, and J. Andrew McCammon.
I/O limitations in parallel molecular dynamics.
In Proceedings of Supercomputing '95, San Diego, CA, 1995. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- clement:overlap:
Mark J. Clement and Michael J. Quinn.
Overlapping computations, communications and I/O in parallel
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 28(2):162-172, August
- coelho:hpf-io:
Fabien Coelho.
Compilation of I/O communications for HPF.
In Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively
Parallel Computation, pages 102-109, 1995.
- colarelli:allocate:
Dennis Colarelli and Gene Schumacher.
New strategy for file allocation on multi-device systems.
Supercomputing '93 poster session, 1993.
- coleman:bottleneck:
Samuel S. Coleman and Richard W. Watson.
New architectures to reduce I/O bottlenecks in high-performance
In Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Hawaii International Conference
on System Sciences, volume I, pages 5-14, 1993.
- coloma:caching:
Kenin Coloma, Alok Choudhary, Wei keng Liao, Lee Ward, Eric Russell, and Neil
Scalable high-level caching for parallel I/O.
In Proceedings of the International Parallel and Distributed Processing
Symposium, page 96b, Santa Fe, NM, April 2004. Los Alamitos, CA, USA :
IEEE Comput. Soc, 2004.
- colvin:vic:
Alex Colvin and Thomas H. Cormen.
ViC*: A compiler for virtual-memory C*.
In Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on High-Level Parallel
Programming Models and Supportive Environments (HIPS '98), pages 23-33.
IEEE Computer Society Press, March 1998.
See also earlier version colvin:vic-tr.
- colvin:vic-tr:
Alex Colvin and Thomas H. Cormen.
A compiler for virtual-memory C*.
Technical Report PCS-TR97-323, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
November 1997.
See also later version colvin:vic.
- convex:exemplar:
Convex Exemplar Scalable Parallel Processing System.
Convex Computer Corporation, 1994.
Order number 080-002293-000.
- convex:stripe:
CONVEX Computer Corporation, Richardson, Texas.
CONVEX UNIX Programmer's Manual, Part I, eighth edition,
October 1988.
- cook:simd-jpeg:
Gregory W. Cook and Edward J. Delp.
An investigation of scalable SIMD I/O techniques with application to
parallel JPEG compression.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 30(2):111-128,
November 1995.
- copeland:bubba:
George Copeland, William Alexander, Ellen Boughter, and Tom Keller.
Data placement in Bubba.
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of
Data, pages 99-108, Chicago, IL, June 1988. ACM Press.
- corbett:bmpi-overview:
Peter Corbett, Dror Feitelson, Sam Fineberg, Yarsun Hsu, Bill Nitzberg,
Jean-Pierre Prost, Marc Snir, Bernard Traversat, and Parkson Wong.
Overview of the MPI-IO
parallel I/O interface.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 32, pages 477-487. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version corbett:mpi-overview.
- corbett:bvesta:
Peter F. Corbett and Dror G. Feitelson.
The Vesta parallel file
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 20, pages 285-308. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version corbett:jvesta.
- corbett:jvesta:
Peter F. Corbett and Dror G. Feitelson.
The Vesta parallel file system.
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 14(3):225-264, August 1996.
See also earlier version corbett:vesta.
See also later version corbett:bvesta.
- corbett:mpi-io2:
Peter Corbett, Dror Feitelson, Yarsun Hsu, Jean-Pierre Prost, Marc Snir, Sam
Fineberg, Bill Nitzberg, Bernard Traversat, and Parkson Wong.
MPI-IO: a parallel file I/O interface for MPI.
Technical Report RC 19841 (87784), IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, November
Version 0.2.
See also later version corbett:mpi-io3.
- corbett:mpi-io3:
Peter Corbett, Dror Feitelson, Yarsun Hsu, Jean-Pierre Prost, Marc Snir, Sam
Fineberg, Bill Nitzberg, Bernard Traversat, and Parkson Wong.
MPI-IO: a parallel file I/O interface for MPI.
Technical Report NAS-95-002, NASA Ames Research Center, January 1995.
Version 0.3.
See also earlier version corbett:mpi-io2.
See also later version corbett:mpi-io4.
- corbett:mpi-io4:
Peter Corbett, Yarsun Hsu, Jean-Pierre Prost, Marc Snir, Sam Fineberg, Bill
Nitzberg, Bernard Traversat, Parkson Wong, and Dror Feitelson.
MPI-IO: a parallel file I/O interface for MPI, December 1995.
Version 0.4.
See also earlier version corbett:mpi-io3.
See also later version mpi-ioc:mpi-io5.
- corbett:mpi-overview:
Peter Corbett, Dror Feitelson, Sam Fineberg, Yarsun Hsu, Bill Nitzberg,
Jean-Pierre Prost, Marc Snir, Bernard Traversat, and Parkson Wong.
Overview of the MPI-IO parallel I/O interface.
In Proceedings of the IPPS '95 Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 1-15, April 1995.
See also later version corbett:mpi-overview-book.
- corbett:mpi-overview-book:
Peter Corbett, Dror Feitelson, Sam Fineberg, Yarsun Hsu, Bill Nitzberg,
Jean-Pierre Prost, Marc Snir, Bernard Traversat, and Parkson Wong.
Overview of the MPI-IO parallel I/O interface.
In Jain et al. [iopads-book], chapter 5,
pages 127-146.
See also earlier version corbett:mpi-overview.
- corbett:pfs:
Peter F. Corbett, Dror G. Feitelson, Jean-Pierre Prost, George S. Almasi,
Sandra Johnson Baylor, Anthony S. Bolmarcich, Yarsun Hsu, Julian Satran, Marc
Snir, Robert Colao, Brian Herr, Joseph Kavaky, Thomas R. Morgan, and Anthony
Parallel file systems for the IBM SP computers.
IBM Systems Journal, 34(2):222-248, January 1995.
- corbett:rdp:
Peter Corbett, Bob English, Atul Goel, Tomislav Grcanac, Steven Kleiman, James
Leong, and Sunitha Sankar.
Row-diagonal parity for double disk failure correction.
In Proceedings of the USENIX FAST '04 Conference on File and Storage
Technologies, pages 1-14, San Francisco, CA, March 2004. Network
Appliance, Inc., USENIX Association.
- corbett:sio-api1.0:
Peter F. Corbett, Jean-Pierre Prost, Chris Demetriou, Garth Gibson, Erik
Reidel, Jim Zelenka, Yuqun Chen, Ed Felten, Kai Li, John Hartman, Larry
Peterson, Brian Bershad, Alec Wolman, and Ruth Aydt.
Proposal for a common parallel
file system programming interface.
WWW http://www.cs.arizona.edu/sio/api1.0.ps, September 1996.
Version 1.0.
- corbett:user-friendly:
Peter F. Corbett, Dror G. Feitelson, Jean-Pierre Prost, and Marc Snir.
User-friendly and efficient parallel I/Os using the Vesta parallel file
In Transputers '94: Advanced Research and Industrial Applications,
pages 23-38. IOS Press, September 1994.
- corbett:vesta:
Peter F. Corbett, Sandra Johnson Baylor, and Dror G. Feitelson.
Overview of the Vesta parallel file system.
In Proceedings of the IPPS '93 Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel
Computer Systems, pages 1-16, Newport Beach, CA, 1993.
Also published in Computer Architecture News 21(5), December 1993, pages
See also later version corbett:jvesta.
- corbett:vesta-di:
Peter F. Corbett and Dror G. Feitelson.
Design and implementation of the Vesta parallel file system.
In Proceedings of the Scalable High-Performance Computing Conference,
pages 63-70, 1994.
See also later version corbett:jvesta.
- corbett:vesta-man:
Peter F. Corbett and Dror G. Feitelson.
Vesta file system programmer's reference.
Technical Report Research Report RC 19898 (88058), IBM T.J. Watson Research
Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, October 1994.
Version 1.01.
- corbett:vesta2:
Peter F. Corbett, Dror G. Feitelson, Jean-Pierre Prost, and Sandra Johnson
Parallel access to files in the Vesta file system.
In Proceedings of Supercomputing '93, pages 472-481, Portland, OR,
1993. IEEE Computer Society Press.
See also later version corbett:jvesta.
- cormen:bmmc:
Thomas H. Cormen and Leonard F. Wisniewski.
Asymptotically tight bounds for performing BMMC permutations on
parallel disk systems.
In Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and
Architectures, pages 130-139. ACM Press, June 1993.
See also later version cormen:bmmc-tr.
- cormen:bmmc-tr:
Thomas H. Cormen, Thomas Sundquist, and Leonard F. Wisniewski.
Asymptotically tight bounds for performing BMMC permutations on parallel disk
Technical Report PCS-TR94-223, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
July 1994.
Preliminary version also appeared in Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on
Parallel Algorithms and Architectures.
See also earlier version cormen:bmmc.
- cormen:early-vic:
Thomas H. Cormen and Melissa Hirschl.
Early experiences in evaluating the parallel disk model with the ViC*
Parallel Computing, 23(4):571-600, June 1997.
See also earlier version cormen:early-vic-tr.
- cormen:early-vic-tr:
Thomas H. Cormen and Melissa Hirschl.
experiences in evaluating the parallel disk model with the ViC*
Technical Report PCS-TR96-293, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
August 1996.
See also later version cormen:early-vic.
- cormen:fft:
Thomas H. Cormen and David M. Nicol.
Performing out-of-core FFTs on parallel disk systems.
Parallel Computing, 24(1):5-20, January 1998.
See also earlier version cormen:fft-tr.
- cormen:fft-tr:
Thomas H. Cormen and David M. Nicol.
Performing out-of-core FFTs on parallel disk systems.
Technical Report PCS-TR96-294, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
See also later version cormen:fft.
- cormen:fft2-tr:
Thomas H. Cormen, Jake Wegmann, and David M. Nicol.
Multiprocessor out-of-core FFTs with distributed memory and parallel
Technical Report PCS-TR97-303, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
See also later version cormen:fft3.
- cormen:fft3:
Thomas H. Cormen, Jake Wegmann, and David M. Nicol.
Multiprocessor out-of-core FFTs with distributed memory and parallel
In Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 68-78, San Jose, CA, November 1997. ACM
- cormen:fg:
Thomas H. Cormen and Elena R. Davidson.
FG: a framework generator for
hiding latency in parallel programs running on clusters.
In AA Bader, DA; Khokhar, editor, Proceedings of the 17th IASTED
International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and
Systems, pages 137-144, San Francisco, CA, September 2004.
- cormen:integrate:
Thomas H. Cormen and David Kotz.
Integrating theory and practice in parallel file systems.
In Proceedings of the 1993 DAGS/PC Symposium, pages 64-74, Hanover,
NH, June 1993. Dartmouth Institute for Advanced Graduate Studies.
Revised as Dartmouth PCS-TR93-188 on 9/20/94.
See also later version cormen:integrate-tr.
- cormen:integrate-tr:
Thomas H. Cormen and David Kotz.
Integrating theory and practice in parallel file systems.
Technical Report PCS-TR93-188, Dept. of Math and Computer Science, Dartmouth
College, March 1993.
Revised 9/20/94.
See also earlier version cormen:integrate.
- cormen:jbmmc:
T. H. Cormen, T. Sundquist, and L. F. Wisniewski.
Asymptotically tight bounds for performing BMMC permutations on
parallel disk systems.
SIAM Journal on Computing, 28(1):105-136, 1998.
- cormen:oocfft:
Thomas H. Cormen and David .M. Nicol.
Out-of-core FFTs with parallel disks.
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 25(3):3-12, December
- cormen:permute:
Thomas H. Cormen.
Fast permuting on disk arrays.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 17(1-2):41-57,
January and February 1993.
- cormen:thesis:
Thomas H. Cormen.
Virtual Memory for Data-Parallel Computing.
PhD thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1992.
- cormen:vic:
Thomas H. Cormen and Alex Colvin.
A preprocessor for virtual-memory C*.
Technical Report PCS-TR94-243, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
November 1994.
- correa:out-of-core:
Wagner. T. Corrêa, James T. Klosowski, and Cláudio T. Silva.
sort-first parallel rendering for cluster-based tiled displays..
Parallel Computing, 29(3):325-338, March 2003.
- cortes:bcooperative:
Toni Cortes, Sergi Girona, and Jesús Labarta.
Design issues of a
cooperative cache with no coherence problems.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 18, pages 259-270. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version cortes:cooperative.
- cortes:bookchap:
Toni Cortes.
Software RAID and parallel filesystems.
In Rajkumar Buyya, editor, High Peformance Cluster Computing, pages
463-496. Prentice Hall PTR, 1999.
- cortes:cooperative:
Toni Cortes, Sergi Girona, and Jesús Labarta.
Design issues of a
cooperative cache with no coherence problems.
In Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 37-46, San Jose, CA, November 1997. ACM
See also later version cortes:bcooperative.
- cortes:hetero2:
Tony Cortes and Jesús Labarta.
Taking advantage of heterogeneity in disk arrays.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 63(4):448-464, April
- cortes:heterogeneity:
T. Cortes and J. Labarta.
Extending heterogeneity to RAID level 5.
In Proceedings of the 2001 USENIX Technical Conference, pages
119-132, Boston, June 2001. USENIX Association.
- cortes:heterogeneous:
T. Cortes and J. Labarta.
A case for heterogenenous disk arrays.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing
(Cluster'2000), pages 319-325. IEEE Computer Society Press, November
- cortes:hraid:
Toni Cortes and Jesús Labarta.
HRaid: A flexible storage-system simulator.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed
Processing Techniques and Applications, pages 772-778. CSREA Press,
June 1999.
- cortes:lessons:
Toni Cortes.
Parallel I/O: lessons learnt in the last 20 years.
In Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Cluster
Computing, San Diego, CA, September 2004. Piscataway, NJ, USA : IEEE,
- cortes:paca:
Toni Cortes, Sergi Girona, and Jesús Labarta.
PACA: A cooperative file system cache for parallel machines.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Euro-Par Conference, pages
I:477-486, August 1996.
See also earlier version cortes:paca-tr.
- cortes:paca-tr:
Toni Cortes, Sergi Girona, and Jesús Labarta.
PACA: A cooperative file system cache for parallel machines.
Technical Report 96-07, UPC-CEPBA, 1996.
See also later version cortes:paca.
- cortes:pafs:
Toni Cortes, Sergi Girona, and Jesús Labarta.
Avoiding the cache-coherence problem in a parallel/distributed file
In Proceedings of High-Performance Computing and Networking, pages
860-869, April 1997.
See also later version cortes:pafs2.
- cortes:pafs2:
Toni Cortes, Sergi Girona, and Jesús Labarta.
Avoiding the cache-coherence problem in a parallel/distributed file
Technical Report UPC-CEPBA-1996-13, UPC-CEPBA, May 1997.
See also earlier version cortes:pafs.
- cortes:prefetch:
T. Cortes and J. Labarta.
Linear aggressive prefetching: A way to increase the performance of
cooperative caches.
In Proceedings of the Joint International Parallel Processing Symposium and
IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, pages 45-54, San
Juan, Puerto Rico, April 1999.
- cortes:thesis:
Toni Cortes.
Caching and Prefetching in Parallel/Distributed File Systems.
PhD thesis, UPC: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain,
- courtright:backward:
William V. Courtright II and Garth A. Gibson.
Backward error recovery in redundant disk arrays.
In Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference for the Resource
Management and Performance Evaluation of Enterprise Computing Systems
(CMG), pages 63-74, December 1994.
See also earlier version courtright:backward-tr.
- courtright:backward-tr:
William V. Courtright II and Garth A. Gibson.
Backward error recovery in redundant disk arrays.
Technical Report CMU-CS-94-193, Carnegie Mellon University, September 1994.
See also later version courtright:backward.
- courtright:raidframe:
William V. Courtright II, Garth A. Gibson, Mark Holland, and Jim Zelenka.
RAIDframe: rapid prototyping for disk arrays.
In Proceedings of the 1996 ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and
Modeling of Computer Systems, pages 268-269, Philadelphia, PA, May
1996. ACM Press.
Poster paper.
See also earlier version gibson:raidframe-tr.
- coyne:hpss:
Robert A. Coyne, Harry Hulen, and Richard Watson.
The high performance storage system.
In Proceedings of Supercomputing '93, pages 83-92, Portland, OR,
1993. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- coyne:storage:
Robert A. Coyne, Harry Hulen, and Richard Watson.
Storage systems for national information assets, 1993.
Publication status unknown.
- cozette:read2:
Olivier Cozette, Cyril Randriamaro, and Gil Utard.
READ^2: Put disks at network level.
In Workshop on Parallel I/O in Cluster Computing and Computational
Grids, pages 698-704, Tokyo, May 2003. IEEE Computer Society Press.
Organized at the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the
Grid 2003.
- crandall:iochar:
Phyllis E. Crandall, Ruth A. Aydt, Andrew A. Chien, and Daniel A. Reed.
characteristics of scalable parallel applications.
In Proceedings of Supercomputing '95, San Diego, CA, December 1995.
IEEE Computer Society Press.
- crauser:segment:
A. Crauser, P. Ferragina, K. Mehlhorn, U. Meyer, and E. A. Ramos.
I/O-optimal computation of segment intersections.
In Abello and Vitter [abello:dimacs], pages
- cray:pario2:
Cray Research.
DS-41 disk subsystem, 1990.
Sales literature number MCFS-4-0790.
- crockett:manual:
Thomas W. Crockett.
Specification of the operating system interface for parallel file
Publication status unknown (ICASE technical report), 1988.
- crockett:par-files:
Thomas W. Crockett.
File concepts for parallel I/O.
In Proceedings of Supercomputing '89, pages 574-579, 1989.
- csa-io:
T. J. M.
Now: Parallel storage to match parallel CPU power.
Electronics, 61(12):112, December 1988.
- cypher:jrequire:
Robert Cypher, Alex Ho, Smaragda Konstantinidou, and Paul Messina.
A quantitative study of parallel scientific applications with explicit
Journal of Supercomputing, 10(1):5-24, March 1996.
See also earlier version cypher:require.
- cypher:require:
R. Cypher, A. Ho, S. Konstantinidou, and P. Messina.
Architectural requirements of parallel scientific applications with
explicit communication.
In Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Symposium on Computer
Architecture, pages 2-13, 1993.
See also later version cypher:jrequire.
- davis:rle:
G. Davis, L. Lau, R. Young, F. Duncalfe, and L. Brebber.
Parallel run-length encoding (RLE) compression-reducing I/O in
dynamic environmental simulations.
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications,
12(4):396-410, Winter 1998.
In a Special Issue on I/O in Parallel Applications.
- dazevedo:edonio:
E. F. D'Azevedo and C. H. Romine.
EDONIO: Extended distributed object network I/O library.
Technical Report ORNL/TM-12934, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1995.
- debenedictis:modular:
Erik P. DeBenedictis and Juan Miguel del Rosario.
Modular scalable I/O.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 17(1-2):122-128,
January and February 1993.
- debenedictis:ncube:
Erik DeBenedictis and Juan Miguel del Rosario.
nCUBE parallel I/O software.
In Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual IEEE International Phoenix Conference
on Computers and Communications, pages 0117-0124, Scottsdale, AZ, April
1992. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- debenedictis:pario:
Erik DeBenedictis and Peter Madams.
nCUBE's parallel I/O with Unix capability.
In Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Distributed-Memory Computer
Conference, pages 270-277, 1991.
- debenedictis:scalable-unix:
Erik P. DeBenedictis and Stephen C. Johnson.
Extending Unix for scalable computing.
IEEE Computer, 26(11):43-53, November 1993.
- debergalis:dafs:
Matt DeBergalis, Peter Corbett, Steve Kleiman, Arthur Lent, Dave Noveck, Tom
Talpey, and Mark Wittle.
direct access file system.
In Proceedings of the USENIX FAST '03 Conference on File and Storage
Technologies, San Francisco, CA, April 2003. USENIX Association.
- delrosario:ncube:
Juan Miguel del Rosario.
High performance parallel I/O on the nCUBE 2.
Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and
Communications Engineers, J75D-I(8):626-636, August 1992.
- delrosario:prospects:
Juan Miguel del Rosario and Alok Choudhary.
High performance I/O for parallel computers: Problems and
IEEE Computer, 27(3):59-68, March 1994.
- delrosario:two-phase:
Juan Miguel del Rosario, Rajesh Bordawekar, and Alok Choudhary.
Improved parallel I/O via a two-phase run-time access
In Proceedings of the IPPS '93 Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel
Computer Systems, pages 56-70, Newport Beach, CA, 1993.
Also published in Computer Architecture News 21(5), December 1993, pages
See also earlier version delrosario:two-phase-tr.
- delrosario:two-phase-tr:
Juan Miguel del Rosario, Rajesh Bordawekar, and Alok Choudhary.
Improving parallel I/O performance using a two-phase access
Technical Report SCCS-406, NPAC at Syracuse University, 1993.
See also later version delrosario:two-phase.
- delrosario:vipfs-tr:
Juan Miguel del Rosario, Michael Harry, and Alok Choudhary.
design of VIP-FS: A virtual, parallel file system for high performance
parallel and distributed computing.
Technical Report SCCS-628, NPAC, Syracuse, NY 13244, May 1994.
- demmel:eosdis:
James Demmel, Melody Y. Ivory, and Sharon L. Smith.
Modeling and identifying bottlenecks in EOSDIS.
In Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively
Parallel Computation, pages 300-308. IEEE Computer Society Press,
October 1996.
- dewitt:gamma:
David J. DeWitt, Robert H. Gerber, Goetz Graefe, Michael L. Heytens, Krishna B.
Kumar, and M. Muralikrishna.
GAMMA: A high performance dataflow database machine.
Technical Report TR-635, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison,
March 1986.
See also later version dewitt:gamma2.
- dewitt:gamma-dbm:
David J. DeWitt, Shahram Ghandeharizadeh, and Donovan Schneider.
A performance analysis of the GAMMA database machine.
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of
Data, pages 350-360, Chicago, IL, June 1988. ACM Press.
See also later version dewitt:gamma3.
- dewitt:gamma2:
David J. DeWitt, Robert H. Gerber, Goetz Graefe, Michael L. Heytens, Krishna B.
Kumar, and M. Muralikrishna.
GAMMA - A high performance dataflow database machine.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Very Large Data
Bases, pages 228-237, 1986.
See also earlier version dewitt:gamma.
See also later version dewitt:gamma3.
- dewitt:gamma3:
David J. DeWitt, Shahram Ghandeharizadeh, Donovan A. Schneider, Allan Bricker,
Hui-I Hsaio, and Rick Rasmussen.
The Gamma database machine project.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2(1):44-62,
March 1990.
See also earlier version dewitt:gamma2.
- dewitt:pardbs:
David DeWitt and Jim Gray.
Parallel database systems: The future of high-performance database
Communications of the ACM, 35(6):85-98, June 1992.
- dewitt:parsort:
David J. DeWitt, Jeffrey F. Naughton, and Donovan A. Schneider.
Parallel sorting on a shared-nothing architecture using probabilistic
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Information Systems, pages 280-291, December 1991.
- dibble:bridge:
Peter Dibble, Michael Scott, and Carla Ellis.
Bridge: A high-performance file system for parallel
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Distributed
Computer Systems, pages 154-161, June 1988.
See also earlier version ellis:interleaved.
See also later version dibble:thesis.
- dibble:sort:
Peter C. Dibble and Michael L. Scott.
External sorting on a parallel interleaved file system.
University of Rochester 1989-90 Computer Science and Engineering Research
Review, 1989.
See also later version dibble:sort2.
- dibble:sort2:
Peter C. Dibble and Michael L. Scott.
Beyond striping: The Bridge multiprocessor file system.
Computer Architecture News, 19(5), September 1989.
See also earlier version dibble:sort.
- dibble:thesis:
Peter C. Dibble.
A Parallel Interleaved File System.
PhD thesis, University of Rochester, March 1990.
- dickens:evaluation:
Phillip M. Dickens and Rajeev Thakur.
Evaluation of collective I/O implementations on parallel
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 61(8):1052-1076,
August 2001.
- dickens:javaio:
Phillip M. Dickens and Rajeev Thakur.
An evaluation
of Java's I/O capabilities for high-performance computing.
In Proceedings of the ACM 2000 Java Grande Conference, pages 26-35.
ACM Press, June 2000.
- dickens:threads:
Phillip Dickens and Rajeev Thakur.
Improving collective I/O performance using threads.
In Proceedings of the Joint International Parallel Processing Symposium and
IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, pages 38-45,
April 1999.
- diegert:backprop:
Carl Diegert.
Out-of-core backpropagation.
In International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, volume 2,
pages 97-103, 1990.
- ding:oceanmodel:
Chris H. Q. Ding and Yun He.
organization and I/O in a parallel ocean circulation model.
In Proceedings of SC99: High Performance Networking and Computing,
Portland, OR, November 1999. ACM Press and IEEE Computer Society Press.
- drapeau:raid-ii:
Ann L. Drapeau, Ken W. Shirrif, John H. Hartman, Ethan L. Miller, Srinivasan
Seshan, Randy H. Katz, Ken Lutz, David A. Patterson, Edward K. Lee, Peter H.
Chen, and Garth A. Gibson.
a high-bandwidth network file server.
In Proceedings of the 21st Annual International Symposium on Computer
Architecture, pages 234-244, 1994.
See also earlier version chen:raid2.
- drapeau:tape-stripe:
Ann L. Drapeau and Randy H. Katz.
Striping in large tape libraries.
In Proceedings of Supercomputing '93, pages 378-387, Portland, OR,
1993. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- dunigan:hypercubes:
T. H. Dunigan.
Performance of the Intel iPSC/860 and Ncube 6400 hypercubes.
Parallel Computing, 17:1285-1302, 1991.
- durand:coloring:
Dannie Durand, Ravi Jain, and David Tseytlin.
Applying randomized edge coloring algorithms to distributed
communication: An experimental study.
In Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and
Architectures, pages 264-274, 1995.
- durand:edge-coloring:
Dannie Durand, Ravi Jain, and David Tseytlin.
Parallel i/o
scheduling using randomized, distributed edge coloring
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 63(6):611-618, June
- durand:scheduling:
Dannie Durand, Ravi Jain, and David Tseytlin.
Distributed scheduling algorithms to improve the performance of
parallel data transfers.
In Proceedings of the IPPS '94 Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel
Computer Systems, pages 85-104. Bellcore, April 1994.
Also appeared in Computer Architecture News 22(4).
See also later version durand:scheduling-book.
- durand:scheduling-book:
Dannie Durand, Ravi Jain, and David Tseytlin.
Improving the performance of parallel I/O using distributed scheduling
In Jain et al. [iopads-book], chapter 11,
pages 245-269.
See also earlier version durand:scheduling.
- duzett:ncube3:
Bob Duzett and Ron Buck.
An overview of the nCUBE 3 supercomputer.
In Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively
Parallel Computation, pages 458-464, 1992.
- edelson:pario:
Daniel Edelson and Darrell D. E. Long.
High speed disk I/O for parallel computers.
Technical Report UCSC-CRL-90-02, Baskin Center for Computer Engineering and
Information Science, January 1990.
- el-ghazawi:mp1:
Tarek A. El-Ghazawi.
I/O performance of the MasPar MP-1 testbed.
Technical Report TR-94-111, CESDIS, NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD, 1994.
- el-ghazawi:mpio:
Tarek A. El-Ghazawi.
Characteristics of the MasPar parallel I/O system.
In Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively
Parallel Computation, pages 265-272, 1995.
- elford:ppfs-detail:
Chris Elford, Chris Kuszmaul, Jay Huber, and Tara Madhyastha.
parallel file system detailed design.
Technical report, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, November
- elford:ppfs-tr:
Chris Elford, Jay Huber, Chris Kuszmaul, and Tara Madhyastha.
PPFS high
level design documentation.
Technical report, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, November
- elford:trends:
Chris L. Elford and Daniel A. Reed.
Technology trends and disk array performance.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 46(2):136-147,
November 1997.
- ellis:interleaved:
Carla Ellis and P. Dibble.
An interleaved file system for the Butterfly.
Technical Report CS-1987-4, Dept. of Computer Science, Duke University, January
See also later version dibble:bridge.
- ellis:prefetch:
Carla Schlatter Ellis and David Kotz.
Prefetching in file systems for MIMD multiprocessors.
In Proceedings of the 1989 International Conference on Parallel
Processing, pages I:306-314, St. Charles, IL, August 1989. Pennsylvania
State Univ. Press.
See also earlier version ellis:prefetchTR.
See also later version kotz:prefetch.
- englert:nonstop:
Susanne Englert, Jim Gray, Terrye Kocher, and Praful Shah.
A benchmark of NonStop SQL Release 2 demonstrating near-linear speedup
and scaleup on large databases.
In Proceedings of the 1990 ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and
Modeling of Computer Systems, pages 245-246, May 1990.
- esser:paragon:
Rüdiger Esser and Renate Knecht.
Intel Paragon XP/S - architecture and software environment.
Technical Report KFA-ZAM-IB-9305, Central Institute for Applied Mathematics,
Research Center Jülich, Germany, \verb+r.esser@kfa-juelich.de+, April 26
- falkenberg:server:
Charles Falkenberg, Paul Hagger, and Steve Kelley.
A server of
distributed disk pages using a configurable software bus.
Technical Report CS-TR-3082, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Maryland,
July 1993.
Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-93-47.
- fallah-adl:data:
Hassan Fallah-Adl, Joseph JáJá, Shunlin Liang, Yoram J. Kaufman, and John
Efficient algorithms for atmospheric correction of remotely sensed
In Proceedings of Supercomputing '95, San Diego, CA, 1995. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- feitelson:bpario:
Dror G. Feitelson, Peter F. Corbett, Sandra Johnson Baylor, and Yarsun Hsu.
Parallel I/O subsystems in
massively parallel supercomputers.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 25, pages 389-407. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version feitelson:pario.
- feitelson:pario:
Dror G. Feitelson, Peter F. Corbett, Sandra Johnson Baylor, and Yarsun Hsu.
Parallel I/O subsystems in massively parallel supercomputers.
IEEE Parallel and Distributed Technology, 3(3):33-47, Fall 1995.
See also earlier version feitelson:pario-tr.
See also later version feitelson:bpario.
- feitelson:pario-tr:
Dror G. Feitelson, Peter F. Corbett, Sandra Johnson Baylor, and Yarsun Hsu.
Satisfying the I/O requirements of massively parallel
Technical Report Research Report RC 19008 (83016), IBM T. J. Watson Research
Center, July 1993.
See also later version feitelson:pario.
- feitelson:terminal:
Dror G. Feitelson.
Terminal I/O for massively parallel systems.
In Proceedings of the Scalable High-Performance Computing Conference,
pages 263-270, 1994.
- feitelson:vesta-perf:
Dror G. Feitelson, Peter F. Corbett, and Jean-Pierre Prost.
Performance of the Vesta parallel file system.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Parallel Processing
Symposium, pages 150-158, April 1995.
See also earlier version feitelson:vesta-perf-tr.
- feitelson:vesta-perf-tr:
Dror G. Feitelson, Peter F. Corbett, and Jean-Pierre Prost.
Performance of
the Vesta parallel file system.
Technical Report RC 19760 (87534), IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown
Heights, NY 10598, September 1994.
See also later version feitelson:vesta-perf.
- feitelson:xml:
Dror G. Feitelson and Tomer Klainer.
XML, hyper-media, and
Fortran I/O.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 43, pages 633-644. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
- feng:io-response:
Dan Feng, Hong Jiang, and Yifeng Zhu.
I/O response time in a fault-tolerant parallel virtual file
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3222:248-251, October 2004.
- feng:performance:
Dan Feng, Hong Jiang, and Yi-Feng Zhu.
performance of an RAID-10 style parallel file system.
Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 19(6):965-972, November
- ferragina:soda96:
Paolo Ferragina and Roberto Grossi.
string searching in secondary storage: Theoretical developments and
experimental results.
In Proceedings of the ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA
`96), pages 373-382, Atlanta, June 1996. ACM Press.
- ferragina:stoc95:
Paolo Ferragina and Roberto Grossi.
A fully-dynamic data structure for external
substring search.
In Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of
Computing, pages 693-702, Las Vegas, 1995. ACM Press.
- ferreira:data-intensive:
Renato Ferreira, Gagan Agrawal, and Joel Saltz.
Data parallel language and compiler support for data intensive
Parallel Computing, 28(5):725-748, May 2002.
- ferreira:microscope:
Renato Ferreira, Bongki Moon, Jim Humphries, Alan Sussman, Joel Saltz, Robert
Miller, and Angelo Demarzo.
virtual microscope.
In American Medical Informatics Association, 1997 Annual Fall
Symposium, pages 449-453, Nashville, TN, October 1997.
- fineberg:nht1:
Samuel A. Fineberg.
Implementing the NHT-1 application I/O benchmark.
In Proceedings of the IPPS '93 Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel
Computer Systems, pages 37-55, Newport Beach, CA, 1993.
Also published in Computer Architecture News 21(5), December 1993, pages
- fineberg:pmpio:
Samuel A. Fineberg, Parkson Wong, Bill Nitzberg, and Chris Kuszmaul.
PMPIO- a portable implementation of MPI-IO.
In Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively
Parallel Computation, pages 188-195. IEEE Computer Society Press,
October 1996.
- flynn:hyper-fs:
Robert J. Flynn and Haldun Hadimioglu.
A distributed hypercube file system.
In Proceedings of the Third Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers
and Applications, pages 1375-1381, Pasadena, CA, 1988. ACM Press.
- ford:rail:
Daniel A. Ford, Robert J. T. Morris, and Alan E. Bell.
arrays of independent libraries (RAIL): the StarFish tertiary storage
Parallel Computing, 24(1):45-64, January 1998.
- foster:arrays:
Ian Foster and Jarek Nieplocha.
Disk resident arrays: An
array-oriented i/o library for out-of-core computations.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 33, pages 488-498. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version nieplocha:arrays.
- foster:chemio:
Ian Foster and Jarek Nieplocha.
ChemIO: High-performance I/O
for computational chemistry applications.
WWW \mbox{http://www.mcs.anl.gov/chemio/}, February 1996.
See also later version nieplocha:chemio.
- foster:climate:
Ian Foster, Mark Henderson, and Rick Stevens.
Data systems for parallel climate models.
Technical Report ANL/MCS-TM-169, Argonne National Laboratory, July 1991.
Copies of slides from a workshop by this title, with these organizers.
- foster:remote-io:
Ian Foster, David Kohr, Jr., Rakesh Krishnaiyer, and Jace Mogill.
Remote I/O: Fast
access to distant storage.
In Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 14-25, San Jose, CA, November 1997. ACM
- fox:cubes:
G. Fox, M. Johnson, G. Lyzenga, S. Otto, J. Salmon, and D. Walker.
Solving Problems on Concurrent Processors, volume 1.
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1988.
- fox:cubix:
G. Fox, M. Johnson, G. Lyzenga, S. Otto, J. Salmon, and D. Walker.
Solving Problems on Concurrent Processors, chapter 6 and 15.
Volume 1 of [fox:cubes], 1988.
- franke:filters:
Ernest Franke and Michael Magee.
Reducing data distribution bottlenecks by employing data visualization
In Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Symposium on High
Performance Distributed Computing, pages 255-262, Redondo Beach, CA,
August 1999. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- freedman:spiffi:
Craig S. Freedman, Josef Burger, and David J. Dewitt.
scalable parallel file system for the Intel Paragon.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
7(11):1185-1200, November 1996.
- freedman:video:
Craig S. Freedman and David J. DeWitt.
The SPIFFI scalable video-on-demand system.
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of
Data, pages 352-363. ACM Press, 1995.
- freitag:visualization:
Lori A. Freitag and Raymond M. Loy.
multiresolution visualization of large data sets using a distributed memory
In Proceedings of SC99: High Performance Networking and Computing,
Portland, OR, November 1999. ACM Press and IEEE Computer Society Press.
- french:balance:
James C. French.
Characterizing the balance of parallel I/O systems.
In Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Distributed-Memory Computer
Conference, pages 724-727, 1991.
- french:ipsc2io:
James C. French, Terrence W. Pratt, and Mriganka Das.
Performance measurement of a parallel input/output system for the Intel
iPSC/2 hypercube.
In Proceedings of the 1991 ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and
Modeling of Computer Systems, pages 178-187, 1991.
See also earlier version french:ipsc2io-tr.
See also later version french:ipsc2io-jpdc.
- french:ipsc2io-jpdc:
James C. French, Terrence W. Pratt, and Mriganka Das.
Performance measurement of the Concurrent File System of the Intel
iPSC/2 hypercube.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 17(1-2):115-121,
January and February 1993.
See also earlier version french:ipsc2io.
- french:ipsc2io-tr:
James C. French, Terrence W. Pratt, and Mriganka Das.
Performance measurement of a parallel input/output system for the Intel iPSC/2
Technical Report IPC-TR-91-002, Institute for Parallel Computation, University
of Virginia, 1991.
See also later version french:ipsc2io.
- galbreath:applio:
N. Galbreath, W. Gropp, and D. Levine.
Applications-driven parallel I/O.
In Proceedings of Supercomputing '93, pages 462-471, Portland, OR,
1993. IEEE Computer Society Press.
See also later version galbreath:bapplio.
- galbreath:bapplio:
Nicholas P. Galbreath, William D. Gropp, and David M. Levine.
parallel I/O.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 36, pages 539-547. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version galbreath:applio.
- ganger:diskarray:
Gregory R. Ganger, Bruce L. Worthington, Robert Y. Hou, and Yale N. Patt.
Disk arrays: High performance, high-reliability storage
IEEE Computer, 27(3):30-36, March 1994.
- ganger:load-balance:
Gregory R. Ganger, Bruce L. Worthington, Robert Y. Hou, and Yale N. Patt.
Disk subsystem load balancing: Disk striping vs. conventional data
In Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Hawaii International Conference
on System Sciences, volume I, pages 40-49, 1993.
- garcia:expand-design:
Félix Garcia-Carballeira, Alejandro Calderon, Jesus Carretero, Javier
Fernandez, and Jose M. Perez.
The design of the Expand parallel file
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications,
17(1):21-38, 2003.
- garcia:striping-reliability:
Hector Garcia-Molina and Kenneth Salem.
The impact of disk striping on reliability.
IEEE Database Engineering Bulletin, 11(1):26-39, March 1988.
- garg:tflops-pfs:
Sharad Garg.
TFLOPS PFS: Architecture and design of a highly efficient parallel
file system.
In Proceedings of SC98: High Performance Networking and Computing. ACM
Press, November 1998.
- gava:parallel-ml:
Frédéric Gava.
Parallel I/O in bulk-synchronous parallel
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3038:331-338, June 2004.
- gennart:bcomparing:
Benoit A. Gennart and Roger D. Hersch.
Comparing multimedia
storage architectures.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 37, pages 548-554. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version gennart:comparing.
- gennart:comparing:
Benoit A. Gennart and Roger D. Hersch.
Comparing multimedia storage architectures.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Computing and
Systems, pages 323-328. 1995.
See also later version gennart:bcomparing.
- gerner:sp2-io:
Jerry Gerner.
Input/output on the IBM SP2- an overview, 1995.
Available at
- ghandeharizadeh:bmitra:
Shahram Ghandeharizadeh, Roger Zimmermann, Weifeng Shi, Reza Rejaie, Douglas J.
Ierardi, and Ta-Wei Li.
Mitra: A scalable
continuous media server.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 41, pages 595-613. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version ghandeharizadeh:mitra.
- ghandeharizadeh:mitra:
Shahram Ghandeharizadeh, Roger Zimmermann, Weifeng Shi, Reza Rejaie, Doug
Ierardi, and Ta-Wei Li.
Mitra- a
continuous media server.
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 5(1):79-108, July 1998.
See also later version ghandeharizadeh:bmitra.
- ghandeharizadeh:servers:
Shahram Ghandeharizadeh and Richard Muntz.
Design and
implementation of scalable continuous media servers.
Parallel Computing, 24(1):91-122, January 1998.
- ghemawat:googlefs:
Sanjay Ghemawat, Howard Gobioff, and Shun-Tak Leung.
The Google file system.
In Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems
Principles, pages 96-108, Bolton Landing, NY, October 2003. ACM
- ghosh:hyper:
Joydeep Ghosh, Kelvin D. Goveas, and Jeffrey T. Draper.
Performance evaluation of a parallel I/O subsystem for hypercube
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 17(1-2):90-106,
January and February 1993.
- ghosh:pario:
Joydeep Ghosh and Bipul Agarwal.
Parallel I/O subsystems for distributed-memory
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Parallel Processing
Symposium, pages 381-384, 1991.
- gibson:arrays:
Garth A. Gibson.
Designing disk arrays for high data reliability.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 17(1-2):4-27,
January/February 1993.
- gibson:book:
Garth A. Gibson.
Redundant Disk Arrays: Reliable, Parallel Secondary Storage.
An ACM Distinguished Dissertation 1991. MIT Press, 1992.
- gibson:bstorage:
Garth A. Gibson, David F. Nagle, Khalil Amiri, Jeff Butler, Fay W. Chang,
Howard Gobioff, Charles Hardin, Erik Riedel, David Rochberg, and Jim Zelenka.
A cost-effective,
high-bandwidth storage architecture.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 28, pages 431-444. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version gibson:storage.
- gibson:dram:
Garth A. Gibson, R. Hugo Patterson, and M. Satyanarayanan.
Disk reads with DRAM latency.
In Third Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems, pages 126-131,
See also later version patterson:informed.
- gibson:failcorrect:
Garth A. Gibson, Lisa Hellerstein, Richard M. Karp, Randy H. Katz, and David A.
correction techniques for large disk arrays.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Architectural
Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, pages 123-132,
April 1989.
See also earlier version gibson:raid.
See also later version gibson:bfailcorrect.
- gibson:nasd-scaling:
Garth A. Gibson, David F. Nagle, Khalil Amiri, Fay W. Chang, Eugene M.
Feinberg, Howard Gobioff, Chen Lee, Berend Ozceri, Erik Riedel, David
Rochberg, and Jim Zelenka.
server scaling with network-attached secure disks..
Performance Evaluation Review, 25(1):272 - 84, 1997.
- gibson:nasd-tr:
Garth A. Gibson, David P. Nagle, Khalil Amiri, Fay W. Chang, Eugene Feinberg,
Howard Gobioff Chen Lee, Berend Ozceri, Erik Riedel, and David Rochberg.
A case for
network-attached secure disks.
Technical Report CMU-CS-96-142, Carnegie-Mellon University, June 1996.
- gibson:raid:
Garth Gibson, Lisa Hellerstein, Richard Karp, Randy Katz, and David Patterson.
techniques for handling failures in large disk arrays.
Technical Report UCB/CSD 88/477, UC Berkeley, December 1988.
See also later version gibson:failcorrect.
- gibson:raidframe-tr:
Garth A. Gibson, William V. Courtright II, Mark Holland, and Jim Zelenka.
RAIDframe: Rapid prototyping for disk arrays.
Technical Report CMU-CS-95-200, Carnegie Mellon University, October 1995.
See also later version courtright:raidframe.
- gibson:scotch-tr:
Garth A. Gibson, Daniel Stodolsky, Pay W. Chang, William V. Courtright II,
Chris G. Demetriou, Eka Ginting, Mark Holland, Qingming Ma, LeAnn Neal, R.
Hugo Patterson, Jiawen Su, Rachad Youssef, and Jim Zelenka.
The Scotch parallel storage systems.
Technical Report CMU-CS-95-107, Carnegie Mellon University, January 1995.
See also later version gibson:scotch1.
- gibson:scotch1:
Garth A. Gibson, Daniel Stodolsky, Pay W. Chang, William V. Courtright II,
Chris G. Demetriou, Eka Ginting, Mark Holland, Qingming Ma, LeAnn Neal, R.
Hugo Patterson, Jiawen Su, Rachad Youssef, and Jim Zelenka.
The Scotch parallel storage systems.
In Proceedings of 40th IEEE Computer Society International Conference
(COMPCON 95), pages 403-410, San Francisco, Spring 1995.
See also earlier version gibson:scotch-tr.
- gibson:sdcr:
Garth A. Gibson, Jeffrey Scott Vitter, and John Wilkes.
Strategic directions in storage I/O issues in large-scale
ACM Computing Surveys, 28(4):779-793, December 1996.
- gibson:storage:
Garth Gibson, David Nagle, Khalil Amiri, Jeff Butler, Fay Chang, Howard
Gobioff, Charles Hardin, Erik Riedel, David Rochberg, and Jim Zelenka.
A cost-effective high-bandwidth storage architecture.
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Architectural
Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, pages 92-104.
ACM Press, 1998.
See also later version gibson:bstorage.
- golding:attribute:
Richard Golding, Elizabeth Shriver, Tim Sullivan, and John Wilkes.
Attribute-managed storage.
In Workshop on Modeling and Specification of I/O. At SPDP'95,
- golubchik:reducing:
Leana Golubchik, John C. S. Lui, and Richard Muntz.
Reducing I/O demand in video-on-demand storage servers.
In Proceedings of the 1995 ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and
Modeling of Computer Systems, pages 25-36, May 1995.
- golubchik:striping:
Leana Golubchik, Richard R. Muntz, and Richard W. Watson.
Analysis of striping techniques in robotic storage libraries.
In Proceedings of the Fourteenth IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage
Systems, pages 225-238. IEEE Computer Society Press, September
- golubchik:survey:
Leana Golubchik, John C.S. Lui, and Maria Papadopouli.
A survey of
approaches to fault tolerant design of VOD servers: Techniques, analysis and
Parallel Computing, 24(1):123-155, January 1998.
- goodrich:external:
Michael T. Goodrich, Jyh-Jong Tsay, Darren E. Vengroff, and Jeffrey Scott
External-memory computational geometry.
In Proceedings of the 34th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer
Science, pages 714-723, November 1993.
- gopinath:3tier:
K. Gopinath, Nitin Muppalaneni, N. Suresh Kumar, and Pankaj Risbood.
A 3-tier RAID storage system with RAID1, RAID5, and compressed RAID5
for Linux.
In Proceedings of the FREENIX Track at the 2000 USENIX Annual Technical
Conference, pages 21-34. USENIX Association, 2000.
- gotwals:pario:
Jacob Gotwals, Suresh Srinivas, and Shelby Yang.
Parallel I/O from the user's perspective.
In Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively
Parallel Computation, pages 129-137, 1995.
- gotwals:streams:
Jacob Gotwals, Suresh Srinivas, and Dennis Gannon.
pC++/streams: a library for I/O on complex distributed data structures.
In Proceedings of the Fifth ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and
Practice of Parallel Programming, pages 11-19, Santa Barbara, CA, July
1995. ACM Press.
- gray:infinite:
Jim Gray.
What happens when processing, storage, and bandwidth are free and
Keynote address at IOPADS '97, November 1997.
- gray:stripe:
Jim Gray, Bob Horst, and Mark Walker.
Parity striping of disk arrays: Low-cost reliable storage with
acceptable throughput.
In Proceedings of the 16th VLDB Conference, pages 148-159, 1990.
- grimshaw:ELFSTR:
Andrew S. Grimshaw and Edmond C. Loyot, Jr.
object-oriented extensible file systems.
Technical Report TR-91-14, Univ. of Virginia Computer Science Department, July
See also later version grimshaw:elfs.
- grimshaw:elfs:
Andrew S. Grimshaw and Edmond C. Loyot, Jr.
ELFS: object-oriented extensible file systems.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Information Systems, page 177, December 1991.
See also earlier version grimshaw:ELFSTR.
See also later version grimshaw:objects.
- grimshaw:objects:
Andrew S. Grimshaw and Jeff Prem.
High performance parallel file objects.
In Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Distributed-Memory Computer
Conference, pages 720-723, 1991.
- gropp:io-redundancy:
William D. Gropp, Robert Ross, and Neill Miller.
Providing efficient I/O redundancy in MPI environments.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3241:77-86, November 2004.
- gropp:mpi2:
William Gropp, Ewing Lusk, and Rajeev Thakur.
MPI-2: Advanced Features of the Message-Passing Interface.
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1999.
- gross:io:
Thomas Gross and Peter Steenkiste.
Architecture implications of high-speed I/O for distributed-memory
In Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on
Supercomputing, pages 176-185, Manchester, UK, July 1994. ACM
- grossi:crosstrees:
Roberto Grossi and Giuseppe F. Italiano.
Efficient cross-trees for external memory.
In Abello and Vitter [abello:dimacs], pages
- grossman:blibrary:
Robert Grossman, Xiao Qin, Wen Xu, Harry Hulen, and Terry Tyler.
An architecture for a
scalable high-performance digital library.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 39, pages 566-575. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version grossman:library.
- grossman:library:
R. Grossman, X. Qin, W. Xu, H. Hulen, and T. Tyler.
An architecture for a scalable high-performance digital library.
In Proceedings of the Fourteenth IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage
Systems, pages 89-98. IEEE Computer Society Press, September 1995.
See also later version grossman:blibrary.
- gupta:generating:
Sandeep K. S. Gupta, Zhiyong Li, and John H. Reif.
efficient programs for two-level memories from tensor-products.
In Proceedings of the Seventh IASTED/ISMM International Conference on
Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, pages 510-513,
Washington, D.C., October 1995.
- hack:ncar:
James J. Hack, James M. Rosinski, David L. Williamson, Byron A. Boville, and
John E. Truesdale.
Computational design of the NCAR community climate model.
Parallel Computing, 21:1545-1569, 1995.
- hacker:effects:
Thomas J. Hacker, Brian Noble, and Brian D. Athey.
The effects of systemic packet loss on aggregate TCP
In Proceedings of SC2002: High Performance Networking and Computing,
Baltimore, MD, November 2002.
- hacker:fairness:
Thomas J. Hacker, Brian Noble, and Brian D. Athey.
throughput and mantaining fairness using parallel TCP.
In The 23rd Conference on the IEEE Communications Society (INFOCOM),
Hong Kong, March 2004. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- hacker:parallel-tcp:
Thomas J. Hacker, Brian D. Athey, and Brian Noble.
The end-to-end performance effects of parallel TCP sockets on a lossy
wide-area network..
In Proceedings of the International Parallel and Distributed Processing
Symposium, pages 434-443, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, April 2002. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- hadimioglu:fs:
Haldun Hadimioglu and Robert J. Flynn.
The architectural design of a tightly-coupled distributed hypercube
file system.
In Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers
and Applications, pages 147-150, Monterey, CA, 1989. Golden Gate
Enterprises, Los Altos, CA.
- hadimioglu:hyperfs:
Haldun Hadimioglu and Robert J. Flynn.
The design and analysis of a tightly coupled hypercube file
In Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Distributed-Memory Computer
Conference, pages 1405-1410, 1990.
- hammond:atmosphere:
Steven W. Hammond, Richard D. Loft, John M. Dennis, and Rochard K. Sato.
Implementation and performance issues of a massively parallel
atmospheric model.
Parallel Computing, 21:1593-1619, 1995.
- harry:vipfs:
Michael Harry, Juan Miguel del Rosario, and Alok Choudhary.
VIP-FS: A VIrtual, Parallel File System for high performance parallel
and distributed computing.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Parallel Processing
Symposium, pages 159-164, April 1995.
Also appeared in ACM Operating Systems Review 29(3), July 1995 pages
- hart:grid:
Leslie Hart, Tom Henderson, and Bernardo Rodriguez.
An MPI based scalable runtime system: I/O support for a grid
library, 1995 or earlier.
- hartman:bzebra:
John H. Hartman and John K. Ousterhout.
The Zebra striped network
file system.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 21, pages 309-329. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version hartman:zebra3.
- hartman:zebra:
John H. Hartman and John K. Ousterhout.
Zebra: A striped network file system.
In Proceedings of the USENIX File Systems Workshop, pages 71-78, May
See also later version hartman:zebra2.
- hartman:zebra2:
John H. Hartman and John K. Ousterhout.
The Zebra striped network file system.
In Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems
Principles, pages 29-43, Asheville, NC, 1993. ACM Press.
See also earlier version hartman:zebra.
See also later version hartman:zebra3.
- hartman:zebra3:
John H. Hartman and John K. Ousterhout.
The Zebra
striped network file system.
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 13(3):274-310, August 1995.
See also earlier version hartman:zebra2.
See also later version hartman:bzebra.
- hatcher:linda:
Philip J. Hatcher and Michael J. Quinn.
C*-Linda: A programming environment with multiple data-parallel modules
and parallel I/O.
In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Hawaii International Conference
on System Sciences, pages 382-389, 1991.
- hayes:nCUBE:
John P. Hayes, Trevor N. Mudge, Quentin F. Stout, Stephen Colley, and John
Architecture of a hypercube supercomputer.
In Proceedings of the 1986 International Conference on Parallel
Processing, pages 653-660, St. Charles, IL, 1986. IEEE Computer Society
- hellwagner:pfs:
Hermann Hellwagner.
Design considerations for scalable parallel file systems.
The Computer Journal, 36(8):741-755, 1993.
- hemy:gigabit:
Michael Hemy and Peter Steenkiste.
Gigabit I/O for distributed-memory machines: Architecture and
In Proceedings of Supercomputing '95, San Diego, CA, 1995. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- henderson:shpio:
Mark Henderson, Bill Nickless, and Rick Stevens.
A scalable high-performance I/O system.
In Proceedings of the Scalable High-Performance Computing Conference,
pages 79-86, 1994.
- herbst:bottleneck:
Kris Herbst.
Trends in mass storage: vendors seek solutions to growing I/O
Supercomputing Review, pages 46-49, March 1991.
- herland:mpvms:
Bjarne Geir Herland.
MPVMS - MasPar virtual memory system.
Master's thesis, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, July 1992.
- hersch:pixmap:
Roger D. Hersch.
Parallel storage and retrieval of pixmap images.
In Proceedings of the Twelfth IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems,
pages 221-226, 1993.
- hey:parkbench:
Tony Hey and David Lancaster.
development of Parkbench and performance prediction.
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications,
14(3):205-215, Fall 2000.
- hidrobo:autonomic:
Francisco Hidrobo and Toni Cortes.
Towards an autonomic storage system to improve parallel I/O..
In Proceedings of the 15th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Computing and Systems, pages 122-127, vol 1, Marina del
Rey, CA, November 2003. ACTA Press.
- hillis:cm5:
W. Daniel Hillis and Lewis W. Tucker.
The CM-5 connection machine: A scalable supercomputer.
Communications of the ACM, 36(11):31-40, November 1993.
- hirano:deadlock:
Satoshi Hirano, Masaru Kitsuregawa, and Mikio Takagi.
A high performance parallel I/O model and its deadlock
prevention/avoidance technique on the super database computer (SDC).
In Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Hawaii International Conference
on System Sciences, volume I, pages 21-30, 1993.
- ho:reorganization:
T. K. Ho and Jack Y. B. Lee.
A row-permutated data reorganization algorithm for growing
server-less video-on-demand systems.
In Proceedings of the Third IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster
Computing and the Grid, pages 44-51, Tokyo, Japan, May 2003. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- holland:decluster:
Mark Holland and Garth Gibson.
Parity declustering for continuous operation in redundant disk
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Architectural
Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, pages 23-35,
See also later version holland:bdecluster.
- holland:on-line:
Mark Holland, Garth A. Gibson, and Daniel P. Siewiorek.
Architectures and algorithms for on-line failure recovery in
redundant disk arrays.
Journal of Distributed and Parallel Databases, 2(3):295-335, July
- holland:recovery:
Mark Holland, Garth A. Gibson, and Daniel P. Siewiorek.
Fast, on-line failure recovery in redundant disk
In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant
Computing, pages 421-433, 1993.
- holland:thesis:
Mark Holland.
On-Line Data Reconstruction in Redundant Disk
PhD thesis, Carnegie Mellon University, April 1994.
- hou:disk:
Robert Y. Hou, Gregory R. Ganger, Yale N. Patt, and Charles E. Gimarc.
Issues and problems in the I/O subsystem, part I - The magnetic
In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Hawaii International Conference
on System Sciences, pages 48-57, 1992.
- hsiao:decluster:
Hui-I Hsiao and David DeWitt.
Chained Declustering: A new availability strategy for multiprocessor
database machines.
In Proceedings of 6th International Data Engineering Conference, pages
456-465, 1990.
- hsiao:diskrep:
Hui-I Hsiao and David DeWitt.
A performance study of three high availability data replication
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Information Systems, pages 18-28, December 1991.
See also later version hsiao:diskrep2.
- hsiao:diskrep2:
Hui-I Hsiao and David DeWitt.
A performance study of three high availability data replication
Journal of Distributed and Parallel Databases, 1(1):53-79, January
See also earlier version hsiao:diskrep.
- hsieh:vod:
Jenwei Hsieh, Mengjou Lin, and Thomas M. Ruwart.
Performance of a mass storage system for video-on-demand.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 30(2):147-167,
November 1995.
- hu:brapid-cache:
Yiming Hu, Qing Yang, and Tycho Nightingale.
RAPID-Cache- a reliable
and inexpensive write cache for disk I/O systems.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 15, pages 211-223. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version hu:rapid-cache.
- hu:rapid-cache:
Yiming Hu, Qing Yang, and Tycho Nightingale.
RAPID-Cache- a reliable and inexpensive write cache for disk I/O
In Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on High Performance
Computer Architecture, pages 204-213. IEEE Computer Society Press,
January 2001.
See also later version hu:brapid-cache.
- hua:annealing:
Kien A. Hua, S. D. Lang, and Wen K. Lee.
A decomposition-based simulated annealing technique for data
In Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Symposium on Principles of Database
Systems, pages 117-128. ACM Press, 1994.
- huber:bppfs:
James V. Huber, Jr., Christopher L. Elford, Daniel A. Reed, Andrew A. Chien,
and David S. Blumenthal.
PPFS: A high performance
portable parallel file system.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 22, pages 330-343. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version huber:ppfs.
- huber:msthesis:
James V. Huber, Jr.
experimental file system for high performance parallel
Master's thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at
Urbana Champaign, February 1995.
- huber:ppfs:
Jay Huber, Christopher L. Elford, Daniel A. Reed, Andrew A. Chien, and David S.
high performance portable parallel file system.
In Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on
Supercomputing, pages 385-394, Barcelona, July 1995. ACM Press.
See also earlier version huber:ppfs-tr.
See also later version huber:bppfs.
- huber:ppfs-scenarios:
Jay Huber, Chris Kuszmaul, Tara Madhyastha, and Chris Elford.
Scenarios for the portable parallel file system.
Technical report, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, November
- huber:ppfs-tr:
Jay Huber, Christopher L. Elford, Daniel A. Reed, Andrew A. Chien, and David S.
PPFS: A high
performance portable parallel file system.
Technical Report UIUCDCS-R-95-1903, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign,
January 1995.
See also later version huber:ppfs.
- hubovskykunz:msthesis:
Rainer Hubovsky and Florian Kunz.
Dealing with massive data: from parallel i/o to grid i/o.
Master's thesis, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, January
- husmann:format:
Harlan Edward Husmann.
High-speed format conversion and parallel I/O in numerical
Master's thesis, Department of Computer Science, Univ. of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, January 1984.
Available as TR number UIUCDCS-R-84-1152.
- hwang:pvfs-cache:
In-Chul Hwang, Hojoong Kim, Hanjo Jung, Dong-Hwan Kim, Hojin Ghim, Seung-Ryoul
Maeng, and Jung-Wan Cho.
Design and implementation of the
cooperative cache for PVFS.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3036:43-50, June 2004.
- hwang:raid-x:
Kai Hwang, Hai Jin, and Roy Ho.
RAID-x: A new distributed disk array for I/O-centric cluster
In Proceedings of the Ninth IEEE International Symposium on High
Performance Distributed Computing, pages 279-287, Pittsburgh, PA,
August 2000. IEEE Computer Society Press.
See also later version hwang:braid-x.
- iannizzotto:avda:
G. Iannizzotto, A. Puliafito, S. Riccobene, and L. Vita.
AVDA: A disk array system for multimedia services.
In Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on High Performance
Computing, pages 160-165, New Delhi, India, December 1995.
- ibm:sp1:
IBM 9076 Scalable POWERparallel 1: General information.
IBM brochure GH26-7219-00, February 1993.
- intel:examples:
Concurrent I/O application examples.
Intel Corporation Background Information, 1989.
- intel:ipsc2io:
iPSC/2 I/O facilities.
Intel Corporation, 1988.
Order number 280120-001.
- intel:paragon:
Paragon XP/S product overview.
Intel Corporation, 1991.
- intelio:
Intel beefs up its iPSC/2 supercomputer's I/O and memory
Electronics, November 1988.
- iopads-book:
Ravi Jain, John Werth, and James C. Browne, editors.
Input/Output in Parallel and Distributed Computer Systems,
volume 362 of The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.
- ipps-io93:
Ravi Jain, John Werth, and J. C. Browne, editors.
Proceedings of the IPPS '93 Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel
Computer Systems, Newport Beach, CA, April 1993.
Some papers also published in Computer Architecture News 21(5), December
- ipps-io94:
Ravi Jain, John Werth, and J. C. Browne, editors.
Proceedings of the IPPS '94 Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel
Computer Systems, April 1994.
Some papers also published in Computer Architecture News 22(4), September
- isaila:arch:
Florin Isaila.
overview of file system architectures., chapter 13, pages
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, Dagstuhl, Germany, March
- isaila:clusterfile:
Florin Isaila and Walter F. Tichy.
Clusterfile: a flexible physical layout parallel file
Concurrency and Computation, 15(7/8):653-679, 2003.
- isaila:integrating:
Florin Isaila, Guido Malpohl, Vlad Olaru, Gabor Szeder, and Walter Tichy.
collective I/O and cooperative caching into the "clusterfile" parallel file
In Proceedings of the 18th Annual International Conference on
Supercomputing, pages 58-67, Sain-Malo, France, July 2004. ACM
- isaila:viewio:
Florin Isaila and Walter F. Tichy.
i/o: improving the performance of non-contiguous i/o..
In IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, pages 336-343,
Hong Kong, China, December 2003. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- itoh:pimos:
Fumihide Itoh, Takashi Chikayama, Takeshi Mori, Masaki Sato, Tatsuo Kato, and
Tadashi Sato.
The design of the PIMOS file system.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer
Systems, volume 1, pages 278-285. ICOT, 1992.
- jadav:evaluation:
Divyesh Jadav, Chutimet Srinilta, Alok Choudhary, and P. Bruce Berra.
An evaluation of
design tradeoffs in a high performance media-on-demand server.
Multimedia Systems, 5(1):53-68, January 1997.
- jadav:ioschedule:
Divyesh Jadav, Chutimet Srinilta, Alok Choudhary, and P. Bruce Berra.
Design and
evaluation of data access strategies in a high performance
multimedia-on-demand server.
In Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Multimedia
Computing and Systems, pages 286-291, May 1995.
See also later version jadav:j-ioschedule.
- jadav:ioschedule2:
Divyesh Jadav, Chutimet Srinilta, and Alok Choudhary.
I/O scheduling tradeoffs in a high performance media-on-demand
In Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on High Performance
Computing, pages 154-159, New Delhi, India, December 1995.
See also later version jadav:j-ioschedule.
- jadav:j-ioschedule:
Divyesh Jadav, Chutimet Srinilta, Alok Choudhary, and P. Bruce Berra.
Techniques for
scheduling I/O in a high performance multimedia-on-demand
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, pages 190-203,
November 1996.
See also earlier version jadav:ioschedule.
- jadav:media:
D. Jadav, C. Srinilta, and A. Choudhary.
Batching and
dynamic allocation techniques for increasing the stream capacity of an
on-demand media server.
Parallel Computing, 23(12):1727-1742, December 1997.
- jadav:media-on-demand:
Divyesh Jadav and Alok Choudhary.
Designing and
implementing high performance media-on-demand servers.
IEEE Parallel and Distributed Technology, 3(2):29-39, Summer
- jain:airdisks:
Ravi Jain and John Werth.
Airdisks and airraid: Modeling and scheduling periodic wireless
Computer architecture news, 23(4):23-28, September 1995.
- jain:jschedule:
Ravi Jain, Kiran Somalwar, John Werth, and J. C. Browne.
for scheduling I/O operations.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 8(3):310-320,
March 1997.
- jain:pario:
Ravi Jain, Kiran Somalwar, John Werth, and J. C. Browne.
Scheduling parallel I/O operations in multiple bus systems.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 16(4):353-362,
December 1992.
- jain:pario-intro:
Ravi Jain, John Werth, and J. C. Browne.
I/O in parallel and distributed systems: An introduction.
In Jain et al. [iopads-book], chapter 1,
pages 3-30.
- jensen:thesis:
David Wayne Jensen.
Disk I/O In High-Performance Computing Systems.
PhD thesis, Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champagne, 1993.
- jeong:inverted:
Byeong-Soo Jeong and Edward Omiecinski.
Inverted file partitioning schemes in multiple disk systems.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 6(2):142-153,
April 1995.
- jin:io-book:
Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors.
High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel I/O: Technologies and Applications.
IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New York, NY, 2001.
- jin:striping:
H. Jin and K. Hwang.
Optimal striping in RAID architecture.
Concurrency- Practice and Experience, 12(10):909-916, August
- johnson:insertions:
Theodore Johnson.
Supporting insertions and deletions in striped parallel
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Parallel Processing
Symposium, pages 425-433, Newport Beach, CA, 1993. IEEE Computer
Society Press.
- johnson:scx:
Steve Johnson and Steve Scott.
supercomputer system interconnect and scalable IOS.
In Proceedings of the Fourteenth IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage
Systems, pages 357-367. IEEE Computer Society Press, September
- johnson:wave:
Olin G. Johnson.
Three-dimensional wave equation computations on vector
Proceedings of the IEEE, 72(1):90-95, January 1984.
- jones:mpi-io:
Terry Jones, Richard Mark, Jeanne Martin, John May, Elsie Pierce, and Linda
An MPI-IO interface to HPSS.
In Proceedings of the Fifth NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems
and Technologies, pages I:37-50, September 1996.
- jones:skyhi:
Philip W. Jones, Christopher L. Kerr, and Richard S. Hemler.
Practical considerations in development of a parallel SKYHI general
circulation model.
Parallel Computing, 21:1677-1694, 1995.
- kallahalla:buffer-management:
M. Kallahalla and P. J. Varman.
Analysis of
simple randomized buffer management for parallel i/o.
Information Processing Letters, 90(1):47-52, April 2004.
- kallahalla:pc-opt:
M. Kallahalla and P. J. Varman.
PC-OPT: Optimal
offline prefetching and caching for parallel I/O systems.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 51(11):1333-1344, November 2002.
- kallahalla:prefetch:
Mahesh Kallahalla and Peter J. Varman.
Optimal prefetching and
caching for parallel I/O systems.
In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and
Architectures, pages 219-228. ACM Press, July 2001.
To appear.
- kallahalla:read-once:
Mahesh Kallahalla and Peter J. Varman.
Optimal read-once parallel disk scheduling.
In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 68-77, Atlanta, GA, May 1999. ACM
- kalns:video:
Edgar T. Kalns and Yarsun Hsu.
Video on demand using the Vesta parallel file system.
In Proceedings of the IPPS '95 Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 30-46, April 1995.
See also later version kalns:video-book.
- kalns:video-book:
Edgar T. Kalns and Yarsun Hsu.
Video on demand using the Vesta parallel file system.
In Jain et al. [iopads-book], chapter 8,
pages 187-204.
See also earlier version kalns:video.
- kamalvanshi:pdfs:
Ajay Kamalvanshi, S. K. Ghoshal, and R. C. Hansdah.
Design, implementation, and performance evaluation of a parallel
distributed file system.
In Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on High Performance
Computing, pages 125-129, New Delhi, India, December 1995.
- kandaswamy:evaluation:
Meenakshi A. Kandaswamy, Mahmut Kandemir, Alok Choudhary, and David Bernholdt.
An experimental evaluation of I/O optimizations on different
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 13(7):728-744,
July 2002.
- kandaswamy:hartree:
Meenakshi A. Kandaswamy, Mahmut T. Kandemir, Alok N. Choudhary, and David E.
Optimization and
evaluation of Hartree-Fock application's I/O with PASSION.
In Proceedings of SC97: High Performance Networking and Computing, San
Jose, November 1997. ACM Press.
See also later version kandaswamy:hartree-fock.
- kandaswamy:hartree-fock:
Meenakshi Kandaswamy, Mahmut Kandemir, Alok Choudhary, and David Bernholdt.
An experimental study to analyze and optimize hartree-fock
application's I/O with PASSION.
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications,
12(4):411-439, Winter 1998.
In a Special Issue on I/O in Parallel Applications.
See also earlier version kandaswamy:hartree.
- kandemir:compiler:
Mahmut Kandemir.
Compiler-directed collective I/O.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
12(12):1318-1331, December 2001.
- kandemir:io-optimize:
Mahmut Kandemir, Alok Choudhary, and Rajesh Bordawekar.
optimizations for compiling out-of-core programs on distributed-memory
In Proceedings of the Eighth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for
Scientific Computing, pages 8-9. Society for Industrial and Applied
Mathematics, March 1997.
To appear. Extended Abstract.
- kandemir:locality:
M. Kandemir, A. Choudhary, J. Ramanujam, and M. Kandaswamy.
A unified compiler
algorithm for optimizing locality, parallelism, and communication in
out-of-core computations.
In Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 79-92, San Jose, CA, November 1997. ACM
- kandemir:ooc:
M. Kandemir, A. Choudhary, J. Ramanujam, and R. Bordawekar.
Compilation techniques for out-of-core parallel computations.
Parallel Computing, 24(3):597-628, May 1998.
- kandemir:optimizations:
M. T. Kandemir.
Compiler-directed optimizations for improving the performance of
I/O-intensive applications.
International Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems and
Networks, 5(2):52-65, 2002.
- kandemir:optimize:
Mahmut Kandemir, Alok Choudhary, J. Ramanujam, and Rajesh Bordawekar.
out-of-core computations in uniprocessors.
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Interaction between Compilers and
Computer Architectures, pages 1-10. Kluwer Academic Publishers,
February 1997.
- kandemir:optimizing:
M. Kandemir, A. Choudhary, J. Ramanujam, and R. Bordawekar.
Optimizing out-of-core computations in uniprocessors.
Newsletter of the Technical Committee on Computer Architecture (TCCA),
pages 25-27, June 1997.
- kandemir:reorganize:
Mahmut Kandemir, Rajesh Bordawekar, and Alok Choudhary.
Data access
reorganizations in compiling out-of-core data parallel programs on
distributed memory machines.
In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Parallel Processing
Symposium, pages 559-564, April 1997.
- kandemir:tiling:
Mahmut Kandemir, Rajesh Bordawekar, Alok Choudhary, and J. Ramanujam.
A unified tiling
approach for out-of-core computations.
In Sixth Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers, pages 323-334,
Aachen, Germany, December 1996. Forschungzentrum Julich GmbH.
Also available as Caltech Technical Report CACR 130.
- karges:par-pipe:
Jonathan Karges, Otto Ritter, and Sándor Suhai.
Design and implementation of a parallel pipe.
ACM Operating Systems Review, 31(2):60-94, April 1997.
- karpovich:bottleneck:
John F. Karpovich, Andrew S. Grimshaw, and James C. French.
Breaking the I/O bottleneck at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Technical Report CS-94-37, University of Virginia, August 1993.
- karpovich:case-study:
John F. Karpovich, James C. French, and Andrew S. Grimshaw.
performance access to radio astronomy data: A case study.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Working Conference on Scientific
and Statistical Database Management, September 1994.
Also available as Univ. of Virginia TR CS-94-25.
- karpovich:elfs:
John F. Karpovich, Andrew S. Grimshaw, and James C. French.
Extensible file systems (ELFS): An object-oriented approach to high performance
file I/O.
In Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference on Object-Oriented
Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, pages 191-204,
Portland, OR, October 1994. ACM Press.
- katz:bdiskarch:
Randy H. Katz, Garth A. Gibson, and David A. Patterson.
Disk system architectures
for high performance computing.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 2, pages 15-34. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version katz:diskarch.
- katz:diskarch:
Randy H. Katz, Garth A. Gibson, and David A. Patterson.
Disk system architectures for high performance computing.
Proceedings of the IEEE, 77(12):1842-1858, December 1989.
See also later version katz:bdiskarch.
- katz:io-subsys:
Randy H. Katz, John K. Ousterhout, David A. Patterson, and Michael R.
A project on high performance I/O subsystems.
{IEEE} Database Engineering Bulletin, 11(1):40-47, March 1988.
- katz:netfs:
Randy H. Katz.
Network-attached storage systems.
In Scalable High Performance Computing Conference, pages 68-75,
- katz:update:
Randy H. Katz, John K. Ousterhout, David A. Patterson, Peter Chen, Ann
Chervenak, Rich Drewes, Garth Gibson, Ed Lee, Ken Lutz, Ethan Miller, and
Mendel Rosenblum.
A project on high performance I/O subsystems.
Computer Architecture News, 17(5):24-31, September 1989.
- keane:commercial:
J. A. Keane, T. N. Franklin, A. J. Grant, R. Sumner, and M. Q. Xu.
Commercial users' requirements for parallel systems.
In Proceedings of the 1993 DAGS/PC Symposium, pages 15-25, Hanover,
NH, June 1993. Dartmouth Institute for Advanced Graduate Studies.
- kennedy:sio:
Ken Kennedy, Charles Koelbel, and Mike Paleczny.
Scalable I/O for out-of-core structures.
Technical Report CRPC-TR93357-S, Center for Research on Parallel Computation,
Rice University, November 1993.
Updated August, 1994.
- kermarrec:ha-psls:
Anne-Marie Kermarrec and Christine Morin.
HA-PSLS: a highly available parallel single-level store
Concurrency and Computation Practice & Experience, 15(10):911-937,
August 2003.
- khanna:group:
Sanjay Khanna and David Kotz.
split-phase interface for parallel file systems.
Technical Report PCS-TR97-312, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
March 1997.
- kim:asynch:
Michelle Y. Kim and Asser N. Tantawi.
Asynchronous disk interleaving: Approximating access delays.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 40(7):801-810, July 1991.
- kim:fft:
Michelle Y. Kim, Anil Nigam, George Paul, and Robert H. Flynn.
Disk interleaving and very large fast Fourier transforms.
International Journal of Supercomputer Applications, 1(3):75-96,
- kim:interleave:
Michelle Y. Kim.
Synchronously Interleaved Disk Systems with their Application to the
Very Large FFT.
PhD thesis, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York
10598, 1986.
IBM Report number RC12372.
See also earlier version kim:interleaving.
- kim:interleaving:
Michelle Y. Kim.
Synchronized disk interleaving.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, C-35(11):978-988, November 1986.
See also later version kim:interleave.
- kimbrel:prefetch:
Tracy Kimbrel, Pei Cao, Edward Felten, Anna Karlin, and Kai Li.
Integrating parallel prefetching and caching.
In Proceedings of the 1996 ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and
Modeling of Computer Systems, pages 262-263, Philadelphia, PA, May
1996. ACM Press.
Poster paper.
- kimbrel:prefetch-trace:
Tracy Kimbrel, Andrew Tomkins, R. Hugo Patterson, Brian Bershad, Pei Cao,
Edward Felten, Garth Gibson, Anna R. Karlin, and Kai Li.
A trace-driven comparison of algorithms for parallel prefetching
and caching.
In Proceedings of the 1996 Symposium on Operating Systems Design and
Implementation, pages 19-34. USENIX Association, October 1996.
- kitsuregawa:sdc:
Masaru Kitsuregawa, Satoshi Hirano, Masanobu Harada, Minoru Nakamura, and Mikio
The Super Database Computer (SDC): System architecture, algorithm and
preliminary evaluation.
In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Hawaii International Conference
on System Sciences, volume I, pages 308-319, 1992.
- klaskey:data-streaming:
Scott Alan Klasky, Stephane Ethier, Zhihong Lin, Kevin Martins, Doug McCune,
and Ravi Samtaney.
Grid-based parallel data streaming implemented for the gyrokinetic toroidal
In Proceedings of SC2003: High Performance Networking and Computing,
Phoenix, AZ, November 2003. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- klimkowski:solver:
Ken Klimkowski and Robert van de Geijn.
Anatomy of an out-of-core dense linear solver.
In Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on Parallel
Processing, pages III:29-33, St. Charles, IL, 1995. CRC Press.
- kobler:eosdis:
Ben Kobler, John Berbert, Parris Caulk, and P. C. Hariharan.
Architecture and design of storage and data management for the NASA Earth
Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS).
In Proceedings of the Fourteenth IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage
Systems, pages 65-76. IEEE Computer Society Press, September 1995.
- kotz:app-pario:
David Kotz.
Applications of parallel I/O.
Technical Report PCS-TR96-297, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
October 1996.
Release 1.
See also later version oldfield:app-pario.
- kotz:bdiskdir:
David Kotz.
Disk-directed I/O for MIMD multiprocessors.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 35, pages 513-535. IEEE Computer Society Press and John Wiley
& Sons, 2001.
Identical to kotz:jdiskdir.
- kotz:bpractical:
David Kotz and Carla Schlatter Ellis.
Practical prefetching techniques for multiprocessor file
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 17, pages 245-258. IEEE Computer Society Press and John Wiley
& Sons, New York, NY, 2001.
Identical to kotz:jpractical.
- kotz:diskdir:
David Kotz.
Disk-directed I/O for MIMD multiprocessors.
In Proceedings of the 1994 Symposium on Operating Systems Design and
Implementation, pages 61-74. USENIX Association, November 1994.
Updated as Dartmouth TR PCS-TR94-226 on November 8, 1994.
See also later version kotz:diskdir-tr.
- kotz:diskdir-tr:
David Kotz.
Disk-directed I/O for MIMD multiprocessors.
Technical Report PCS-TR94-226, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
July 1994.
Revised November 8, 1994.
See also earlier version kotz:diskdir.
See also later version kotz:jdiskdir.
- kotz:diskdir2:
David Kotz.
Disk-directed I/O for MIMD multiprocessors.
Bulletin of the IEEE Technical Committee on Operating Systems and
Application Environments, pages 29-42, Autumn 1994.
See also later version kotz:diskdir-tr.
- kotz:encyc1:
David Kotz and Ravi Jain.
in parallel and distributed systems.
In Allen Kent and James G. Williams, editors, Encyclopedia of Computer
Science and Technology, volume 40, pages 141-154. Marcel Dekker,
Inc., 1999.
Supplement 25.
- kotz:expand:
David Kotz.
Expanding the potential for disk-directed I/O.
In Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed
Processing, pages 490-495, San Antonio, TX, October 1995. IEEE Computer
Society Press.
See also earlier version kotz:expand-tr.
- kotz:expand-tr:
David Kotz.
Expanding the potential for disk-directed I/O.
Technical Report PCS-TR95-254, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
March 1995.
See also later version kotz:expand.
- kotz:explore:
David Kotz and Ting Cai.
Exploring the use of I/O nodes for computation in a MIMD
In Proceedings of the IPPS '95 Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 78-89, April 1995.
See also earlier version kotz:explore-tr.
- kotz:explore-tr:
David Kotz and Ting Cai.
Exploring the use of I/O nodes for computation in a MIMD
Technical Report PCS-TR94-232, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
October 1994.
Revised 2/20/95.
See also later version kotz:explore.
- kotz:flexibility:
David Kotz and Nils Nieuwejaar.
Flexibility and performance of parallel file systems.
ACM Operating Systems Review, 30(2):63-73, April 1996.
See also later version kotz:flexibility2.
- kotz:flexibility2:
David Kotz and Nils Nieuwejaar.
Flexibility and performance of parallel file systems.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference of the Austrian Center
for Parallel Computation (ACPC), volume 1127 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 1-11. Springer-Verlag, September 1996.
See also earlier version kotz:flexibility.
- kotz:fsint:
David Kotz.
Multiprocessor file system interfaces.
Technical Report PCS-TR92-179, Dept. of Math and Computer Science, Dartmouth
College, March 1992.
Revised version appeared in PDIS'93.
See also later version kotz:fsint2.
- kotz:fsint2:
David Kotz.
Multiprocessor file system interfaces.
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Information Systems, pages 194-201. IEEE Computer Society
Press, 1993.
See also earlier version kotz:fsint.
- kotz:fsint2p:
David Kotz.
Multiprocessor file system interfaces.
In Proceedings of the USENIX File Systems Workshop, pages 149-150.
USENIX Association, May 1992.
See also later version kotz:fsint2.
- kotz:int-ddio:
David Kotz.
Interfaces for disk-directed I/O.
Technical Report PCS-TR95-270, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
September 1995.
- kotz-i.bib:
David Kotz.
Bibliography about
Parallel I/O.
Available on the WWW at https://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/pario/bib/,
- kotz:jdiskdir:
David Kotz.
Disk-directed I/O for MIMD multiprocessors.
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 15(1):41-74, February 1997.
Identical to kotz:bdiskdir.
See also earlier version kotz:diskdir-tr.
- kotz:jpractical:
David Kotz and Carla Schlatter Ellis.
Practical prefetching techniques for multiprocessor file
Journal of Distributed and Parallel Databases, 1(1):33-51, January
Identical to kotz:bpractical.
See also earlier version kotz:practical.
- kotz:jworkload:
David Kotz and Nils Nieuwejaar.
File-system workload on a scientific multiprocessor.
IEEE Parallel and Distributed Technology, 3(1):51-60, Spring
See also earlier version kotz:workload.
See also later version nieuwejaar:workload-tr.
- kotz:jwriteback:
David Kotz and Carla Schlatter Ellis.
Caching and writeback policies in parallel file systems.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 17(1-2):140-145,
January and February 1993.
See also earlier version kotz:writeback.
- kotz:lu:
David Kotz.
Disk-directed I/O for an out-of-core computation.
In Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Symposium on High
Performance Distributed Computing, pages 159-166. IEEE Computer Society
Press, August 1995.
See also earlier version kotz:lu-tr.
- kotz:lu-tr:
David Kotz.
Disk-directed I/O for an out-of-core computation.
Technical Report PCS-TR95-251, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
January 1995.
See also later version kotz:lu.
- kotz:pioarch:
David Kotz.
Introduction to multiprocessor I/O architecture.
In Ravi Jain, John Werth, and James C. Browne, editors, Input/Output in
Parallel and Distributed Computer Systems, volume 362 of The Kluwer
International Series in Engineering and Computer Science,
chapter 4, pages 97-123. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.
- kotz:practical:
David Kotz and Carla Schlatter Ellis.
Practical prefetching techniques for parallel file systems.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Information Systems, pages 182-189. IEEE Computer Society
Press, December 1991.
See also earlier version kotz:thesis.
See also later version kotz:jpractical.
- kotz:prefetch:
David F. Kotz and Carla Schlatter Ellis.
Prefetching in file systems for MIMD multiprocessors.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1(2):218-230,
April 1990.
See also earlier version ellis:prefetch.
See also later version kotz:thesis.
- kotz:thesis:
David Kotz.
Prefetching and Caching Techniques in File Systems for MIMD
PhD thesis, Duke University, April 1991.
Available as technical report CS-1991-016.
- kotz:throughput:
David Kotz.
Throughput of existing multiprocessor file systems.
Technical Report PCS-TR93-190, Dept. of Math and Computer Science, Dartmouth
College, May 1993.
- kotz:tuning:
David Kotz.
Technical Report PCS-TR96-296, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
October 1996.
- kotz:workload:
David Kotz and Nils Nieuwejaar.
Dynamic file-access characteristics of a production parallel scientific
In Proceedings of Supercomputing '94, pages 640-649, Washington, DC,
November 1994. IEEE Computer Society Press.
See also earlier version kotz:workload-tr.
See also later version kotz:jworkload.
- kotz:workload-tr:
David Kotz and Nils Nieuwejaar.
Dynamic file-access characteristics of a production parallel scientific
Technical Report PCS-TR94-211, Dept. of Math and Computer Science, Dartmouth
College, April 1994.
Revised May 11, 1994.
See also later version kotz:workload.
- kotz:writeback:
David Kotz and Carla Schlatter Ellis.
Caching and writeback policies in parallel file systems.
In IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, pages
60-67. IEEE Computer Society Press, December 1991.
See also earlier version kotz:thesis.
See also later version kotz:jwriteback.
- krammer:marmot:
Bettina Krammer, Matthias S. Müller, and Michael M. Resch.
MPI I/O analysis and error detection with MARMOT.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3241:242-250, September 2004.
- krieger:asf:
Orran Krieger, Michael Stumm, and Ronald Unrau.
The Alloc Stream Facility: A redesign of application-level stream
IEEE Computer, 27(3):75-82, March 1994.
See also earlier version krieger:asf-tr.
- krieger:asf-tr:
Orran Krieger, Michael Stumm, and Ronald Unrau.
The Alloc Stream Facility: A redesign of application-level stream
Technical Report CSRI-275, Computer Systems Research Institute, University of
Toronto, Toronto, Canada, M5S 1A1, October 1992.
See also later version krieger:asf.
- krieger:hfs:
Orran Krieger and Michael Stumm.
HFS: a flexible file system for large-scale multiprocessors.
In Proceedings of the 1993 DAGS/PC Symposium, pages 6-14, Hanover,
NH, June 1993. Dartmouth Institute for Advanced Graduate Studies.
See also later version krieger:hfs2.
- krieger:hfs2:
Orran Krieger and Michael Stumm.
HFS: A performance-oriented flexible file system based on
building-block compositions.
In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 95-108, Philadelphia, May 1996. ACM
See also earlier version krieger:hfs.
See also later version krieger:hfs3.
- krieger:hfs3:
Orran Krieger and Michael Stumm.
HFS: A performance-oriented flexible file system based on
building-block compositions.
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 15(3):286-321, August 1997.
See also earlier version krieger:hfs2.
- krieger:thesis:
Orran Krieger.
flexible file system for shared-memory multiprocessors.
PhD thesis, University of Toronto, October 1994.
- krystynak:datavault:
John Krystynak.
I/O performance on the Connection Machine DataVault
Technical Report RND-92-011, NAS Systems Division, NASA Ames, May 1992.
See also later version krystynak:pario.
- krystynak:pario:
John Krystynak and Bill Nitzberg.
Performance characteristics of the iPSC/860 and CM-2 I/O
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Parallel Processing
Symposium, pages 837-841, Newport Beach, CA, 1993. IEEE Computer
Society Press.
See also earlier version krystynak:datavault.
- kucera:libc:
Julie Kucera.
Making \em libc suitable for use by parallel programs.
In Proceedings of the USENIX Distributed and Multiprocessor Systems
Workshop, pages 145-152, 1989.
- kumar:thesis:
Alok Kumar.
SysProView: A framework for visualizing the activities of
multiprocessor file systems.
Master's thesis, Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College, 1993.
- kuo:blackhole:
S. Kuo, M. Winslett, Y. Chen, Y. Cho, M. Subramaniam, and K. Seamons.
Application experience with parallel input/output: Panda and the
H3expresso black hole simulation on the SP2.
In Proceedings of the Eighth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for
Scientific Computing, 1997.
- kuo:efficient:
S. Kuo, M. Winslett, Y. Cho, J. Lee, and Y. Chen.
input and output for scientific simulations.
In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 33-44, Atlanta, GA, May 1999. ACM
- kurc:query:
Tahsin Kurc, Chialin Chang, Renato Ferreira, and Alan Sussman.
very large multi-dimensional datasets in ADR.
In Proceedings of SC99: High Performance Networking and Computing,
Portland, OR, November 1999. ACM Press and IEEE Computer Society Press.
- kwan:cm5io:
Thomas T. Kwan and Daniel A. Reed.
Performance of the CM-5 scalable file system.
In Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on
Supercomputing, pages 156-165, Manchester, UK, July 1994. ACM
- kwan:sort:
Sai Choi Kwan.
External Sorting: I/O Analysis and Parallel Processing
PhD thesis, University of Washington, January 1986.
Available as technical report 86-01-01.
- kwong:distribution:
Peter Kwong and Shikaresh Majumdar.
Study of data distribution strategies for parallel I/O
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference of the Austrian Center
for Parallel Computation (ACPC), volume 1127 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 12-23. Springer-Verlag, September 1996.
- kwong:scheduling:
Peter Kwong and Shikharesh Majumdar.
Scheduling of I/O in multiprogrammed parallel systems.
Informatica, 23(1):67-76, April 1999.
- lake:pario:
Brian Lake and Chris Gray.
Parallel I/O for MIMD machines.
In Proceedings of SS'93: High Performance Computing, pages 301-308,
Calgary, June 1993.
- large-scale-memories:
Special issue on large-scale memories.
Algorithmica, 1994.
- latham:mpi-io-scalability:
Rob Latham, Rob Ross, and Rajeev Thakur.
impact of file systems on MPI-IO scalability.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3241:87-96, November 2004.
- latham:pvfs2:
Rob Latham, Neil Miller, Robert Ross, and Phil Carns.
A next-generation parallel file system for linux clusters.
LinuxWorld, 2(1), January 2004.
- latifi:network:
S. Latifi, M. Moraes de Azevedo, and N. Bagherzadeh.
A star-based I/O-bounded network for massively parallel
IEE Proceedings- Computers and Digital Techniques, 142(1):5-14,
January 1995.
- lauria:server:
Mario Lauria, Keith Bell, and Andrew Chien.
A high-performance cluster storage server.
In Proceedings of the Eleventh IEEE International Symposium on High
Performance Distributed Computing, pages 311-320, Edinburgh, Scotland,
2002. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- lautenbach:pfs:
Berin F. Lautenbach and Bradley M. Broom.
A parallel file system for the AP1000.
In Proceedings of the Third Fujitsu-ANU CAP Workshop, November
- lawlor:parity:
F. D. Lawlor.
Efficient mass storage parity recovery mechanism.
IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, 24(2):986-987, July 1981.
- lee:bparity:
Edward K. Lee and Randy H. Katz.
The performance of parity
placements in disk arrays.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 3, pages 35-54. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version lee:jparity.
- lee:bpetal:
Edward K.Lee and Chandramohan A. Thekkath.
Petal: Distributed virtual
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 27, pages 420-430. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version lee:petal.
- lee:comparison:
K. K. Lee, M. Kallahalla, B. S. Lee, and P. J. Varman.
Performance comparison of prefetching and placement policies for
parallel I/O.
International Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems and
Networks, 5(2):76-84, 2002.
- lee:external:
Jang Sun Lee, Sunghoon Ko, Sanjay Ranka, and Byung Eui Min.
High-performance external computations using user-controllable
In Proceedings of the Joint International Parallel Processing Symposium and
IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, pages 303-307.
IEEE Computer Society Press, March 1998.
- lee:file-assignment:
Lin-Wen Lee, Peter Scheuermann, and Radek Vingralek.
assignment in parallel I/O systems with minimal variance of service
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 49(2):127-140, February 2000.
- lee:impl:
Edward K. Lee.
Software and
performance issues in the implementation of a RAID prototype.
Technical Report UCB/CSD 90/573, EECS, Univ. California at Berkeley, May
- lee:jparity:
Edward K. Lee and Randy H. Katz.
The performance of parity placements in disk arrays.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 42(6):651-664, June 1993.
See also earlier version lee:parity.
See also later version lee:bparity.
- lee:logical-disks:
Jang Sun Lee, Jungmin Kim, P. Bruce Berra, and Sanjay Ranka.
Logical disks: User-controllable I/O for scientific
In Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed
Processing, pages 340-347. IEEE Computer Society Press, October
- lee:pario:
K-K. Lee and P. Varman.
Prefetching and I/O parallelism in multiple disk systems.
In Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on Parallel
Processing, pages III:160-163, St. Charles, IL, August 1995. CRC
- lee:parity:
Edward K. Lee and Randy H. Katz.
Performance consequences of parity placement in disk arrays.
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Architectural
Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, pages 190-199,
See also later version lee:jparity.
- lee:petal:
Edward K. Lee and Chandramohan A. Thekkath.
Petal: Distributed virtual disks.
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Architectural
Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, pages 84-92,
Cambridge, MA, October 1996.
- lee:raidmodel:
Edward K. Lee and Randy H. Katz.
An analytic performance model of disk arrays.
In Proceedings of the 1993 ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and
Modeling of Computer Systems, pages 98-109, 1993.
- lee:redist:
Jang Sun Lee, Sanjay Ranka, and Ravi V. Shankar.
Communication-efficient and memory-bounded external
Technical report, Syracuse University, 1995.
- lee:support:
Jenq Kuen Lee, Ing-Kuen Tsaur, and San-Yih Huang.
Language and environmental support for parallel object I/O on
distributed memory environments.
In Proceedings of the Seventh SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for
Scientific Computing, pages 756-761. SIAM, February 1995.
- lee:userio:
Jang Sun Lee, Sang-Gue Oh, Bruce P. Berra, and Sanjay Ranka.
User-controllable I/O for parallel computers.
In International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing
Techniques and Applications (PDPTA '96), pages 442-453, August
- leon:dfs:
Christopher S. Leon.
implementation of external-memory depth-first search.
Technical Report PCS-TR98-333, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
June 1998.
- lepper:cfd:
J. Lepper, U. Schnell, and K.R.G. Hein.
Parallelization of a simulation code for reactive flows on the Intel
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 35(7):101-109, April
- li:bfxm:
Qun Li, Jie Jing, and Li Xie.
BFXM: A parallel
file system model based on the mechanism of distributed shared
ACM Operating Systems Review, 31(4):30-40, October 1997.
- li:jmodels:
Zhiyong Li, Peter H. Mills, and John H. Reif.
Models and resource metrics for parallel and distributed
Parallel Algorithms and Applications, 8:35-59, 1996.
See also earlier version li:models.
- li:models:
Zhiyong Li, Peter H. Mills, and John H. Reif.
Models and resource metrics for parallel and distributed
In Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Hawaii International Conference
on System Sciences, pages 51-60, Hawaii, January 1995.
See also later version li:jmodels.
- li:recursive-tr:
Zhiyong Li, John H. Reif, and Sandeep K. S. Gupta.
Synthesizing efficient out-of-core programs for block recursive algorithms using
block-cyclic data distributions.
Technical Report 96-04, Dept. of Computer Science, Duke University, March
See also later version li:recursive.
- li:synthesizing:
Zhiyong Li, John H. Reif, and Sandeep K. S. Gupta.
Synthesizing efficient out-of-core programs for block recursive
algorithms using block-cyclic data distributions.
In Proceedings of the 1996 International Conference on Parallel
Processing, pages II:142-149, St. Charles, IL, August 1996. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
See also earlier version li:synthesizing-tr.
- li:synthesizing-tr:
Zhiyong Li, John H. Reif, and Sandeep K. S. Gupta.
Synthesizing efficient out-of-core programs for block recursive algorithms using
block-cyclic data distributions.
Technical Report TR-96-04, Dept. of Computer Science, Duke University, March
See also later version li:synthesizing.
- liao:overlapping:
Wei keng Liao, Alok Choudhary, Kenin Coloma, Lee Ward, Eric Russell, and Neil
Scalable implementations of MPI atomicity for concurrent overlapping
In CS Sadayappan, P; Yang, editor, Proceedings of the 2003 International
Conference on Parallel Processing, pages 239-246, Kaohsiung, Taiwan,
October 2003. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- ligon:pfs:
W. B. Ligon and R. B. Ross.
Implementation and performance of a parallel file system for high
performance distributed applications.
In Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Symposium on High
Performance Distributed Computing, pages 471-480. IEEE Computer Society
Press, August 1996.
- lin:clusterio:
Zheng Lin and Songnian Zhou.
Parallelizing I/O intensive applications for a workstation cluster: a
case study.
In Proceedings of the IPPS '93 Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel
Computer Systems, pages 17-36, Newport Beach, CA, 1993.
Also published in Computer Architecture News 21(5), December 1993, pages
- lin:optimizing:
Yih-Fang Lin, Chien-Min Wang, and Jan-Jan Wu.
Optimizing i/o server placement for parallel i/o
on switch-based irregular networks.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3358:997-1006, November 2004.
- litwin:LSA:
Witold Litwin and Jai Menon.
Scalable distributed log
structured arrays.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 8, pages 107-116. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
- liu:pario-interface:
X. Liu.
The performance research of the distributed parallel server system with
distributed parallel I/O interface.
Acta Electronica Sinica, 30(12):1808-1810, 2002.
- livny:stripe:
M. Livny, S. Khoshafian, and H. Boral.
Multi-disk management algorithms.
In Proceedings of the 1987 ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and
Modeling of Computer Systems, pages 69-77, May 1987.
- lo:disks:
Raymond Lo and Norman Matloff.
A probabilistic limit on the virtual size of replicated file
Technical report, Department of EE and CS, UC Davis, 1989.
- lockey:characterization:
P. Lockey, R. Proctor, and I. D. James.
Characterization of I/O requirements in a massively parallel shelf sea
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications,
12(3):320-332, Fall 1998.
- long:swift-raid:
Darrell D. E. Long and Bruce R. Montague.
Swift/RAID: A distributed RAID system.
Computing Systems, 7(3):333-359, Summer 1994.
- loverso:sfs:
Susan J. LoVerso, Marshall Isman, Andy Nanopoulos, William Nesheim, Ewan D.
Milne, and Richard Wheeler.
\em sfs: A parallel file system for the CM-5.
In Proceedings of the 1993 Summer USENIX Technical Conference, pages
291-305, 1993.
- lumb:facade:
Christopher R. Lumb.
Virtual storage devices with performance guarantees.
In Proceedings of the USENIX FAST '03 Conference on File and Storage
Technologies, San Francisco, CA, April 2003. USENIX Association.
- lyster:geos-das:
P.M. Lyster, K. Ekers, J. Guo, M. Harber, D. Lamich, J.W. Larson, R. Lucchesi,
R. Rood, S. Schubert, W. Sawyer, M. Sienkiewicz, A. da Silva, J. Stobie, L.L.
Takacs, R. Todling, and J. Zero.
Parallel computing at the NASA data assimilation office (DAO).
In Proceedings of SC97: High Performance Networking and Computing, San
Jose, CA, November 1997. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- ma:buffering:
Xiasong Ma, Marianne Winslett, Jonghyun Lee, and Shengke Yu.
Improving MPI IO output
performance with active buffering plus threads.
In Proceedings of the International Parallel and Distributed Processing
Symposium. IEEE Computer Society Press, April 2003.
- ma:flexible:
Xiasong Ma, Xiangmin Jiao, and Michael Campbell oand Marianne Winslett.
Flexible and
efficient parallel I/O for large-scale multi-component
In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Parallel and Distributed
Scientific and Engineering Computing with Applications. IEEE Computer
Society Press, April 2003.
- mache:spatial:
Jens Mache, Virginia Lo, Marilynn Livingston, and Sharad Garg.
The impact
of spatial layout of jobs on parallel I/O performance.
In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 45-56, Atlanta, GA, May 1999. ACM
- maciel:dgw:
Frederico B. Maciel, Nobutoshi Sagawa, and Teruo Tanaka.
Dynamic Gateways: A novel
approach to improve networking performance and availability on parallel
In Proceedings of the High-Performance Computing and Networking Symposium
(HPCN'98), pages 678-687, 1998.
- mackay:groundwater:
David Mackay, G. Mahinthakumar, and Ed D'Azevedo.
A study of I/O in a parallel finite element groundwater transport
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications,
12(3):307-319, Fall 1998.
- madhyastha:adaptive:
Tara M. Madhyastha and Daniel A. Reed.
Intelligent, adaptive file system policy selection.
In Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively
Parallel Computation, pages 172-179. IEEE Computer Society Press,
October 1996.
See also later version madhyastha:thesis.
- madhyastha:classification:
Tara M. Madhyastha and Daniel A. Reed.
Input/output access
pattern classification using hidden Markov models.
In Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 57-67, San Jose, CA, November 1997. ACM
See also later version madhyastha:thesis.
- madhyastha:global:
Tara M. Madhyastha and Daniel A. Reed.
Exploiting global input/output access pattern
In Proceedings of SC97: High Performance Networking and Computing, San
Jose, November 1997. ACM Press.
See also later version madhyastha:thesis.
- madhyastha:informed:
Tara M. Madhyastha, Garth A. Gibson, and Christos Faloutsos.
prefetching of collective input/output requests.
In Proceedings of SC99: High Performance Networking and Computing,
Portland, OR, November 1999. ACM Press and IEEE Computer Society Press.
- madhyastha:learning:
Tara M. Madhyastha and Daniel A. Reed.
Learning to
classify parallel input/output access patterns.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 13(8):802-813,
August 2002.
- madhyastha:optimizing:
Tara M. Madhyastha, Christopher L. Elford, and Daniel A. Reed.
Optimizing input/output using adaptive file system policies.
In Proceedings of the Fifth NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems
and Technologies, pages II:493-514, September 1996.
See also later version madhyastha:thesis.
- madhyastha:thesis:
Tara Madhyastha.
Automatic Classification of Input/Output Access
PhD thesis, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, August 1997.
- magoutis:direct:
Kostas Magoutis, Salimah Addetia, Alexandra Fedorova, and Margo I. Seltzer.
the most out of direct-access network attached storage.
In Proceedings of the USENIX FAST '03 Conference on File and Storage
Technologies, San Francisco, CA, April 2003. USENIX Association.
- majumdar:characterize:
S. Majumdar and Yiu Ming Leung.
Characterization of applications with I/O for processor scheduling in
multiprogrammed parallel systems.
In Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed
Processing, pages 298-307. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1994.
- majumdar:management:
Shikaresh Majumdar and Faisal Shad.
Characterization and management of I/O on multiprogrammed parallel
In Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed
Processing, pages 502-510, San Antonio, TX, October 1995. IEEE Computer
Society Press.
- malluhi:pss:
Qutaibah Malluhi and William E. Johnston.
Approaches for a reliable high-performance distributed-parallel storage
In Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Symposium on High
Performance Distributed Computing, pages 500-509. IEEE Computer Society
Press, August 1996.
- manuel:logjam:
Tom Manuel.
Breaking the data-rate logjam with arrays of small disk
Electronics, 62(2):97-100, February 1989.
- marco:raid1:
R. Marco, J. Marco, D. Rodriguez, D. Cano, and I. Cabrillo.
RAID-1 and data stripping across the
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2970:119-123, March 2004.
- maspar:pario:
Parallel file I/O routines.
MasPar Computer Corporation, 1992.
- masters:pario:
Del Masters.
Improve disk subsystem performance with multiple serial drives in
Computer Technology Review, 7(9):76-77, July 1987.
- matloff:multidisk:
Norman S. Matloff.
A multiple-disk system for both fault tolerance and improved
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, R-36(2):199-201, June 1987.
- matthews:hippi:
Kevin C. Matthews.
Experiences implementing a shared file system on a HIPPI disk
In Proceedings of the Fourteenth IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage
Systems, pages 77-88. IEEE Computer Society Press, September 1995.
- matthijs:framework:
F. Matthijs, Y. Berbers, and P. Verbaeten.
A flexible I/O framework for parallel and distributed systems.
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Object Orientation in
Operating Systems, pages 187-190. IEEE Computer Society Press,
- mayr:query:
Tobias Mayr, Philippe Bonnet, Johannes Gehrke, and Praveen Seshadri.
Leveraging non-uniform resources for parallel query
In Proceedings of the Third IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster
Computing and the Grid, pages 120-129, Tokyo, Japan, May 2003. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- mcmurdy:unstripe:
Ronald K. McMurdy and Badrinath Roysam.
Improving RAID-5 performance by un-striping moderate-sized
In Proceedings of the 1993 International Conference on Parallel
Processing, pages II-279-282, St. Charles, IL, 1993. CRC Press.
- meador:array:
Wes E. Meador.
Disk array systems.
In Proceedings of IEEE Compcon, pages 143-146, Spring 1989.
- meiko:cs2:
Computing surface CS-2: Technical overview.
Meiko brochure S1002-10M115.01A, 1993.
- memik:patterns:
Gokhan Memik, Mahmut Kandemir, and Alok Choudhary.
Exploiting inter-file access patterns using multi-collective
In Proceedings of the USENIX FAST '02 Conference on File and Storage
Technologies, pages 245-258, Monterey, CA, January 2002. USENIX
- menasce:mass:
Daniel Menascé, Odysseas Ionnis Pentakalos, and Yelena Yesha.
An analytic model of hierarchical mass storage systems with
network-attached storage devices.
In Proceedings of the 1996 ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and
Modeling of Computer Systems, pages 180-189, Philadelphia, PA, May
1996. ACM Press.
- menon:bcompare:
Jai Menon.
A performance comparison
of RAID-5 and log-structured arrays.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 4, pages 55-64. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version menon:compare.
- menon:bsparing:
Jai Menon.
Comparison of sparing
alternatives for disk arrays.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 9, pages 117-128. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version menon:sparing.
- menon:compare:
Jai Menon.
A performance comparison of RAID-5 and log-structured arrays.
In Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Symposium on High
Performance Distributed Computing, pages 167-178, August 1995.
See also later version menon:bcompare.
- menon:daisy:
Jai Menon and Kent Treiber.
Daisy: Virtual-disk
hierarchical storage manager.
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 25(3):37-44, December
- menon:sparing:
Jai Menon and Dick Mattson.
comparison of sparing alternatives for disk arrays.
In Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Symposium on Computer
Architecture, pages 318-329. ACM Press, 1992.
See also later version menon:bsparing.
- menor:grid-io:
José M. Pérez Menor, Félix Garc\'\ia, Jesús Carretero, Alejandro
Calderón, Javier Fernández, and José Daniel Garc\'\ia.
A parallel I/O middleware to integrate heterogeneous
storage resources on grids.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2970:124-131, March 2004.
- merchant:striping:
Arif Merchant and Philip S. Yu.
Analytic modeling and comparisons of striping strategies of replicated
disk arrays.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 44(3):419-431, March 1995.
- merriam:triangle:
Drshal L. Merriam.
Parallel implementation of an algorithm for Delaunay
In Proceedings of Computational Fluid Dynamics, volume 2, pages
907-912, 1992.
- messerli:jimage:
Vincent Messerli, Oscar Figueiredo, B. Gennart, and Roger D. Hersch.
Parallelizing I/O-intensive image access and processing
IEEE Concurrency, 7(2):28-37, 1999.
- messerli:thesis:
Vincent Messerli.
Tools for Parallel I/O and Compute Intensive Applications.
PhD thesis, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 1999.
Thèse 1915.
- messerli:tomographic:
R. D. Hersch V. Messerli, B. Gennart.
Performances of the PS$^2$ parallel storage and processing system for
tomographic image visualization.
In Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Distributed
Computer Systems, pages 514-522, Seoul, Korea, December 1997. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- michael:future:
Gavin Michael and Andrew Chien.
Future multicomputers: Beyond minimalist multiprocessors?.
Computer Architecture News, 20(5):6-12, December 1992.
- milenkovic:model:
Milan Milenkovi\'c.
A model for multiprocessor I/O.
Technical Report 89-CSE-30, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Southern
Methodist University, July 1989.
- miller:iobehave:
Ethan L. Miller and Randy H. Katz.
Input/output behavior of supercomputer applications.
In Proceedings of Supercomputing '91, pages 567-576, Albuquerque, NM,
November 1991. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- miller:jrama:
Ethan L. Miller and Randy H. Katz.
easy-to-use, high-performance parallel file system.
Parallel Computing, 23(4-5):419-446, June 1997.
See also earlier version miller:rama2.
- miller:pario:
L. L. Miller and A. R. Hurson.
Multiprogramming and concurrency in parallel file
International Journal of Mini and Microcomputers, 13(2):37-45,
- miller:pass:
L. L. Miller, S. R. Inglett, and A. R. Hurson.
PASS- a multiuser parallel file system based on
Journal of systems and software, 19(1):75-83, September 1992.
- miller:pfs:
L. L. Miller and S. R. Inglett.
Enhancing performance in a parallel file system.
Microprocessing and Microprogramming, 40(4):261-274, May 1994.
- miller:radar:
Craig Miller, David G. Payne, Thanh N. Phung, Herb Siegel, and Roy Williams.
Parallel processing of spaceborne imaging radar data.
In Proceedings of Supercomputing '95, San Diego, CA, 1995. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- miller:rama:
Ethan L. Miller and Randy H. Katz.
RAMA: a file system for massively-parallel computers.
In Proceedings of the Twelfth IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems,
pages 163-168, 1993.
See also later version miller:rama2.
- miller:rama2:
Ethan L. Miller and Randy H. Katz.
RAMA: Easy access to a high-bandwidth massively parallel file
In Proceedings of the 1995 USENIX Technical Conference, pages 59-70,
January 1995.
See also earlier version miller:rama.
See also later version miller:jrama.
- milligan:bifs:
P. Milligan, L. C. Waring, and A. S. C. Lee.
BIFS: A filing system for multiprocessor based systems.
Microprocessing and Microprogramming, 31:9-12, 1991.
Euromicro '90 conference, Amsterdam.
- miya.biblio:
Eugene N. Miya.
Multiprocessor/distributed processing bibliography.
Computer Architecture News, 13(1):27-29, March 1985.
Much updated since then, now kept on-line.
- miyamura:adventure-io:
Tomoshi Miyamura and Shinobu Yoshimura.
Generalized I/O data format and interface library for module-based
parallel finite element analysis system..
Advances in Engineering Software, 35(3-4):149-159, March 2004.
- mogi:parity:
Kazuhiko Mogi and Masaru Kitsuregawa.
Dynamic parity stripe reorganizations for RAID5 disk arrays.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Information Systems, pages 17-26, September 1994.
- mokhoff:pario:
Nicholas Mokhoff.
Parallel disk assembly packs 1.5 GBytes, runs at 4 MBytes/s.
Electronic Design, pages 45-46, November 1987.
- molero:modeling:
Xavier Molero, Federico Silla, Vicente Santonja, and José Duato.
Modeling and evaluation of
Fibre Channel storage area networks.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 31, pages 464-473. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
- montague:swift:
Bruce R. Montague.
The Swift/RAID distributed transaction driver.
Technical Report UCSC-CRL-93-99, UC Santa Cruz, January 1993.
- moon:declustering:
Bongki Moon and Joel H. Saltz.
analysis of declustering methods for for multidimensional range
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 1997.
To appear.
- moore:ddio:
Jason A. Moore and Michael J. Quinn.
Enhancing disk-directed I/O for fine-grained redistribution of file
Parallel Computing, 23(4):477-499, June 1997.
- moore:detection:
Jason A. Moore, Philip J. Hatcher, and Michael J. Quinn.
Efficient data-parallel files via automatic mode detection.
In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 1-14, Philadelphia, May 1996. ACM
- moore:ocean:
Jason A. Moore.
Parallel I/O requirements of four oceanography applications.
Technical Report 95-80-1, Oregon State University, January 1995.
- moore:stream:
Jason A. Moore, Philip J. Hatcher, and Michael J. Quinn.
Stream*: Fast, flexible, data-parallel I/O.
In Parallel Computing: State-of-the-Art and Perspectives (ParCo '95),
pages 287-294. Elsevier Science, September 1995.
See also earlier version moore:stream-tr.
- moore:stream-tr:
Jason A. Moore, Philip J. Hatcher, and Michael J. Quinn.
Stream*: Fast, flexible, data-parallel I/O.
Technical Report 94-80-13, Oregon State University, 1994.
Updated September 1995.
See also later version moore:stream.
- moran:imad:
David Moran, Gary Ditlow, Daria Dooling, Ralph Williams, and Tom Wilkins.
manufacturing and design.
In Proceedings of SC99: High Performance Networking and Computing,
Portland, OR, November 1999. ACM Press and IEEE Computer Society Press.
- more:mtio:
Sachin More, Alok Choudhary, Ian Foster, and Ming Q. Xu.
multi-threaded parallel I/O system.
In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Parallel Processing
Symposium, pages 368-373, April 1997.
- moren:controllers:
William D. Moren.
Design of controllers is key element in disk subsystem
Computer Technology Review, pages 71-73, Spring 1988.
- mourad:raid:
Antoine N. Mourad, W. Kent Fuchs, and Daniel G. Saab.
Performance of redundant disk array organizations in transaction
processing environments.
In Proceedings of the 1993 International Conference on Parallel
Processing, pages I-138-145, St. Charles, IL, 1993. CRC Press.
- mowry:prefetch:
Todd C. Mowry, Angela K. Demke, and Orran Krieger.
Automatic compiler-inserted I/O prefetching for out-of-core
In Proceedings of the 1996 Symposium on Operating Systems Design and
Implementation, pages 3-17. USENIX Association, October 1996.
See also later version mowry:jprefetch.
- moyer:application:
S. Moyer and V. S. Sunderam.
Parallel I/O as a parallel application.
International Journal of Supercomputer Applications, 9(2):95-107,
Summer 1995.
- moyer:characterize:
Steven A. Moyer and V. S. Sunderam.
Characterizing concurrency control performance for the PIOUS parallel file
Technical Report CSTR-950601, Emory University, June 1995.
See also later version moyer:jcharacterize.
- moyer:jcharacterize:
Steven A. Moyer and V.S. Sunderam.
Characterizing concurrency control performance for the PIOUS parallel
file system.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 38(1):81-91, October
See also earlier version moyer:characterize.
- moyer:pario:
Steven A. Moyer and V. S. Sunderam.
A parallel
I/O system for high-performance distributed computing.
In Proceedings of the IFIP WG10.3 Working Conference on Programming
Environments for Massively Parallel Distributed Systems, 1994.
- moyer:pious:
Steven A. Moyer and V. S. Sunderam.
scalable parallel I/O system for distributed computing
In Proceedings of the Scalable High-Performance Computing Conference,
pages 71-78, 1994.
- moyer:scalable:
Steven A. Moyer and V. S. Sunderam.
Scalable concurrency control for parallel file systems.
In Proceedings of the IPPS '95 Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 90-106, April 1995.
See also earlier version moyer:scalable-tr.
See also later version moyer:scalable-book.
- moyer:scalable-book:
Steven A. Moyer and V. S. Sunderam.
Scalable concurrency control for parallel file systems.
In Jain et al. [iopads-book], chapter 10,
pages 225-243.
See also earlier version moyer:scalable.
- moyer:scalable-tr:
Steven A. Moyer and V. S. Sunderam.
concurrency control for parallel file systems.
Technical Report CSTR-950202, Emory University, February 1995.
See also later version moyer:scalable.
- mpi-forum:mpi2:
MPI-2: Extensions to
the message-passing interface.
{The MPI Forum}, July 1997.
See also earlier version mpi-ioc:mpi-io5.
- mpi-ioc:mpi-io5:
MPI-IO: a parallel file I/O interface for MPI.
{The MPI-IO Committee}, April 1996.
Version 0.5.
See also earlier version corbett:mpi-io4.
See also later version mpi-forum:mpi2.
- mpi2-io:
Message-Passing Interface Forum.
MPI-2.0: Extensions
to the Message-Passing Interface, chapter 9.
MPI Forum, June 1997.
- mueck:multikey:
T. A. Mueck and J. Witzmann.
Multikey index support for tuple sets on parallel mass storage systems.
In Proceedings of the Fourteenth IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage
Systems, pages 136-145, September 1995.
- muller:multi:
Keith Muller and Joseph Pasquale.
A high performance multi-structured file system design.
In Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems
Principles, pages 56-67, Pacific Grove, CA, 1991. ACM Press.
- muntz:failure:
Richard R. Muntz and John C. S. Lui.
Performance analysis of disk arrays under failure.
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Very Large Data
Bases, pages 162-173, 1990.
- muntz:intro:
Richard R. Muntz and Leana Golubchik.
Parallel data servers and applications.
Parallel Computing, 24(1):1-4, January 1998.
- mutisya:cache:
Gerald Mutisya and Bradley M. Broom.
Distributed file caching for the AP1000.
In Proceedings of the Third Fujitsu-ANU CAP Workshop, November
- myllymaki:buffering:
Jussi Myllymaki and Miron Livny.
Efficient buffering for concurrent disk tape I/O.
Performance Evaluation: An International Journal, 27/28:453-471,
Performance '96.
- nagaraj:hpfs:
U. Nagaraj, U. S. Shukla, and A. Paulraj.
Design and evaluation of a high performance file system for message
passing parallel computers.
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Parallel Processing
Symposium, pages 549-554, 1991.
- nagashima:pario:
Umpei Nagashima, Takashi Shibata, Hiroshi Itoh, and Minoru Gotoh.
An improvement of I/O function for auxiliary storage: Parallel I/O for
a large scale supercomputing.
In Proceedings of the 1990 ACM International Conference on
Supercomputing, pages 48-59, 1990.
- nakajo:ionet:
H. Nakajo, S. Ohtani, T. Matsumoto, M. Kohata, K. Hiraki, and Y. Kaneda.
An I/O network for architecture of the distributed shared-memory
massively parallel computer jump-1.
In Proceedings of the 11th ACM International Conference on
Supercomputing, pages 253-260. ACM Press, July 1997.
- nakajo:jump1:
Hironori Nakajo.
A simulation-based evaluation of a disk I/O subsystem for a massively
parallel computer: JUMP-1.
In Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Distributed
Computer Systems, pages 562-569. IEEE Computer Society Press, May
- nastea:optimization:
S. Nastea, V. Sgarciu, and M. Simonca.
Parallel I/O performance optimization.
Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques Serie Electrotechnique et
Energetique, 45(3):487-500, 2000.
- natarajan:clusterio:
Chita Natarajan and Ravishankar K. Iyer.
Measurement and simulation based performance analysis of parallel I/O
in a high-performance cluster system.
In Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed
Processing, pages 332-339. IEEE Computer Society Press, October
- ncr:3600:
NCR 3600 product description.
Technical Report ST-2119-91, NCR, San Diego, September 1991.
- ng:diskarray:
Spencer Ng.
Some design issues of disk arrays.
In Proceedings of IEEE Compcon, pages 137-142, Spring 1989.
San Francisco, CA.
- ng:interleave:
S. Ng, D. Lang, and R. Selinger.
Trade-offs between devices and paths in achieving disk
In Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Symposium on Computer
Architecture, pages 196-201, 1988.
- nicastro:fft:
L. Nicastro and N. D'Amico.
An optimized mass storage FFT for vector computers.
Parallel Computing, 21:423-432, March 1995.
- nickolls:dpio:
John R. Nickolls and Ernie Rael.
Data parallel Unix input/output for a massively parallel
Technical Report MP/P-17.93, MasPar Computer Corporation, 1993.
- nickolls:maspar-io:
John R. Nickolls.
The MasPar scalable Unix I/O system..
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Parallel Processing
Symposium, pages 390-394, Cancun, Mexico, April 1994.
- nieplocha:arrays:
Jarek Nieplocha and Ian Foster.
Disk resident arrays: An array-oriented I/O library for out-of-core
In Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively
Parallel Computation, pages 196-204. IEEE Computer Society Press,
October 1996.
See also later version foster:arrays.
- nieplocha:chemio:
Jarek Nieplocha, Ian Foster, and Rick Kendall.
ChemIO: High-performance parallel I/O for computational chemistry
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications,
12(3):345-363, Fall 1998.
See also earlier version foster:chemio.
- nieplocha:distant:
Jarek Nieplocha, Ian Foster, and Holger Dachsel.
Distant I/O: One-sided access to secondary storage on remote
In Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Symposium on High
Performance Distributed Computing, pages 148-154. IEEE Computer Society
Press, July 1998.
- nieuwejaar:galley:
Nils Nieuwejaar and David Kotz.
The Galley parallel file system.
In Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on
Supercomputing, pages 374-381, Philadelphia, May 1996. ACM Press.
See also later version nieuwejaar:jgalley-tr.
- nieuwejaar:galley-perf:
Nils Nieuwejaar and David Kotz.
Performance of the Galley parallel file system.
In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 83-94, Philadelphia, May 1996. ACM
See also later version nieuwejaar:jgalley-tr.
- nieuwejaar:jgalley:
Nils Nieuwejaar and David Kotz.
The Galley parallel file system.
Parallel Computing, 23(4):447-476, June 1997.
See also earlier version nieuwejaar:jgalley-tr.
- nieuwejaar:jgalley-tr:
Nils Nieuwejaar and David Kotz.
Galley parallel file system.
Technical Report PCS-TR96-286, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
May 1996.
See also earlier version nieuwejaar:galley.
See also later version nieuwejaar:jgalley.
- nieuwejaar:strided:
Nils Nieuwejaar and David Kotz.
multiprocessor extension to the conventional file system
Technical Report PCS-TR94-230, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
September 1994.
See also later version nieuwejaar:strided2-tr.
- nieuwejaar:strided2:
Nils Nieuwejaar and David Kotz.
Low-level interfaces for high-level parallel I/O.
In Proceedings of the IPPS '95 Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 47-62, April 1995.
Identical to nieuwejaar:strided2-tr.
See also later version nieuwejaar:strided2-book.
- nieuwejaar:strided2-book:
Nils Nieuwejaar and David Kotz.
Low-level interfaces for high-level parallel I/O.
In Ravi Jain, John Werth, and James C. Browne, editors, Input/Output in
Parallel and Distributed Computer Systems, volume 362 of The Kluwer
International Series in Engineering and Computer Science,
chapter 9, pages 205-223. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.
See also earlier version nieuwejaar:strided2.
- nieuwejaar:strided2-tr:
Nils Nieuwejaar and David Kotz.
Low-level interfaces for high-level parallel I/O.
Technical Report PCS-TR95-253, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
March 1995.
Revised 4/18/95 and appeared in IOPADS workshop at IPPS '95.
Identical to nieuwejaar:strided2.
See also earlier version nieuwejaar:strided.
- nieuwejaar:thesis:
Nils A. Nieuwejaar.
Galley: A New
Parallel File System for Parallel Applications.
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College, November 1996.
Available as Dartmouth Technical Report PCS-TR96-300.
- nieuwejaar:workload:
Nils Nieuwejaar, David Kotz, Apratim Purakayastha, Carla Schlatter Ellis, and
Michael Best.
characteristics of parallel scientific workloads.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
7(10):1075-1089, October 1996.
See also earlier version nieuwejaar:workload-tr.
- nieuwejaar:workload-tr:
Nils Nieuwejaar, David Kotz, Apratim Purakayastha, Carla Schlatter Ellis, and
Michael Best.
File-access characteristics of parallel scientific workloads.
Technical Report PCS-TR95-263, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
August 1995.
See also earlier version kotz:workload.
See also later version nieuwejaar:workload.
- ninghui:pfs:
Sun Ninghui.
The design of parallel file systems.
Chinese Journal of Computers, 17(12):938-945, December 1994.
In Chinese.
- nishino:sfs:
H. Nishino, S. Naka, and K Ikumi.
High performance file system for supercomputing environment.
In Proceedings of Supercomputing '89, pages 747-756, 1989.
- nitzberg:bcollective:
Bill Nitzberg and Virginia Lo.
Collective buffering:
Improving parallel I/O performance.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 19, pages 271-281. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version nitzberg:collective.
- nitzberg:cfs:
Bill Nitzberg.
Performance of the iPSC/860 Concurrent File
Technical Report RND-92-020, NAS Systems Division, NASA Ames, December
See also later version krystynak:pario.
- nitzberg:collective:
Bill Nitzberg and Virginia Lo.
Collective buffering: Improving parallel I/O performance.
In Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Symposium on High
Performance Distributed Computing, pages 148-157, Portland, OR, August
1997. IEEE Computer Society Press.
See also later version nitzberg:bcollective.
- nitzberg:sc94tutorial:
Bill Nitzberg and Samuel A. Fineberg.
Parallel I/O on highly parallel systems- supercomputing '94
tutorial M11 notes.
Technical Report NAS-94-005, NASA Ames Research Center, November 1994.
See also later version nitzberg:sc95tutorial.
- nitzberg:sc95tutorial:
Bill Nitzberg and Samuel A. Fineberg.
Parallel I/O on highly parallel systems- supercomputing '95
tutorial M6 notes.
Technical Report NAS-95-022, NASA Ames Research Center, December 1995.
See also later version nitzberg:sc94tutorial.
- nitzberg:thesis:
William J. Nitzberg.
Collective Parallel I/O.
PhD thesis, Department of Computer and Information Science, University of
Oregon, December 1995.
- no:file-db:
Jaechun No, Rajeev Thakur, and Alok Choudhary.
parallel file I/O and database support for high-performance scientific data
In Proceedings of SC2000: High Performance Networking and Computing,
Dallas, TX, November 2000. IEEE Computer Society Press.
To appear.
- no:irregular-io:
Jaechun No, Sung soon Park, Jesus Carretero, Alok Choudhary, and Pang Chen.
and implementation of a parallel I/O runtime system for irregular
In Proceedings of the Joint International Parallel Processing Symposium and
IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, pages 280-284.
IEEE Computer Society Press, March 1998.
See also later version no:jirregular.
- no:irregular2:
Jaechun No, J. Carretero, and Alok Choudhary.
High performance parallel I/O schemes for irregular applications on
clusters of workstations.
In Proceedings of the Seventh High-Performance Computing and Networking
Conference, pages 1117-1126, 1999.
See also earlier version no:irregular-io.
- no:jirregular:
Jaechun No, Jesus Carretero, Sung soon Park, Alok Choudhary, and Pang Chen.
Design and
implementation of a parallel I/O runtime system for irregular
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 62(2):193-220,
February 2002.
See also earlier version no:irregular-io.
- nodine:deterministic:
M. H. Nodine and J. S. Vitter.
Deterministic distribution sort in shared and distributed memory
In Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and
Architectures, pages 120-129, Velen, Germany, 1993.
- nodine:greed:
Mark H. Nodine and Jeffrey Scott Vitter.
Greed sort: An optimal external sorting algorithm for multiple
Technical Report CS-91-20, Brown University, 1992.
A summary appears in SPAA '91.
- nodine:loadbalance:
Mark H. Nodine and Jeffrey Vitter.
Load balancing paradigms for optimal use of parallel disks and parallel
memory hierarchies.
In Proceedings of the 1993 DAGS/PC Symposium, pages 26-39, Hanover,
NH, June 1993. Dartmouth Institute for Advanced Graduate Studies.
- nodine:opt-sort:
Mark H. Nodine and Jeffrey Scott Vitter.
Paradigms for optimal sorting with multiple disks.
In Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Hawaii International Conference
on System Sciences, volume I, pages 50-59, 1993.
- nodine:sort:
Mark H. Nodine and Jeffrey Scott Vitter.
Large-scale sorting in parallel memories.
In Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and
Architectures, pages 29-39, 1991.
- nodine:sort2:
Mark H. Nodine and Jeffrey Scott Vitter.
Optimal deterministic sorting in parallel memory hierarchies.
Technical Report CS-92-38, Brown University, August 1992.
- nodine:sortdisk:
Mark H. Nodine and Jeffrey Scott Vitter.
Optimal deterministic sorting on parallel disks.
Technical Report CS-92-08, Brown University, August 1992.
- nurmi:atm:
Marc A. Nurmi, William E. Bejcek, Rod N. Gregoire, K. C. Liu, and Mark D. Pohl.
Automatic management of CPU and I/O bottlenecks in distributed
applications on ATM networks.
In Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Symposium on High
Performance Distributed Computing, pages 481-489. IEEE Computer Society
Press, August 1996.
- ober:seismic:
Curtis Ober, Ron Oldfield, John VanDyke, and David Womble.
Seismic imaging on massively parallel computers.
Technical Report SAND96-1112, Sandia National Laboratories, April 1996.
- ober:seismic2:
Curtis Ober, Ron Oldfield, David Womble, John VanDyke, and Sudip Dosanjh.
Seismic imaging on massively parallel computers.
In Proceedings of the 1996 Simulations Multiconference, April
- ober:seismic3:
Curtis Ober, Ron Oldfield, David Womble, L. Romero, and Charles Burch.
Practical aspects of prestack depth migration with finite
In Proceedings of the 67th Annual International Meeting of the Society of
Exploration Geophysicists, pages 1758-1761, Dallas Texas, November
Expanded Abstracts.
- oed:t3d:
Wilfried Oed.
The Cray Research massively parallel processor system CRAY
Technical report, Cray Research GmbH, München, Germany, November 15
- ogata:diskarray:
Mikito Ogata and Michael J. Flynn.
A queueing analysis for disk array systems.
Technical Report CSL-TR-90-443, Stanford University, 1990.
- okeefe:fibre:
Matthew T. O'Keefe.
Shared file systems and Fibre Channel.
In Proceedings of the Sixth NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems
and Technologies, pages 1-16, College Park, MD, March 1998. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- oldfield:app-pario:
Ron Oldfield and David Kotz.
Applications of parallel I/O.
Technical Report PCS-TR98-337, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
August 1998.
Supplement to PCS-TR96-297.
See also earlier version kotz:app-pario.
See also later version oldfield:bapp-pario.
- oldfield:armada:
Ron Oldfield and David Kotz.
Armada: A parallel file system for computational grids.
In Proceedings of the First IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster
Computing and the Grid, pages 194-201, Brisbane, Australia, May 2001.
IEEE Computer Society Press.
- oldfield:bapp-pario:
Ron Oldfield and David Kotz.
Scientific applications using parallel I/O.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 45, pages 655-666. IEEE Computer Society Press and John Wiley
& Sons, 2001.
See also earlier version oldfield:app-pario.
- oldfield:emulab-tr:
Ron Oldfield and David Kotz.
Using the Emulab network testbed to evaluate the Armada I/O framework for
computational grids.
Technical Report TR2002-433, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
Hanover, NH, September 2002.
- oldfield:restruct:
Ron Oldfield and David Kotz.
Improving data access for computational grid applications.
Cluster Computing, The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and
Applications, 2004.
Accepted for publication.
- oldfield:seismic:
Ron A. Oldfield, David E. Womble, and Curtis C. Ober.
Efficient parallel I/O in seismic imaging.
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications,
12(3):333-344, Fall 1998.
- oldfield:thesis:
Ron Oldfield.
Efficient I/O for Computational Grid Applications.
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College, May 2003.
Available as Dartmouth Computer Science Technical Report TR2003-459.
See also later version oldfield:thesis-tr.
- oldfield:thesis-tr:
Ron Oldfield.
Efficient I/O for computational grid applications.
Technical Report TR2003-459, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College, May
See also earlier version oldfield:thesis.
- olson:random:
Thomas M. Olson.
Disk array performance in a random I/O environment.
Computer Architecture News, 17(5):71-77, September 1989.
- oyang:m2io:
Yen-Jen Oyang.
Architecture, operating system, and I/O subsystem design of the $M^2$
database machine.
In Proceedings of the Parallel Systems Fair at the International Parallel
Processing Symposium, pages 31-38, 1993.
- pahuja:dpio:
Neena Pahuja and Gautam M. Shroff.
A data parallel i/o library for workstation networks.
In Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on High Performance
Computing, pages 423-428, New Delhi, India, December 1995.
- paleczny:support:
Michael Paleczny, Ken Kennedy, and Charles Koelbel.
support for out-of-core arrays on data parallel machines.
In Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively
Parallel Computation, pages 110-118, McLean, VA, February 1995.
- panasas:architecture:
Object-based storage architecture: Defining a new generation of storage
systems built on distributed, intelligent storage devices.
Panasas Inc. white paper, version 1.0, October 2003.
- panfilov:raid5:
Oleg A. Panfilov.
Performance analysis of RAID-5 disk arrays.
In Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Hawaii International Conference
on System Sciences, volume I, pages 49-60, January 1995.
- papadopouli:vbr-streams:
Maria Papadopouli and Leana Golubchik.
Support of VBR video
streams under disk bandwidth limitations.
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 25(3):13-20, December
- park:2disk:
Chan-Ik Park.
Efficient placement of parity and data to tolerate two disk failures in
disk array systems.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
6(11):1177-1184, November 1995.
- park:interface:
Yoonho Park, Ridgway Scott, and Stuart Sechrest.
Virtual memory
versus file interfaces for large, memory-intensive scientific
In Proceedings of Supercomputing '96. ACM Press and IEEE Computer
Society Press, November 1996.
Also available as UH Department of Computer Science Research Report
- park:pario:
Arvin Park and K. Balasubramanian.
Providing fault tolerance in parallel secondary storage
Technical Report CS-TR-057-86, Department of Computer Science, Princeton
University, November 1986.
- parsons:complex:
Ian Parsons, Jonathan Schaeffer, Duane Szafron, and Ron Unrau.
Using PI/OT to support complex parallel I/O.
In Proceedings of the Joint International Parallel Processing Symposium and
IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, pages 285-291.
IEEE Computer Society Press, March 1998.
- parsons:templates:
Ian Parsons, Ron Unrau, Jonathan Schaeffer, and Duane Szafron.
PI/OT: Parallel I/O templates.
Parallel Computing, 23(4):543-570, June 1997.
- pase:t3d-fortran:
Douglas M. Pase, Tom MacDonald, and Andrew Meltzer.
MPP Fortran programming model.
Technical report, Cray Research, Inc., October 11 1993.
- pasquale:characterization:
Barbara K. Pasquale and George C. Polyzos.
Dynamic I/O characterization of I/O intensive scientific
In Proceedings of Supercomputing '94, pages 660-669, 1994.
- pasquale:dynamic:
Barbara K. Pasquale and George C. Polyzos.
Dynamic I/O characterization of I/O intensive scientific
In Proceedings of Supercomputing '94, pages 660-669, Washington, DC,
November 1994. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- pasquale:iowork:
Barbara K. Pasquale and George C. Polyzos.
A static analysis of I/O characteristics of scientific applications in
a production workload.
In Proceedings of Supercomputing '93, pages 388-397, Portland, OR,
1993. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- pathforward-fs:
Statement of work: SGS file system.
ASCI PathForward Program: {DOE} National Nuclear Security Administration & the
{DOD} National Security Agency, April 2001.
- patt:iosubsystem:
Yale N. Patt.
The I/O subsystem: a candidate for improvement.
IEEE Computer, 27(3):15-16, March 1994.
- patterson:binformed:
R. Hugo Patterson, Garth A. Gibson, Eka Ginting, Daniel Stodolsky, and Jim
Informed prefetching and
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 16, pages 224-244. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version patterson:informed.
- patterson:braid:
David Patterson, Garth Gibson, and Randy Katz.
A case for redundant
arrays of inexpensive disks (RAID).
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 1, pages 3-14. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New York,
NY, 2001.
See also earlier version patterson:raid.
- patterson:informed:
R. Hugo Patterson, Garth A. Gibson, Eka Ginting, Daniel Stodolsky, and Jim
Informed prefetching and caching.
In Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems
Principles, pages 79-95, Copper Mountain, CO, December 1995. ACM
See also earlier version patterson:informed-tr.
See also later version patterson:binformed.
- patterson:informed-tr:
R. Hugo Patterson, Garth A. Gibson, Eka Ginting, Daniel Stodolsky, and Jim
Informed prefetching and caching.
Technical Report CMU-CS-95-134, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon
University, 1995.
See also later version patterson:informed.
- patterson:latency:
R. H. Patterson, G. A. Gibson, and M. Satyanarayanan.
Using transparent informed prefetching to reduce file read
In Proceedings of the 1992 NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems
and Technologies, pages 329-342, September 1992.
See also later version patterson:informed.
- patterson:pdis-tip:
R. Hugo Patterson and Garth A. Gibson.
Exposing I/O concurrency with informed prefetching.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Information Systems, pages 7-16, September 1994.
See also later version patterson:informed.
- patterson:raid:
David Patterson, Garth Gibson, and Randy Katz.
A case for redundant arrays of inexpensive disks (RAID).
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of
Data, pages 109-116, Chicago, IL, June 1988. ACM Press.
See also later version patterson:braid.
- patterson:raid2:
David Patterson, Peter Chen, Garth Gibson, and Randy H. Katz.
Introduction to redundant arrays of inexpensive disks (RAID).
In Proceedings of IEEE Compcon, pages 112-117, Spring 1989.
See also earlier version patterson:raid.
- patterson:snapmirror:
R. Hugo Patterson, Stephen Manley, Mike Federwisch, Dave Hitz, Steve Kleiman,
and Shane Owara.
SnapMirror: File-system-based asynchronous mirroring for
disaster recovery.
In Proceedings of the USENIX FAST '02 Conference on File and Storage
Technologies, pages 117-130, Monterey, CA, January 2002. USENIX
- patterson:tip:
R. Hugo Patterson, Garth A. Gibson, and M. Satyanarayanan.
status report on research in transparent informed prefetching.
ACM Operating Systems Review, 27(2):21-34, April 1993.
See also later version patterson:informed.
- patterson:tip2:
R. Hugo Patterson, Garth A. Gibson, and M. Satyanarayanan.
Informed prefetching: Converting high throughput to low
In Proceedings of the 1993 DAGS/PC Symposium, pages 41-55, Hanover,
NH, June 1993. Dartmouth Institute for Advanced Graduate Studies.
See also later version patterson:informed.
- patterson:vterabytes:
David Patterson.
$\gg$ teraflops (or why work on processors when I/O is where the action
Produced by University Video Communications, 1993.
- pawlowski:parsort:
Markus Pawlowski and Rudolf Bayer.
Parallel sorting of large data volumes on distributed memory
In Parallel Computer Architectures: Theory, Hardware, Software,
Applications, volume 732 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 246-264, Berlin, 1993. Springer-Verlag.
- pearson:sorting:
Matthew D. Pearson.
Fast out-of-core
sorting on parallel disk systems.
Technical Report PCS-TR99-351, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
Hanover, NH, June 1999.
- perez:allocation:
Jose Maria Perez, Felix Garcia, Jesus Carretero, Alejandro Calderon, and Luis
Miguel Sanchez.
Data allocation and load balancing for heterogeneous cluster
storage systems.
In Workshop on Parallel I/O in Cluster Computing and Computational
Grids, pages 718-723, Tokyo, May 2003. IEEE Computer Society Press.
Organized at the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the
Grid 2003.
- perez:apriori:
M. S. Pérez, R. A. Pons, F. Garc\'\ia, J. Carretero, and M. L. Córdoba.
An optimization of apriori algorithm through the usage of parallel I/O and
In Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing, number 2475 in Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, pages 449-452. Springer-Verlag, October
- perez:clfs:
F. Pérez, J. Carretero, P. de Miguel, F. Garc\'\ia, and L. Alonso.
CLFS design: A parallel file manager for multicomputers.
Technical Report FIM/82.1/DATSI/94, Universidad Politecnic Madrid, Madrid,
Spain, 1994.
- perez:cooperation:
María S. Pérez, Alberto Sánchez, Víctor Robles, José M. Pe\ na, and
Jemal Abawajy.
Cooperation model of a multiagent parallel file system for
In Proceedings of the Fouth IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster
Computing and the Grid, pages 595-601, Chicago, IL, April 2004. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- perez:evaluate:
F. Perez, J. Carretero, L. Alonso, P. De Miguel, and F. Garcia.
Evaluating ParFiSys: A high-performance parallel and distributed file
Journal of Systems Architecture, 43(8):533-542, May 1997.
- perez:gridexpand:
José M. Pérez, Félix Garcia, Jesús Carretero, Alejandro Calderón, and
Javier Fernández.
A parallel
I/O middleware to integrate heterogeneous storage resources on
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2970:124-131, March 2004.
- perez:hints:
María S. Pérez, Albert Sánchez, V\'\ictor Robles, José Pe\ na, and
Fernando Pérez.
Optimizations based on hints in a parallel
file system.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3038:347-354, June 2004.
- pfister:infiniband:
Gregory F. Pfister.
An introduction to the
InfiniBand architecture.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 42, pages 617-632. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
- philippsen:triton:
Michael Philippsen, Thomas M. Warschko, Walter F. Tichy, and Christian G.
Project Triton: towards improved programmability of parallel
In Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Hawaii International Conference
on System Sciences, volume I, pages 192-201, 1993.
- pierce:pario:
Paul Pierce.
A concurrent file system for a highly parallel mass storage
In Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers
and Applications, pages 155-160, Monterey, CA, March 1989. Golden Gate
Enterprises, Los Altos, CA.
- pinkenburg:tpo++:
Simon Pinkenburg and Wolfgang Rosenstiel.
Parallel I/O in an object-oriented message-passing library.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3241:251-258, November 2004.
- piriyakumar:enhanced:
Douglas Antony Louis Piriyakumar, Paul Levi, and Rolf Rabenseifner.
Enhanced file interoperability with parallel MPI file-I/O in image
In Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing
Interface, volume 2474 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 174-? Springer-Verlag, 2002.
- poole:sio-survey:
James T. Poole.
survey of I/O intensive applications.
Technical Report CCSF-38, Scalable I/O Initiative, Caltech Concurrent
Supercomputing Facilities, Caltech, 1994.
- poplawski:simulation:
Anna L. Poplawski and David M. Nicol.
An investigation of out-of-core parallel discrete-event
In Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, pages 524-530.
IEEE Computer Society Press, December 1999.
- poston:hpfs:
Alan Poston.
A high performance file system for UNIX.
In Proceedings of the USENIX Workshop on UNIX and Supercomputers,
pages 215-226, 1988.
- prabhakar:browsing:
Sunil Prabhakar, Divyakant Agrawal, Amr El Abbadi, Ambuj Singh, and Terence
Browsing and
placement of multiresolution images on parallel disks.
In Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 102-113, San Jose, CA, November 1997. ACM
- pratt:twofs:
Terrence W. Pratt, James C. French, Phillip M. Dickens, and Stanley A. Janet,
A comparison of the architecture and performance of two parallel file
In Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers
and Applications, pages 161-166, Monterey, CA, 1989. Golden Gate
Enterprises, Los Altos, CA.
- preslan:gfs:
Kenneth W. Preslan, Andrew P. Barry, Jonathan E. Brassow, Grant M. Erickson,
Erling Nygaard, Christopher J. Sabol, Steven R. Soltis, David C. Teigland,
and Matthew T. O'Keefe.
A 64-bit,
shared disk file system for Linux.
In Proceedings of the Seventh NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage
Systems and Technologies, pages 22-41, San Diego, CA, March 1999. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- prost:mpi-io:
Jean-Pierre Prost, Marc Snir, Peter Corbett, and Dror Feitelson.
MPI-IO, a message-passing interface for concurrent I/O.
Technical Report RC 19712 (87394), IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, August
- rab:raidbook:
The RAIDBook: A source book for RAID technology.
The RAID Advisory Board, Lino Lakes, MN, June 9 1993.
First Edition.
- rabenseifner:benchmark:
Rolf Rabenseifner, Alice E. Koniges, Jean-Pierre Prost, and Richard Hedges.
The parallel effective I/O bandwidth benchmark: b_eff_io.
In Christophe Cerin and Hai Jin, editors, Parallel I/O for Cluster
Computing, chapter 4, pages 107-132. Kogan Page Ltd., February
- rajaram:thesis:
Kumaran Rajaram.
Principal design criteria influencing the performance of a portable, high
performance parallel I/O implementation.
Master's thesis, Department of Computer Science, Mississippi State University,
May 2002.
- rajasekaran:out-of-core:
Sanguthevar Rajasekaran.
computing on mesh connected computers.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 64(11):1311-1317,
November 2004.
- rajasekaran:selection:
Sanguthevar Rajasekaran.
Selection algorithms for parallel disk systems.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 61(4):536-544, April
- ramachandran:msthesis:
Harish Ramachandran.
Design and implementation of the system interface for PVFS2.
Master's thesis, Clemson University, December 2002.
- rauch:partitioncast:
Felix Rauch, Christian Kurmann, and Thomas M. Stricker.
Partition cast- modelling and optimizing the distribution of large data sets in PC
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Euro-Par Conference, volume
1900 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1118-1131, Munich,
August 2000. Springer-Verlag.
- rauch:thesis:
Felix Rauch.
Distribution and
Storage of Data on Local and Remote Disks in Multi-Use Clusters of
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
(ETH Zurich), Zurich, Switzerland, 2003.
Full online publication to follow.
- reddy:compiler:
A. L. Narasimha Reddy, P. Banerjee, and D. K. Chen.
Compiler support for parallel I/O operations.
In Proceedings of the 1991 International Conference on Parallel
Processing, pages II:290-II:291, St. Charles, IL, 1991. CRC Press.
See also earlier version reddy:compiler-tr.
- reddy:compiler-tr:
A. L. Narasimha Reddy, P. Banerjee, and D. K. Chen.
Compiler support for parallel I/O operations.
Technical report, IBM Yorktown Heights, 1991.
Also appeared in ICPP '91.
See also later version reddy:compiler.
- reddy:hyperio1:
A. L. Reddy, P. Banerjee, and Santosh G. Abraham.
I/O embedding in hypercubes.
In Proceedings of the 1988 International Conference on Parallel
Processing, volume 1, pages 331-338, St. Charles, IL, 1988.
Pennsylvania State Univ. Press.
See also later version reddy:hyperio3.
- reddy:hyperio2:
A. L. Reddy and P. Banerjee.
I/O issues for hypercubes.
In ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, pages 72-81,
See also later version reddy:hyperio3.
- reddy:hyperio3:
A. L. Narasimha Reddy and Prithviraj Banerjee.
Design, analysis, and simulation of I/O architectures for hypercube
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1(2):140-151,
April 1990.
See also earlier version reddy:hyperio1.
- reddy:pario:
A. Reddy and P. Banerjee.
An evaluation of multiple-disk I/O systems.
In Proceedings of the 1989 International Conference on Parallel
Processing, pages I:315-322, St. Charles, IL, 1989. Pennsylvania State
Univ. Press.
See also later version reddy:pario2.
- reddy:pario2:
A. Reddy and P. Banerjee.
Evaluation of multiple-disk I/O systems.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 38:1680-1690, December 1989.
See also earlier version reddy:pario.
See also later version reddy:pario3.
- reddy:pario3:
A. L. Reddy and Prithviraj Banerjee.
A study of parallel disk organizations.
Computer Architecture News, 17(5):40-47, September 1989.
See also earlier version reddy:pario2.
- reddy:perfectio:
A. L. Narasimha Reddy and Prithviraj Banerjee.
A study of I/O behavior of Perfect benchmarks on a
In Proceedings of the 17th Annual International Symposium on Computer
Architecture, pages 312-321, 1990.
- reddy:thesis:
Narasimha Reddy L. Annapareddy.
Parallel Input/Output Architectures for Multiprocessors.
PhD thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, August 1990.
Available as technical report UILU-ENG-90-2235 or CRHC-90-5.
- reed:panel:
Daniel A. Reed, Charles Catlett, Alok Choudhary, David Kotz, and Marc Snir.
I/O: Getting ready for prime time.
IEEE Parallel and Distributed Technology, pages 64-71, Summer 1995.
Edited transcript of panel discussion at the 1994 International Conference on
Parallel Processing.
- reed:sio-book:
Daniel A. Reed, editor.
Scalable Input/Output:
Achieving System Balance.
Scientific and Engineering Computation. MIT Press, October 2003.
- rettberg:monarch:
Randall D. Rettberg, William R. Crowther, Philip P. Carvey, and Raymond S.
The Monarch Parallel Processor hardware design.
IEEE Computer, 23(4):18-30, April 1990.
- riedel:active-mining:
Erik Riedel, Garth Gibson, and Christos Faloutsos.
storage for large-scale data mining and multimedia..
In A. Gupta, O. Shmuel, and J. Widom, editors, 24th Annual International
Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'98), pages 62-73, New York,
NY, August 1998. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.
- riedel:thesis:
Erik Riedel.
Active Disks - Remote Execution for Network-Attached Storage.
PhD thesis, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, November 1999.
- riesen:experience:
Rolf Riesen, Arthur B. Maccabe, and Stephen R. Wheat.
Experience in implementing a parallel file system.
Available for ftp?, March 1993.
- rochberg:ctip:
David Rochberg and Garth Gibson.
Prefetching over a
network: Early experience with CTIP.
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 25(3):29-36, December
- rodriguez:nnt:
Bernardo Rodriguez, Leslie Hart, and Tom Henderson.
Programming regular grid-based weather simulation models for portable
and fast execution.
In Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on Parallel
Processing, pages III:51-59, St. Charles, IL, August 1995. CRC
- rosales:cds:
F. Rosales, J. Carretero, F. Pérez, P. de Miguel, F. Garc\'\ia, and L.
CDS design: A parallel disk server for multicomputers.
Technical Report FIM/83.1/DATSI/94, Universidad Politecnic Madrid, Madrid,
Spain, 1994.
- rosti:impact:
Emilia Rosti, Giuseppe Serazzi, Evgenia Smirni, and Mark S. Squillante.
The impact of I/O on program behavior and parallel
In Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Measurement and
Modeling of Computer Systems, pages 56-65. ACM Press, June 1998.
- rothnie:ksr:
James Rothnie.
Kendall Square Research: introduction to the KSR1.
In Proceedings of the 1992 DAGS/PC Symposium, pages 200-210, Hanover,
NH, June 23-27 1992. Dartmouth Institute for Advanced Graduate Studies.
- roy:unixfile:
Paul J. Roy.
Unix file access and caching in a multicomputer environment.
In Proceedings of the Usenix {Mach III} Symposium, pages 21-37,
- rullman:interface:
Brad Rullman and David Payne.
An efficient file I/O interface for parallel applications.
DRAFT presented at the Workshop on Scalable I/O, Frontiers '95, February
- ryan:cfs:
Steve Ryan.
workload demonstration code.
WWW ftp://ftp.cs.dartmouth.edu/pub/pario/examples/CFS3D.tar.Z, July 1991.
A simple program demonstrating CFS usage for ARC3D-like applications.
- ryan:navier:
J. S. Ryan and S. K. Weeratunga.
Parallel computation of 3-D Navier-Stokes flowfields for supersonic
In 31st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, 1993.
AIAA Paper 93-0064.
- salem:diskstripe:
Kenneth Salem and Hector Garcia-Molina.
Disk striping.
In Proceedings of the IEEE 1986 Conference on Data Engineering, pages
336-342, 1986.
See also earlier version salem:striping.
- salem:striping:
Kenneth Salem and Hector Garcia-Molina.
Disk striping.
Technical Report 332, EECS Dept. Princeton Univ., December 1984.
See also later version salem:disktripe.
- salmon:cubix:
John Salmon.
CUBIX: Programming hypercubes without programming hosts.
In Proceedings of the Second Conference on Hypercube Multiprocessors,
pages 3-9, 1986.
- salmon:nbody:
John Salmon and Michael Warren.
out-of-core methods for N-body simulation.
In Proceedings of the Eighth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for
Scientific Computing, March 1997.
- sanders:async:
Peter Sanders.
Asynchronous scheduling of redundant disk arrays..
In Twelfth ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures,
pages 89-98, Bar Harbour, MN, USA, July 2000. ACM Press.
See also later version #sanders:jasync#.
- sanders:datatypes:
Darren Sanders, Yoonho Park, and Maciej Brodowicz.
Implementation and
performance of MPI-IO file access using MPI datatypes.
Technical Report UH-CS-96-12, University of Houston, November 1996.
- sanders:jasync:
Peter Sanders.
Asynchronous scheduling of redundant disk arrays.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 52(9):1170-1184, September 2003.
- sanders:models:
P. Sanders.
Reconciling simplicity and realism in parallel disk models.
Parallel Computing, 28(5):705-723, May 2002.
- savage:afraid:
Stefan Savage and John Wilkes.
AFRAID- a frequently redundant array of independent disks.
In Proceedings of the 1996 USENIX Technical Conference, pages 27-39,
January 1996.
- scheuermann:partition:
Peter Scheuermann, Gerhard Weikum, and Peter Zabback.
Data partitioning and load balancing in parallel disk systems.
Technical Report 209, ETH Zurich, January 1994.
See also later version scheuermann:partition2.
- scheuermann:partition2:
Peter Scheuermann, Gerhard Weikum, and Peter Zabback.
Data partitioning and load balancing in parallel disk
The VLDB Journal, 7(1):48-66, February 1998.
See also earlier version scheuermann:partition.
- scheuermann:tunable:
Peter Scheuermann, Gerhard Weikum, and Peter Zabback.
The case for tunable disk arrays.
Publication status unknown., 1993.
- schikuta:bookchap:
Erich Schikuta and Heinz Stokinger.
Parallel I/O for clusters: Methodologies and systems.
In Rajkumar Buyya, editor, High Peformance Cluster Computing, pages
439-462. Prentice Hall PTR, 1999.
- schikuta:pario:
Erich Schikuta and Helmut Wanek.
Parallel I/O.
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications,
15(2):162-168, Summer 2001.
- schloss:hcsa:
Gary Schloss and Michael Vernick.
hybrid client-server architecture.
In Proceedings of the IPPS '95 Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 63-77, April 1995.
See also later version schloss:hcsa-book.
- schloss:hcsa-book:
Gerhard A. Schloss and Michael Vernick.
HCSA: A hybrid client-server architecture.
In Jain et al. [iopads-book], chapter 15,
pages 333-351.
See also earlier version schloss:hcsa.
- schneider:sp2-io:
David Schneider.
Application I/O and related issues on the SP2,
Available at
- schulz:semantic:
Martin Schulz and Daniel A. Reed.
Using semantic information to guide efficient i/o on clusters.
In Proceedings of the Eleventh IEEE International Symposium on High
Performance Distributed Computing, pages 135-142, Edinburgh, Scotland,
2002. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- schulze:raid:
Martin Schulze.
in the design of a RAID prototype.
Technical Report UCB/CSD 88/448, UC Berkeley, August 1988.
- schulze:raid2:
Martin Schulze, Garth Gibson, Randy Katz, and David Patterson.
How reliable is a RAID?.
In Proceedings of IEEE Compcon, Spring 1989.
See also earlier version chen:raid.
- schwabe:flexible:
Eric J. Schwabe and Ian M. Sutherland.
Flexible use of parity storage space in disk arrays.
In Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and
Architectures, pages 99-108, Padua, Italy, June 1996. ACM Press.
- schwabe:jlayouts:
Eric J. Schwabe, Ian M. Sutherland, and Bruce K. Holmer.
Evaluating approximately balanced parity-declustered data layouts for
disk arrays.
Parallel Computing, 23(4):501-523, June 1997.
See also earlier version schwabe:layouts.
- schwabe:layouts:
Eric J. Schwabe, Ian M. Sutherland, and Bruce K. Holmer.
Evaluating approximately balanced parity-declustered data layouts for
disk arrays.
In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 41-54, Philadelphia, May 1996. ACM
See also later version schwabe:jlayouts.
- scott:matrix:
David S. Scott.
Parallel I/O and solving out of core systems of linear
In Proceedings of the 1993 DAGS/PC Symposium, pages 123-130, Hanover,
NH, June 1993. Dartmouth Institute for Advanced Graduate Studies.
- scott:solvers:
David S. Scott.
Out of core dense solvers on Intel parallel supercomputers.
In Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively
Parallel Computation, pages 484-487, 1992.
- seamons:compressed:
K. E. Seamons and M. Winslett.
A data
management approach for handling large compressed arrays in high performance
In Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively
Parallel Computation, pages 119-128, February 1995.
- seamons:interface:
K. E. Seamons and M. Winslett.
An efficient
abstract interface for multidimensional array I/O.
In Proceedings of Supercomputing '94, pages 650-659, Washington, DC,
November 1994. IEEE Computer Society Press.
See also later version seamons:jpanda.
- seamons:jpanda:
Kent E. Seamons and Marianne Winslett.
Multidimensional array I/O in Panda 1.0.
Journal of Supercomputing, 10(2):191-211, 1996.
See also earlier version seamons:interface.
- seamons:msio:
K. E. Seamons, Y. Chen, M. Winslett, Y. Cho, S. Kuo, P. Jones, J. Jozwiak, and
M. Subramanian.
Fast and easy
I/O for arrays in large-scale applications, October 1995.
At SPDP'95.
- seamons:panda:
K. E. Seamons, Y. Chen, P. Jones, J. Jozwiak, and M. Winslett.
Server-directed collective I/O in Panda.
In Proceedings of Supercomputing '95, San Diego, CA, December 1995.
IEEE Computer Society Press.
- seamons:schemas:
K. E. Seamons and M. Winslett.
Physical schemas
for large multidimensional arrays in scientific computing
In Proceedings of the 7th International Working Conference on Scientific
and Statistical Database Management, pages 218-227, September
- seamons:thesis:
Kent E. Seamons.
Fast Access to Persistent Arrays Using High Level Interfaces and Server
Directed Input/Output.
PhD thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 1996.
- segawa:pvfs-pm:
Koji Segawa, Osamu Tatebe, Yuetsu Kodama, Tomohiro Kudoh, and Toshiyuki
Design and implementation of PVFS-PM: a cluster file system
on SCore.
In Workshop on Parallel I/O in Cluster Computing and Computational
Grids, pages 705-711, Tokyo, May 2003. National Institute of Advanced
Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), IEEE Computer Society Press.
Organized at the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the
Grid 2003.
- shah:algorithms:
Rahul Shah, Peter J. Varman, and Jeffrey Scott Vitter.
Online algorithms
for prefetching and caching on parallel disks.
In Proceedings of the Sixteenth Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and
Architectures, volume 16, pages 255-264, Barcelona, Spain, June
- shen:data-management:
X. H. Shen, W. K. Liao, A. Chouldhary, G. Memik, and M. Kandemir.
A high-performance application data environment for large-scale
scientific computations.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
14(12):1262-1274, December 2003.
- shen:dpfs:
Xiaohui H. Shen and Alok Choudhary.
high-performance distributed parallel file system for data-intensive
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 64(10):1157-1167,
September 2004.
- shi:dma-raid:
Zhan Shi, Jiangling Zhang, and Xinrong Zhou.
Using DMA aligned buffer to improve
software raid performance.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3038:355-362, June 2004.
- shieh:dsm-pario:
Ce-Kuen Shieh, Su-Cheong Mac, and Jyh-Chang Ueng.
Improving the
performance of distributed shared memory systems via parallel file
Journal of systems and software, 44(1):3-15, December 1998.
- shin:hartsio:
Kang G. Shin and Greg Dykema.
A distributed I/O architecture for HARTS.
In Proceedings of the 17th Annual International Symposium on Computer
Architecture, pages 332-342, 1990.
- shirriff:sawmill:
Ken Shirriff and John Ousterhout.
Sawmill: A high-bandwidth logging file system.
In Proceedings of the 1994 Summer USENIX Technical Conference, pages
125-136, 1994.
- shock:database:
Carter T. Shock, Chialin Chang, Bongki Moon, Anurag Acharya, Larry Davis, Joel
Saltz, and Alan Sussman.
The design
and evaluation of a high-performance earth science database.
Parallel Computing, 24(1):65-89, January 1998.
- shriver:api-tr:
Elizabeth A. M. Shriver and Leonard F. Wisniewski.
An API for
choreographing data accesses.
Technical Report PCS-TR95-267, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
November 1995.
- shriver:models-algs:
Elizabeth Shriver and Mark Nodine.
An introduction to parallel I/O models and algorithms.
In Jain et al. [iopads-book], chapter 2,
pages 31-68.
- si-woong:cluster:
Jang Si-Woong, Chung Ki-Dong, and Sam Coleman.
and implementation of a network-wide concurrent file system in a workstation
In Proceedings of the Fourteenth IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage
Systems, pages 239-245. IEEE Computer Society Press, September
- sicola:storageworks:
Stephen J. Sicola.
The architecture and design of HS-series StorageWorks array
Digital Technical Journal, 6(4):5-25, Fall 1994.
- simitci:patterns:
Huseyin Simitci and Daniel Reed.
A comparison of logical and physical parallel I/O patterns.
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications,
12(3):364-380, Fall 1998.
- simitci:striping:
Huseyin Simitci and Daniel A. Reed.
Adaptive disk striping for parallel input/output.
In Proceedings of the Seventh NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage
Systems and Technologies, pages 88-102, San Diego, CA, March 1999. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- sinclair:instability:
James B. Sinclair, Jay Tang, and Peter J. Varman.
Instability in parallel I/O systems.
In Proceedings of the IPPS '94 Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel
Computer Systems, pages 16-35. Rice University, April 1994.
Also appeared in Computer Architecture News 22(4).
See also later version sinclair:instability-book.
- sinclair:instability-book:
J. B. Sinclair, J. Tang, and P. J. Varman.
Placement-related problems in shared disk I/O.
In Jain et al. [iopads-book], chapter 12,
pages 271-289.
See also earlier version sinclair:instability.
- sinclair:placement:
J. B. Sinclair, J. Tang, P. J. Varman, and B. R. Iyer.
Impact of data placement on parallel I/O systems.
In Proceedings of the 1993 International Conference on Parallel
Processing, pages III-276-279, St. Charles, IL, 1993. CRC Press.
- singh:adopt:
Tarvinder Pal Singh and Alok Choudhary.
A dynamic scheme for optimal prefetching in parallel file
Technical report, NPAC, June 1994.
- sivathanu:dgraid:
Muthian Sivathanu, Vijayan Prabhakaran, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, and Remzi H.
Improving storage system availability with D-GRAID.
In Proceedings of the USENIX FAST '04 Conference on File and Storage
Technologies, pages 15-30, San Francisco, CA, March 2004. University of
Wisconsin, Madison, USENIX Association.
- smirni:bevolutionary:
Evgenia Smirni, Ruth A. Aydt, Andrew A. Chien, and Daniel A. Reed.
I/O requirements of
scientific applications: An evolutionary view.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 40, pages 576-594. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version smirni:evolutionary.
- smirni:evolutionary:
Evgenia Smirni, Ruth A. Aydt, Andrew A. Chien, and Daniel A. Reed.
I/O requirements of scientific applications: An evolutionary
In Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Symposium on High
Performance Distributed Computing, pages 49-59, Syracuse, NY, 1996.
IEEE Computer Society Press.
See also later version smirni:bevolutionary.
- smirni:lessons:
E. Smirni and D.A. Reed.
Lessons from
characterizing the input/output behavior of parallel scientific
Performance Evaluation: An International Journal, 33(1):27-44, June
See also earlier version smirni:workload.
- smirni:workload:
E. Smirni and D.A. Reed.
Workload characterization of input/output intensive parallel
In Proceedings of the Conference on Modelling Techniques and Tools for
Computer Performance Evaluation, volume 1245 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 169-180. Springer-Verlag, June 1997.
See also later version smirni:lessons.
- smotherman:taxonomy:
Mark Smotherman.
A sequencing-based taxonomy of I/O systems and review of historical
Computer Architecture News, 17(5):5-15, September 1989.
- snir:hpfio:
Marc Snir.
Proposal for IO.
Posted to HPFF I/O Forum, August 31, 1992.
Second Draft.
- sobti:personalraid:
Sumeet Sobti, Nitin Garg, Chi Zhang, Xiang Yu, Arvind Krishnamurty, and
Randolph Y. Wang.
PersonalRAID: Mobile storage for distributed and disconnected
In Proceedings of the USENIX FAST '02 Conference on File and Storage
Technologies, pages 159-174, Monterey, CA, January 2002. USENIX
- soloviev:prefetching:
Valery V. Soloviev.
Prefetching in segmented disk cache for multi-disk systems.
In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 69-82, Philadelphia, May 1996. ACM
- soltis:gfs:
Steven R. Soltis, Thomas M. Ruwart, and Matthew T. O'Keefe.
The Global File
In Proceedings of the Fifth NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems
and Technologies, pages 319-342, College Park, MD, September 1996. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
See also later version soltis:bgfs.
- solworth:mirror:
John A. Solworth and Cyril U. Orji.
Distorted mirrors.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Information Systems, pages 10-17, December 1991.
See also later version solworth:mirror2.
- solworth:mirror2:
John A. Solworth and Cyril U. Orji.
Distorted mirrors.
Journal of Distributed and Parallel Databases, 1(1):81-102, January
See also earlier version solworth:mirror.
- spencer:pipeline:
M. Spencer, R. Ferreira, M. Beynon, T. Kurc, U. Catalyurek, A. Sussman, and J.
multiple pipelined data analysis operations in the grid.
In Proceedings of SC2002: High Performance Networking and Computing,
Baltimore, Maryland, November 2002.
- srinilta:strategies:
Chutimet Srinilta, Divyesh Jadav, and Alok Choudhary.
Design and
evaluation of data storage and retrieval strategies in a distributed memory
continuous media server.
In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Parallel Processing
Symposium, pages 360-367, April 1997.
- stabile:disks:
James Joseph Stabile.
Disk scheduling algorithms for a multiple disk system.
Master's thesis, UC Davis, 1988.
- steenkiste:net:
Peter Steenkiste.
A high-speed network interface for distributed-memory systems:
Architecture and applications.
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 15(1):75-109, February
- stockinger:dictionary:
Heinz Stockinger.
on parallel input/output.
Master's thesis, Department of Data Engineering, University of Vienna, February
- stodolsky:blogging:
Daniel Stodolsky, Garth Gibson, and Mark Holland.
Parity logging overcoming
the small write problem in redundant disk arrays.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 5, pages 67-80. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version stodolsky:logging.
- stodolsky:jlogging:
Daniel Stodolsky, Mark Holland, William V. Courtright II, and Garth A. Gibson.
Parity-logging disk arrays.
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 12(3):206-235, August 1994.
See also earlier version stodolsky:logging.
- stodolsky:logging:
Daniel Stodolsky, Garth Gibson, and Mark Holland.
Parity logging: Overcoming the small write problem in
redundant disk arrays.
In Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Symposium on Computer
Architecture, pages 64-75, 1993.
See also earlier version stodolsky:logging-tr.
See also later version stodolsky:jlogging.
- stodolsky:logging-tr:
Daniel Stodolsky, Mark Holland, William V. Courtright II, and Garth A. Gibson.
A redundant disk array architecture for efficient small
Technical Report CMU-CS-94-170, Carnegie Mellon University, July 1994.
Revised from CMU-CS-93-200.
See also later version stodolsky:logging.
- stone:query:
Harold S. Stone.
Parallel querying of large databases: A case study.
IEEE Computer, 20(10):11-21, October 1987.
- stonebraker:bradd:
Michael Stonebraker and Gerhard A. Schloss.
Distributed RAID- a new
multiple copy algorithm.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 6, pages 81-89. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version stonebraker:radd.
- stonebraker:radd:
Michael Stonebraker and Gerhard A. Schloss.
Distributed RAID - A new multiple copy algorithm.
In Proceedings of 6th International Data Engineering Conference, pages
430-437, 1990.
See also later version stonebraker:bradd.
- stonebraker:xprs:
Michael Stonebraker, Randy Katz, David Patterson, and John Ousterhout.
The design of XPRS.
Technical Report UCB/ERL M88/19, UC Berkeley, March 1988.
- subramaniam:msthesis:
Mahesh Subramaniam.
Efficient implementation of server-directed i/o.
Master's thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Illinois, June
- sun:dynamic:
Weitao T. Sun, Jiwu W. Shu, and Weimin M. Zheng.
Dynamic file allocation in storage area networks with neural network
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3174:719-724, June 2004.
- taber:metadisk:
David Taber.
MetaDisk driver technical description.
SunFlash electronic mailing list 22(9), October 1990.
- takahashi:performance:
Naoua Takahashi and Yasuo Kurosu.
Performance improvement of disk array subsystems having shared cache
and control memories.
Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication
Engineers D-I, J86-D-I(6):375-388, June 2003.
- talia:data-intensive:
Domenico Talia and Pradip K. Srimani.
Parallel data-intensive algorithms and applications.
Parallel Computing, 28(5):669-671, May 2002.
- tan:pizzas:
Michael Tan, Nick Roussopoulos, and Steve Kelley.
Tower of Pizzas.
Technical Report UMIACS-TR-95-52, University of Maryland Institute for Advanced
Computer Studies (UMIACS), April 1995.
- taylor:magic:
Herb Taylor, Danny Chin, and Stan Knight.
The Magic video-on-demand server and real-time simulation
IEEE Parallel and Distributed Technology, 3(2):40-51, Summer
- tennenhouse:debug:
Marsha Tennenhouse and Dror Zernik.
debugging of parallel file system programs.
Technical report, IBM, March 1995.
- tewari:bhigh:
Renu Tewari, Daniel M. Dias, Rajat Mukherjee, and Harrick M. Vin.
High availability in
clustered multimedia servers.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 38, pages 555-565. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version tewari:high.
- tewari:high:
Renu Tewari, Daniel M. Dias, Rajat Mukherjee, and Harrick M. Vin.
High availability in clustered multimedia servers.
In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Data
Engineering, pages 645-654, 1996.
See also later version tewari:bhigh.
- thakur:abstract:
Rajeev Thakur, William Gropp, and Ewing Lusk.
abstract-device interface for implementing portable parallel-I/O
In Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively
Parallel Computation, pages 180-187, October 1996.
See also earlier version thakur:abstract-tr.
- thakur:abstract-tr:
Rajeev Thakur, William Gropp, and Ewing Lusk.
abstract-device interface for implementing portable parallel-I/O
Technical Report MCS-P592-0596, Argonne National Laboratory, Mathematics and
Computer Science Division, May 1996.
See also later version thakur:abstract.
- thakur:applications:
Rajeev Thakur, Ewing Lusk, and William Gropp.
I/O in
parallel applications: The weakest link.
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications,
12(4):389-395, Winter 1998.
In a Special Issue on I/O in Parallel Applications.
- thakur:astrophysics:
Rajeev Thakur, Ewing Lusk, and William Gropp.
characterization of a portable astrophysics application on the IBM SP and
Intel Paragon.
Technical Report MCS-P534-0895, Argonne National Laboratory, August 1995.
Revised October 1995.
- thakur:evaluation:
Rajeev Thakur, William Gropp, and Ewing Lusk.
experimental evaluation of the parallel I/O systems of the IBM SP and Intel
Paragon using a production application.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference of the Austrian Center
for Parallel Computation (ACPC), volume 1127 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 24-35. Springer-Verlag, September 1996.
See also earlier version thakur:evaluation-tr.
- thakur:evaluation-tr:
Rajeev Thakur, William Gropp, and Ewing Lusk.
An experimental evaluation of the parallel I/O systems of the IBM SP
and Intel Paragon using a production application.
Technical Report MCS-P569-0296, Argonne National Laboratory, February
See also later version thakur:evaluation.
- thakur:ext2phase:
Rajeev Thakur and Alok Choudhary.
Accessing sections of out-of-core arrays using an extended two-phase
Technical Report SCCS-685, NPAC, Syracuse University, January 1995.
See also later version thakur:ext2phase2.
- thakur:ext2phase2:
Rajeev Thakur and Alok Choudhary.
An extended
two-phase method for accessing sections of out-of-core arrays.
Technical Report CACR-103, Scalable I/O Initiative, Center for Advanced
Computing Research, Caltech, June 1995.
Revised November 1995.
See also earlier version thakur:ext2phase.
See also later version thakur:jext2phase.
- thakur:jext2phase:
Rajeev Thakur and Alok Choudhary.
An Extended
Two-Phase Method for Accessing Sections of Out-of-Core Arrays.
Scientific Programming, 5(4):301-317, Winter 1996.
See also earlier version thakur:ext2phase2.
- thakur:jpassion:
Rajeev Thakur, Alok Choudhary, Rajesh Bordawekar, Sachin More, and
Sivaramakrishna Kuditipudi.
Optimized I/O for parallel applications.
IEEE Computer, 29(6):70-78, June 1996.
- thakur:mpi:
Rajeev Thakur, William Gropp, and Ewing Lusk.
A case for using MPI's
derived datatypes to improve I/O performance.
In Proceedings of SC98: High Performance Networking and Computing. ACM
Press, November 1998.
See also earlier version thakur:mpi-tr.
- thakur:mpi-io-implement:
Rajeev Thakur, William Gropp, and Ewing Lusk.
implementing MPI-IO portably and with high performance.
In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 23-32, May 1999.
See also earlier version thakur:mpi-io-implement-tr.
- thakur:mpi-io-implement-tr:
Rajeev Thakur, William Gropp, and Ewing Lusk.
implementing MPI-IO portably and with high performance.
Technical Report ANL/MCS-P732-1098, Mathematics and Computer Science Division,
Argonne National Laboratory, October 1998.
See also later version thakur:mpi-io-implement.
- thakur:mpi-tr:
Rajeev Thakur, William Gropp, and Ewing Lusk.
A case for using MPI's
derived datatypes to improve I/O performance.
Technical Report ANL/MCS-P717-0598, Mathematics and Computer Science Division,
Argonne National Laboratory, May 1998.
See also later version thakur:mpi.
- thakur:noncontigous:
Rajeev Thakur, William Gropp, and Ewing Lusk.
Optimizing noncontiguous accesses in MPI-IO.
Parallel Computing, 28(1):83-105, January 2002.
- thakur:out-of-core:
Rajeev Thakur, Rajesh Bordawekar, and Alok Choudhary.
Compilation of out-of-core data parallel programs for distributed
memory machines.
In Proceedings of the IPPS '94 Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel
Computer Systems, pages 54-72. Syracuse University, April 1994.
Also appeared in Computer Architecture News 22(4).
See also later version thakur:out-of-core-book.
- thakur:out-of-core-book:
Rajeev Thakur and Alok Choudhary.
Runtime support for out-of-core parallel programs.
In Jain et al. [iopads-book], chapter 6,
pages 147-165.
See also earlier version thakur:out-of-core.
- thakur:passion:
Rajeev Thakur, Rajesh Bordawekar, Alok Choudhary, Ravi Ponnusamy, and Tarvinder
PASSION runtime library for parallel I/O.
In Proceedings of the Scalable Parallel Libraries Conference, pages
119-128, October 1994.
See also later version thakur:jpassion.
- thakur:romio:
Rajeev Thakur, William Gropp, and Ewing Lusk.
sieving and collective I/O in ROMIO.
In Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively
Parallel Computation, pages 182-189. IEEE Computer Society Press,
February 1999.
See also earlier version thakur:romio-tr.
- thakur:romio-tr:
Rajeev Thakur, William Gropp, and Ewing Lusk.
sieving and collective I/O in ROMIO.
Technical Report ANL/MCS-P723-0898, Mathematics and Computer Science Division,
Argonne National Laboratory, August 1998.
See also later version thakur:romio.
- thakur:romio-users:
Rajeev Thakur, Ewing Lusk, and William Gropp.
Users guide for ROMIO: A high-performance, portable MPI-IO
Technical Report ANL/MCS-TM-234, Mathematics and Computer Science Division,
Argonne National Laboratory, October 1997.
- thakur:runtime:
R. Thakur, R. Bordawekar, and A. Choudhary.
Compiler and Runtime Support for Out-of-Core HPF
In Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on
Supercomputing, pages 382-391, Manchester, UK, July 1994. ACM
- thakur:thesis:
Rajeev Thakur.
Support for In-Core and Out-of-Core Data-Parallel Programs.
PhD thesis, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Syracuse
University, May 1995.
- think:cm-2:
Connection Machine model CM-2 technical summary.
Technical Report HA87-4, Thinking Machines, April 1987.
- think:cm5:
The Connection Machine CM-5 Technical Summary.
Thinking Machines Corporation, October 1991.
- think:cm5io:
The CM-5 I/O system.
Thinking Machines Corporation glossy, 1993.
- think:cmmd:
Thinking Machines Corporation.
CMMD User's Guide, January 1992.
- think:sda:
CM-5 scalable disk array.
Thinking Machines Corporation glossy, November 1992.
- thomas:panda:
Joel T. Thomas.
Panda array I/O library on the Galley parallel file system.
Technical Report PCS-TR96-288, Dept. of Computer Science, Dartmouth College,
June 1996.
Senior Honors Thesis.
- thomasian:allocation:
Alexander Thomasian.
Data allocation and scheduling in disks
and disk arrays.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2965:357-384, April 2004.
- tierney:cache:
Brian L. Tierney, Jason Lee, Brian Crowley, Mason Holding, Jeremy Hylton, and
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
A network-aware distributed storage cache for data-intensive
In Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Symposium on High
Performance Distributed Computing, pages 185-193, Redondo Beach, CA,
August 1999. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- tmc:cmio:
Thinking Machines Corporation.
Programming the CM I/O System, November 1990.
- tobis:foam:
Michael Tobis, Chad Schafer, Ian Foster, Robert Jacob, and John Anderson.
FOAM: Expanding the
horizons of climate modeling.
In Proceedings of SC97: High Performance Networking and Computing.
IEEE Computer Society Press, November 1997.
- toledo:solar:
Sivan Toledo and Fred G. Gustavson.
The design and implementation of SOLAR, a portable library for scalable
out-of-core linear algebra computations.
In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 28-40, Philadelphia, May 1996. ACM
- toledo:survey:
Sivan Toledo.
A survey of out-of-core algorithms in numerical linear
In Abello and Vitter [abello:dimacs], pages
- tomkins:multi-process:
Andrew Tomkins, R. Hugo Patterson, and Garth Gibson.
Informed multi-process prefetching and caching.
In Proceedings of the 1997 ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and
Modeling of Computer Systems, pages 100-114. ACM Press, June 1997.
- torrellas:PnetCDF:
Jianwei Li, Wei keng Liao, Alok Choudhary, Robert Ross, Rajeev Thakur, William
Gropp, Rob Latham, Andrew Siegel, Brad Gallagher, and Michael Zingale.
Parallel netCDF: A high-performance scientific I/O interface.
In Proceedings of SC2003: High Performance Networking and Computing,
Phoenix, AZ, November 2003. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- towsley:cpuio:
Donald F. Towsley.
The effects of CPU: I/O overlap in computer system
In Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Symposium on Computer
Architecture, pages 238-241, April 1978.
- towsley:cpuio-parallel:
D. Towsley, K. M. Chandy, and J. C. Browne.
Models for parallel processing within programs: Application to CPU: I/O
and I/O: I/O overlap.
Communications of the ACM, 21(10):821-831, October 1978.
- trabado:io:
Guillermo P. Trabado and E. L. Zapata.
Support for massive data input/output on parallel computers.
In Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Compilers for Parallel
Computers, pages 347-356, June 1995.
- tran:adaptive:
Nancy Tran and Daniel A. Reed.
ARIMA time series
modeling and forecasting for adaptive I/O prefetching.
In Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Supercomputing,
pages 473-485, June 2001.
- tran:jadaptive:
Nancy Tran and Daniel A. Reed.
Automatic ARIMA time series modeling for adaptive I/O prefetching.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 15(4):362-377,
April 2004.
See also earlier version tran:adaptive.
- triantafillou:overlay:
Peter Triantafillou and Christos Faloutsos.
striping and optimal parallel I/O for modern applications.
Parallel Computing, 24(1):21-43, January 1998.
- tridgell:hidios:
Andrew Tridgell and David Walsh.
HiDIOS filesystem.
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Parallel Computing
Workshop, pages 53-63, London, England, September 1995.
- trieber:raid5:
Kent Treiber and Jai Menon.
Simulation study of cached RAID5 designs.
In Proceedings of the First Conference on High-Performance Computer
Architecture, pages 186-197. IEEE Computer Society Press, January
- tsujita:mpi-io:
Yuichi Tsujita.
Effective nonblocking MPI-I/O in remote I/O
operations using a multithreaded mechanism.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3358:34-43, November 2004.
- tsujita:stampi:
Yuichi Tsujita, Toshiyuki Imamura, Hiroshi Takemiya, and Nobuhiro Yamagishi.
Stampi-I/O: A flexible parallel-I/O library for heterogeneous
computing environment.
In Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing
Interface, volume 2474 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 288-? Springer-Verlag, 2002.
- tsujita:stampi2:
Yuichi Tsujita.
Implementation of an MPI-I/0 mechanism using PVFS in remote
I/0 to a PC cluster..
In Seventh International Conference on High Performance Computing and Grid
in Asia Pacific Region, pages 136-139, Tokyo, Japan, July 2004. Kinki
University, Japan, Los Alamitos, CA, USA : IEEE Comput. Soc, 2004.
- uk:protein-folding:
B. Uk, M. Taufer, T. Stricker, G. Settanni, A. Cavalli, and A. Caflisch.
Combining task- and data parallelism to speed up protein
folding on a desktop grid platform.
In Proceedings of the Third IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster
Computing and the Grid, pages 240-249, Tokyo, Japan, May 2003. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- uysal:mems:
Mustafa Uysal, Arif Merchant, and Guillermo A. Alvarez.
MEMS-based storage in disk arrays.
In Proceedings of the USENIX FAST '03 Conference on File and Storage
Technologies, pages 89-101, San Francisco, CA, April 2003. USENIX
- vaitzblit:media:
Lev Vaitzblit.
The design and implementation of a high-bandwidth file service for
continuous media.
Master's thesis, MIT, September 1991.
- vandegoor:unixio:
A. J. van de Goor and A. Moolenaar.
UNIX I/O in a multiprocessor system.
In Proceedings of the 1988 Winter USENIX Conference, pages 251-258,
- vanderleest:contention:
Steven VanderLeest and Ravishankar K. Iyer.
Measurement of I/O bus contention and correlation among heterogeneous
device types in a single-bus multiprocessor system.
In Proceedings of the IPPS '94 Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel
Computer Systems, pages 36-53. Univ of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign,
April 1994.
Also appeared in Computer Architecture News 22(4).
See also later version sinclair:instability-book.
- vanderleest:contention-book:
Steven H. VanderLeest and Ravishankar K. Iyer.
Heterogeneous I/O contention in a single-bus multiprocessor.
In Jain et al. [iopads-book], chapter 14,
pages 313-331.
See also earlier version vanderleest:contention.
- varki:issues:
E. Varki, A. Merchant, J. Z. Xu, and X. Z. Qiu.
Issues and challenges in the performance analysis of real disk
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 15(6):559 -
574, June 2004.
- varma:bdestage:
Anujan Varma and Quinn Jacobson.
Destage algorithms for
disk arrays with non-volatile caches.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 10, pages 129-146. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version varma:destage.
- varma:destage:
Anujan Varma and Quinn Jacobson.
Destage algorithms
for disk arrays with non-volatile caches.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 47(2), February 1998.
See also later version varma:bdestage.
- varman:bounds:
Peter J. Varman and Rakesh M. Verma.
bounds for prefetching and buffer management algorithms for parallel I/O
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
10(12):1262-1275, December 1999.
- vellanki:predict:
Vivekanand Vellanki and Ann Chervenak.
cost-benefit scheme for high performance predictive prefetching.
In Proceedings of SC99: High Performance Networking and Computing,
Portland, OR, November 1999. ACM Press and IEEE Computer Society Press.
- vengroff:TPIE:
Darren Erik Vengroff.
transparent parallel I/O environment.
In Proceedings of the 1994 DAGS/PC Symposium, pages 117-134, Hanover,
NH, July 1994. Dartmouth Institute for Advanced Graduate Studies.
- vengroff:efficient:
Darren Erik Vengroff and Jeffrey Scott Vitter.
Supporting I/O-efficient scientific computation in TPIE.
In Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed
Processing, pages 74-77, San Antonio, TX, October 1995. IEEE Computer
Society Press.
See also earlier version vengroff:efficient-tr.
See also later version vengroff:efficient2.
- vengroff:efficient-tr:
Darren Erik Vengroff and Jeffrey Scott Vitter.
I/O-efficient scientific computation using TPIE.
Technical Report CS-1995-18, Dept. of Computer Science, Duke University, July
See also later version vengroff:efficient.
- vengroff:efficient2:
Darren Erik Vengroff and Jeffrey Scott Vitter.
I/O-efficient scientific computation using TPIE.
In Proceedings of the Fifth NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems
and Technologies, pages II:553-570, September 1996.
See also earlier version vengroff:efficient.
- vengroff:thesis:
Darren Erik Vengroff.
The Theory and Practice of I/O-Efficient Computation.
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Science, Brown University, Providence, RI,
April 1996.
- vengroff:tpie-man:
Darren Erik Vengroff.
TPIE user
manual and reference.
Available on the WWW at http://www.cs.duke.edu/~dev/tpie_home_page.html,
January 1995.
Alpha release.
- venugopal:delays:
C. R. Venugopal and S. S. S. P. Rao.
Impact of delays in parallel I/O system: An empirical study.
In Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Symposium on High
Performance Distributed Computing, pages 490-499. IEEE Computer Society
Press, August 1996.
- vetsch:visiblehuman:
S. Vetsch, V. Messerli, O. Figueiredo, B. Gennart, R.D. Hersch, L. Bovisi, R.
Welz, L. Bidaut, and O. Ratib.
Visible human slice
http://visiblehuman.epfl.ch/, 1998.
A web site giving access to 2D views of a 3D scan of a human body.
- vilayannur:caching:
Murali Vilayannur, Anand Sivasubramaniam, Mahmut Kandemir, Rajeev Thakur, and
Robert Ross.
Discretionary caching for I/O on clusters.
In Proceedings of the Third IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster
Computing and the Grid, pages 96-103, Tokyo, Japan, May 2003. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- vilayannur:posix-pvfs:
Murali Vilayannur, Robert B. Ross, Philip H. Carns, Rajeev Thakur, and Anand
On the performance of the posix i/o interface to
In 12th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based
Processing (PDP'04), pages 332 - 339, Coruna, Spain, February 2004.
IEEE Computer Society Press.
- vitter:jprefetch:
Jeffrey Scott Vitter and P. Krishnan.
Optimal prefetching via data compression.
In Foundations of Computer Science, pages 121-130, 1991.
See also earlier version vitter:prefetch.
- vitter:optimal:
Jeffrey Scott Vitter and Elizabeth A. M. Shriver.
Optimal disk I/O with parallel block transfer.
In Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing
(STOC '90), pages 159-169, May 1990.
- vitter:parmem1:
Jeffrey Scott Vitter and Elizabeth A. M. Shriver.
Algorithms for parallel memory I: Two-level memories.
Algorithmica, 12(2/3):110-147, August and September 1994.
See also earlier version vitter:parmem1-tr.
- vitter:parmem1-tr:
Jeffrey Scott Vitter and Elizabeth A. M. Shriver.
Algorithms for parallel memory I: Two-level memories.
Technical Report CS-93-01, Dept. of Computer Science, Duke University,
January 1993.
A summary appears in STOC '90. Revised version of Brown CS-92-04. Appeared in
Algorithmica August 1994.
See also later version vitter:parmem1.
- vitter:parmem2:
Jeffrey Scott Vitter and Elizabeth A. M. Shriver.
Algorithms for parallel memory II: Hierarchical multilevel
Algorithmica, 12(2/3):148-169, August and September 1994.
See also earlier version vitter:parmem2-tr.
- vitter:parmem2-tr:
Jeffrey Scott Vitter and Elizabeth A. M. Shriver.
Algorithms for parallel memory II: Hierarchical multilevel
Technical Report CS-93-02, Dept. of Computer Science, Duke University,
January 1993.
A summary appears in STOC '90. Revised version of Brown CS-92-05. Appeared in
Algorithmica 12(2,3).
See also later version vitter:parmem2.
- vitter:prefetch:
Jeffrey Scott Vitter and P. Krishnan.
Optimal prefetching via data compression.
Technical Report CS-91-46, Brown University, July 1991.
A summary appears in FOCS '91.
See also later version vitter:jprefetch.
- vitter:summary:
Jeffrey Scott Vitter.
Efficient memory access in large-scale computation.
In Proceedings of the 1991 Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer
Science (STACS '91), volume 480 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 26-41, Berlin, 1991. Springer-Verlag.
- vitter:survey:
Jeffrey Scott Vitter.
External memory algorithms and data structures: dealing with massive
In Abello and Vitter [abello:dimacs], pages
- vitter:uniform:
Jeffrey Scott Vitter and Mark H. Nodine.
Large-scale sorting in uniform memory hierarchies.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 17(1-2):107-114,
January and February 1993.
- vms:stripe:
Digital Equipment Corporation.
VAX Disk Striping Driver for VMS, December 1989.
Order Number AA-NY13A-TE.
- voelker:coop:
Geoffrey M. Voelker, Eric J. Anderson, Tracy Kimbrel, Michael J. Feeley,
Jeffrey S. Chase, Anna R. Karlin, and Henry M. Levy.
Implementing cooperative prefetching and caching in a
globally-managed memory system.
In Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Measurement and
Modeling of Computer Systems, pages 33-43. ACM Press, June 1998.
- vydyanathan:pipeline:
N. Vydyanathan, G. Khanna, T. Kurc, U. Catalyurek, P. Wyckoff, J. Saltz, P.
Sadayappan Naga Vydyanathan, Gaurav Khana, Tahsin M Kurc, Umit V Catalyurek,
Pete Wyckoff, Joel H Saltz, and P. (Saday) Sadayappan.
Use of PVFS for efficient execution of jobs with
pipeline-shared I/O.
In R Buyya, editor, Proceedings of the 5th IEEE/ACM International Workshop
on Grid Computing, pages 235-242, Pittsburgh, PA, November 2004. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- waltz:database:
David L. Waltz.
Innovative massively parallel AI applications.
In Proceedings of the 1993 DAGS/PC Symposium, pages 132-138, Hanover,
NH, June 1993. Dartmouth Institute for Advanced Graduate Studies.
- wang:paging:
Kuei Yu Wang and Dan C. Marinescu.
An analysis of the paging activity of parallel programs, part I:
Correlation of the paging activity of individual node programs in the SPMD
execution mode.
Technical Report CSD-TR-94-042, Purdue University, June 1994.
- wang:workload:
Feng Wang, Qin Xin, Bo Hong, Scott A. Brandt, Ethan L. Miller, Darrell D. E.
Long, and Tyce T. McLarty.
File system
workload analysis for large scale scientific computing
In Proceedings of the Twentieth IEEE/Eleventh NASA Goddard Conference on
Mass Storage Systems and Technologies, College Park, MD, April 2004.
IEEE Computer Society Press.
- watson:hpss:
Richard W. Watson and Robert A. Coyne.
parallel I/O architecture of the high-performance storage system
In Proceedings of the Fourteenth IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage
Systems, pages 27-44. IEEE Computer Society Press, September 1995.
- weissman:smart:
Jon B. Weissman.
file objects: A remote file access paradigm.
In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 89-97, Atlanta, GA, May 1999. ACM
- wickremesinghe:active-storage:
Rajiv Wickremesinghe, Jeffrey S. Chase, and Jeffrey S. Vitter.
Distributed computing with load-managed active storage.
In Proceedings of the Eleventh IEEE International Symposium on High
Performance Distributed Computing, pages 24-34, Edinburgh, Scotland,
2002. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- wiebalck:enbd:
Arne Wiebalck, Peter T. Breuer, Volker Lindenstruth, and Timm M. Steinbeck.
Fault-tolerant distributed mass storage for lhc
In Proceedings of the Third IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster
Computing and the Grid, pages 266-275, Tokyo, Japan, May 2003. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- wilkes:autoraid:
John Wilkes, Richard Golding, Carl Staelin, and Tim Sullivan.
The HP AutoRAID hierarchical storage system.
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 14(1):108-136, February
See also earlier version wilkes:autoraid-sosp.
See also later version wilkes:bautoraid.
- wilkes:autoraid-sosp:
John Wilkes, Richard Golding, Carl Staelin, and Tim Sullivan.
The HP AutoRAID hierarchical storage system.
In Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems
Principles, pages 96-108, Copper Mountain, CO, December 1995. ACM
See also later version wilkes:autoraid.
- wilkes:bautoraid:
John Wilkes, Richard Golding, Carl Staelin, and Tim Sullivan.
hierarchical storage system.
In Hai Jin, Toni Cortes, and Rajkumar Buyya, editors, High Performance Mass
Storage and Parallel {I/O}: Technologies and Applications,
chapter 7, pages 90-106. IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2001.
See also earlier version wilkes:autoraid.
- wilkes:datamesh:
John Wilkes.
DataMesh- scope and objectives: a commentary.
Technical Report HP-DSD-89-44, Hewlett-Packard, July 1989.
See also later version wilkes:datamesh1.
- wilkes:datamesh1:
John Wilkes.
DataMesh research project, phase 1.
In Proceedings of the USENIX File Systems Workshop, pages 63-69, May
See also earlier version wilkes:datamesh.
- wilkes:datamesh2:
John Wilkes.
The DataMesh research project.
In P. Welch et al., editor, Transputing '91, pages 547-533. IOS
Press, 1991.
- wilkes:houses:
John Wilkes.
DataMesh, house-building, and distributed systems technology.
ACM Operating Systems Review, 27(2):104-108, April 1993.
See also earlier version wilkes:datamesh1.
See also later version wilkes:lessons.
- wilkes:lessons:
John Wilkes.
DataMesh, house-building, and distributed systems technology.
In Proceedings of the 1993 DAGS/PC Symposium, pages 1-5, Hanover, NH,
June 1993. Dartmouth Institute for Advanced Graduate Studies.
See also earlier version wilkes:houses.
- willeman:pario:
Ray Willeman, Susan Phillips, and Ron Fargason.
An integrated library for parallel processing: The input/output
In Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers
and Applications, pages 573-575, Monterey, CA, 1989. Golden Gate
Enterprises, Los Altos, CA.
- wisniewski:in-place:
Leonard F. Wisniewski.
Structured permuting in place on parallel disk systems.
In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 128-139, Philadelphia, May 1996. ACM
- wisniewski:mpiio:
Len Wisniewski, Brad Smisloff, and Nils Nieuwejaar.
I/O: Efficient I/O for parallel applications.
In Proceedings of SC99: High Performance Networking and Computing,
Portland, OR, November 1999. ACM Press and IEEE Computer Society Press.
- wisniewski:sun-mpi-io:
Len Wisniewski, Brad Smisloff, and Nils Nieuwejaar.
I/O: Efficient I/O for parallel applications, November
- witkowski:hyper-fs:
Andrew Witkowski, Kumar Chandrakumar, and Greg Macchio.
Concurrent I/O system for the hypercube multiprocessor.
In Proceedings of the Third Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers
and Applications, pages 1398-1407, Pasadena, CA, 1988. ACM Press.
- wolf:dasd:
Joel L. Wolf, Philip S. Yu, and Hadas Shachnai.
DASD dancing: A disk load balancing optimization scheme for
video-on-demand computer systems.
In Proceedings of the 1995 ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and
Modeling of Computer Systems, pages 157-166, May 1995.
- wolman:iobench:
Barry L. Wolman and Thomas M. Olson.
IOBENCH: a system independent IO benchmark.
Computer Architecture News, 17(5):55-70, September 1989.
- womble:intro:
David E. Womble and David S. Greenberg.
Parallel I/O: An introduction.
Parallel Computing, 23(4):403-417, June 1997.
- womble:outofcore:
David Womble, David Greenberg, Rolf Riesen, and Stephen Wheat.
Out of core, out of mind: Practical parallel I/O.
In Proceedings of the Scalable Parallel Libraries Conference, pages
10-16, Mississippi State University, October 1993.
- womble:pario:
David Womble, David Greenberg, Stephen Wheat, and Rolf Riesen.
Beyond core: Making parallel computer I/O practical.
In Proceedings of the 1993 DAGS/PC Symposium, pages 56-63, Hanover,
NH, June 1993. Dartmouth Institute for Advanced Graduate Studies.
- womble:special-issue:
David E. Womble and David S. Greenberg.
Parallel I/O.
Parallel Computing, 23(4):iii, June 1997.
Introduction to a special issue.
- wong:benchmarks:
Parkson Wong and Rob F Van der Wijngaart.
NAS parallel benchmarks I/O version 2.4.
Technical Report NAS-03-002, Computer Sciences Corporation, NASA Advanced
Supercomputing (NAS) Division, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA
94035-1000, January 2003.
- woodward:scivi:
Paul R. Woodward.
Interactive scientific visualization of fluid flow.
IEEE Computer, 26(10):13-25, October 1993.
- worringen:improving:
Joachim Worringen, Jesper Larsson Träff, and Hubert Ritzdorf.
Improving generic non-contiguous file access for
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2840:309-318, October 2003.
- worringen:non-contiguous:
Joachim Worringen, Jesper Larson Träff, and Hubert Ritzdorf.
parallel non-contiguous file access.
In Proceedings of SC2003: High Performance Networking and Computing,
Phoenix, AZ, November 2003. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- worringen:sci-io:
Joachim Worringen.
Efficient parallel I/O on SCI connected
In IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing. CLUSTER 2000,
pages 371-372, Chemnitz, Germany, December 2000. Los Alamitos, CA, USA :
IEEE Comput. Soc, 2000.
- wu:noncontiguous:
Jiesheng Wu, Pete Wyckoff, and Dhabaleswar Panda.
Supporting efficient noncontiguous access in PVFS over
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Cluster
Computing, pages 344-351, Hong Kong, China, December 2003. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- wu:thrashing:
Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu, and James Z. Teng.
Performance comparison of thrashing control policies for concurrent
mergesorts with parallel prefetching.
In Proceedings of the 1993 ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and
Modeling of Computer Systems, pages 171-182, 1993.
- yamamoto:astronomical:
Naotaka Yamamoto, Osama Tatebe, and Satoshi Sekiguchi.
and distributed astronomical data analysis on grid datafarm.
In R Buyya, editor, 5th International Workshop on Grid Computing,
pages 461-466, Pittsburgh, PA, November 2004. IEEE Computer Society
- yang:construction:
Chao-Tung Yang, Chien-Tung Pan, Kuan-Ching Li, and Wen-Kui Chang.
On construction of a large file system using
PVFS for grid.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3320:860-863, December 2004.
- yokota:nets:
Haruo Yokota.
DR-Nets: Data-reconstruction networks for highly reliable parallel disk
In Proceedings of the IPPS '94 Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel
Computer Systems, pages 105-116. Japan Advanced Institute of Science
and Technology (JAIST), April 1994.
Also appeared in Computer Architecture News 22(4).
See also later version yokota:nets-book.
- yokota:nets-book:
Haruo Yokota and Yasuyuki Mimatsu.
A scalable disk system with data reconstruction functions.
In Jain et al. [iopads-book], chapter 16,
pages 353-372.
See also earlier version yokota:nets.
- youssef:thesis:
Rachad Youssef.
RAID for mobile computers.
Master's thesis, Carnegie Mellon University Information Networking Institute,
August 1995.
Available as INI-TR 1995-3.
- yu:modeling:
S. Yu, M. Winslett, J. Lee, and X. Ma.
Automatic and
portable performance modeling for parallel I/O: A machine-learning
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 30(3):3-5, December
- yu:trading:
Xiang Yu, Benjamin Gum, Yuqun Chen, Randolph Y. Wang, Kai Li, Arvind
Krishnamurthy, and Thomas E. Anderson.
Trading capacity for performance in a disk array.
In Proceedings of the 2000 Symposium on Operating Systems Design and
Implementation, pages 243-258, San Diego, October 2000. USENIX
- zabback:reorg:
Peter Zabback, Ibrahim Onyuksel, Peter Scheuermann, and Gerhard Weikum.
Database reorganization in parallel disk arrays with I/O service
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 10(5):855-858,
September/October 1998.
- zajcew:osf1:
Roman Zajcew, Paul Roy, David Black, Chris Peak, Paulo Guedes, Bradford Kemp,
John LoVerso, Michael Leibensperger, Michael Barnett, FaraMarz Rabii, and
Durriya Netterwala.
An OSF/1 UNIX for massively parallel multicomputers.
In Proceedings of the 1993 Winter USENIX Technical Conference, pages
449-468, January 1993.
- zhang:n-spek:
Ming Zhang and Qing Yang.
Performability evaluation of networked storage systems using
In Workshop on Parallel I/O in Cluster Computing and Computational
Grids, pages 736-741, Tokyo, May 2003. IEEE Computer Society Press.
Organized at the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the
Grid 2003.
- zhou:greedy:
Xinrong Zhou and Tong Wei.
A greedy I/O scheduling method in the storage system of
In Workshop on Parallel I/O in Cluster Computing and Computational
Grids, pages 712-717, Tokyo, May 2003. IEEE Computer Society Press.
Organized at the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the
Grid 2003.
- zhou:threads:
Yuanyuan Zhou, Limin Wang, Douglas W. Clark, and Kai Li.
scheduling for out-of-core applications with memory server on
In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and
Distributed Systems, pages 57-67, Atlanta, GA, May 1999. ACM
- zhu:case-study:
Y. F. Zhu, H. Jiang, X. Qin, and D. Swanson.
A case study of parallel i/o for biological sequence search on linux
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Cluster
Computing, pages 308-315, Hong Kong, China, December 2003. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- zhu:ceft-pvfs:
Yifeng Zhu, Hong Jiang, Xiao Qin, Dan Feng, and David R. Swanson.
Improved read performance in a cost-effective, fault-tolerant
parallel virtual file system (CEFT-PVFS).
In Workshop on Parallel I/O in Cluster Computing and Computational
Grids, pages 730-735, Tokyo, May 2003. IEEE Computer Society Press.
Organized at the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the
Grid 2003.